
CRank: 5Score: 57660

I had a friend that had 4 RROD's in like 3 years and still bought a 5th one. He bought each one and never sent them in for some reason. After two I would have been done with it personally.

929d ago 14 agree17 disagreeView comment

Looks extremely good. I'm defrinlty interested.

929d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope I probably won't be. I thought it was gonna be better after the pc and ps5 alpha tests I tried. I mainly got it to play with friends and they don't want to play anymore either. The bots are trash so it's kinda a dead end for me.

929d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah I feel like even if I finished the game I wouldn't go back and beat it again. Like nope.

929d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Interesting but I feel like this game won't make it too long. I had no ambition to finish act 2, it just feels boring and repetitive.

929d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment

Buying a third party publisher, forcing a microphone and camera as well as always online DRM and no game trading. Those were all anti consumer. Whos idea was that? Not playstation. Maybe the $10 price increase was to continue paying their employees through the inflation were in because of bad political policies and the increase in quality game creation. Idk maybe that's good consumer practices.

930d ago 27 agree19 disagreeView comment

It looked really good and like more dark souls, which is really good. Idk why people expect anything different. I feel like the summons were super OP though so idk about that part.

930d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I almost think they will never put this game on pc. I'd think spiderman in the avengers game on pc would be way before this game goes to PC.

931d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

I still think a lot of the dates are either placeholders or they used to be right a year or so ago and now everything has shifted due to games being pushed back a year or so. I don't think playstation games were meant to release 3 or so months after ps5 or we'd already see some of them released for pc right now like ratchet and clank and demons souls or returnal. Maybe they were right like if horizon forbidden west did release this year but it got pushed back. Just no one should take ...

932d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll defend porkchop in this where he never said he does that or didn't understand it either. Of course everyone knows why they do this, but the critical information or at least the headline should be answered quickly and briefly, followed by supporting information. Same exact way a college paper is written with a thesis statement first, followed by supporting evidence.

932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds good, I wonder if the duelsense will be implemented for the ps5 version as well.

933d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It was a fool saying this game destroyed every playstation game from this year and last year. I told him demons souls and the last of us 2 got higher scores and he cussed everyone out.

933d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I canceled my pre-order after the pre-order and open betas last month. It felt terrible and I kept getting that white flash glitch. I was scared if would damage my TV or system.

933d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

And the funny thing you all stated is games that are too similar should be rated lower. All the reviewers i saw do reviews for this on youtube said its essentially the same as FH4. Almost all the same cars, the same modes, different Vista, but most of the same. By your definition this game should have aower review score on metacritic. And yes, there are biases.

Edit* and this is the last thing I'll say. Coming out of a generation where Xbox made 0 new IP and essentially...

933d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

When it's against a certain publisher it is. Let's be real, if Sony fully published deathloop, especially with a white male protagonist, it would have gotten 6s and 7s. That's the issue. Certain publishers get different grades depending on who reviews it. I even saw some people say that Microsoft perfected deathloop. A game they hardly even touched. Bethesda gets the credit on that game. But if Sony published it, you would have seen some people say it was a clone of dishonored.

933d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

@dumahim Plenty of reviews lowered their scores just like far cry 6 over samey stuff. Look down the list.

933d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

So a 2/10 review score on metacritic for rift apart is not review bombed for being samey and childesh cartoon graphics? The same outlet said psychonauts 2 graphics were best in class.

933d ago 14 agree6 disagreeView comment

They do have a right, the problem is they pick and choose when their metrics matter. It's not just this game, it looks amazing. It really does, but you can't have a different formula for different publishers with reviews.

933d ago 9 agree14 disagreeView comment

Same with a far cry game, but it got destroyed.
Hell ratchet and clank rift apart got review bombed by several outlets for being samey. What's different here? Oh I know what's different.

933d ago 36 agree33 disagreeView comment

Looked better than I had hoped.

934d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment