CRank: 5Score: 670

Hardcore and casual are just marketing terms. The lines aren't really blurring as such moreso the two cultures a overlapping. I don't think that it's a case of the designers making games that are bluring the definition it's more of a case that they are seeing a the casual gaming markets increase and therefore supplying more money to making better games to capture the market. This is leading to better casual games.
Hardcore gamers will still play casual games and sometimes play them in...

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The indusry isn't dead, just rotting from the inside. As stated before all new ideas are being stamped out in favour of more "marketable" directions. I doubt Beatles Rock Band will start any new booms in the industry, nor will it set any new trends as these paths have been trodden before.

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously it's still a little early to be making claims of what game should be ranked the best of the year. From what i've read here (and there is alot) Red faction Guerilla shouldn't be GOTY.
Wither or not a game brings anything new to the table is irrelevant of how good of a game it is. While Crysis's destruction engine is vastly superior to the RFG, RFG did make it a more of a selling point of the game.
This in my opinion is where the game falls flat, because after a short ...

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What was the percentage of time trial races in the first dirt? I don't remember it being that high. There was alt of those rally raids and rally crosses. Still i agree that codemasters shift away from the traditional rally setup annoying and is opening up a position for a competitor to more into the market.

5386d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like it's been done before. There doesn't look as if Bizarre are bringing anything new to the table, but at least they are trying new things rather than hacking out another sequel of MSR.
While the arcade car racing market is in a bit of a slump at the moment i doubt Blur will set the world alight. They have to bring something new to the table otherwise it will become annoying rip off of Wipeout.
I wonder how they will go about the rubber banding of the AI. All arcade ga...

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you about Richard Burns Rally, but that game was way too hardcore for me. It definitely required a strong understanding of how to setup a rally car to enjoy it to the max. Punishingly hard races turned me off of it but after the way the Dirt is going i might have to go back and get myself accustomed to it.

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From what the review was saying it appears that Pikes peak is missing. If this is so i'll have to say that i'm a little disappointed. It definitely looks like the love child of Dirt 1 and Grid, not to say that this is a bad thing it's just seemed to be the natural progression of the title.
I can't sat that i'm exited about the X games flavour that i'm seeing. I think tony hawk proved that nobody cares about jackass anymore. Perhaps i'm wrong but still Skate fans and serious rally fans...

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this may come out a little morbid but i wouldn't mind having one of the characters die with conviction. I personally found it heart wrenching when Ago sacrifices his life (it is a he right?) so that Wanda could live to complete his quest. But my point is that having Agro appear at the end (abet one step closer to the glue factory) took a little away from this moment.
Yorda also made a grand sacrifice to save Ico only to wash ashore ready to eat watermelon. It's not that i'm dis...

5388d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure I'll get some vicious backlash for posting this but why is duke nukem 3D that great? I've played through it way back when it was first released and found it boring and immature. Very few of the weapons were useful in single player or multiplayer. Like Doom there have been many games since it that have been more memorable and Duke should be left back in the 90's where he belongs. Besides there isn't a new Evil Dead movie that 3D realms can rip off of yet.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think that time is really a problem (thought anything under a year apart is a little short) I don't care how long of a time there is between release dates as long as the sequel feels like an sequel and not an update of the last game or an expansion pack. It's a little hard for publishers to as gamers to pay full price for a games that isn't that much different from the last.
On a side note, I feel that Blizzard have taken way too long on releasing Starcraft 2 as many have gott...

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand why nintendo did this it's not 1939 anymore and Gone with the wind wasn't censored. It's not like they have to big slabs of game so they can pass the censors. (unlike just about every Rockstar game)
It just seems like a precautionary act, and a rather pathetic one at that.

5389d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's extremely easy to kill anything that has little association to yourself. Be they faceless soldiers or ravenous mutants providing that the gamer has little sympathy towards their victim they will happily go on their violent killing spree without mercy.
Also it doesn't help that the enemy has absolute desire to murder you despite the fact that you're carrying a rocket launcher and you've despatched 15 of his/hers comrades 30 seconds ago. Enemy AI in computer games have no self pres...

5390d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have to say it would be hilarious to see some of the dodgy disney characters facing off against some the more nasty capcom characters. Personally characters like Mickey's shy sweetness vs Bison's (Vega in Japan) psycho crusher, I'm giggling at the thought of it.
Soooo sad that a tittle like this would never see the light of day. We can only wish.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've enjoyed Wipeout from day one. It's always been of the highest quality and through time has developed a much shallower learning curve. Unfortunately i haven't at this stage purchased a PS3 but i know that wipeout will be the first game that i get for it.

As to why not many people buy wipeout is because it's always been a niche title. This may not be helped by how criminally hard it was when it was first released. It is also a sad state of affairs that every yutz is focusing...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is always problems when another gender takes part in what is traditionally seen as the other genders department. I have dabbled in activities that girls like and met girls who are interested in computer games and other traditionally things boyish.

From my experiences that i have come across. First it's seen as strange. then the disbelief of their abilities in the department, shortly followed by taunting. This is then followed by the mind set of "hey they're into the sam...

5394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't see why this is a topic marketers have been doing this stuff forever be it video game, movie, or bag of chips. If you give people the feeling that the product has approval by someone in the know then the unenlightened will most likely sway towards the product. It's a cheap and easy way of moving products to those who do know or don't care what they are buying. It's especially funny when they put stickers of games reversers that you have never heard of or are blantantly biased towards ...

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's strange alot of the posting on this section is PS3 biased, i just wiki'd (not that wiki is the most reputable source of info, but it's clearly more research than what has been displayed on this page) the world wide sales and 360 sales are ahead by close to 7 million units.

Focusing on where you win battles raises questions on your whole argument. I personally don't have a preference in which console i have both seem to be more or less pushing the same crap with different wrapp...

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I think it comes down to world wide fan service. Mixing characters from 2 popular universes is always a recipe for success. Look at Smash Brothers, Capcom vs SNK, Mario and Sonic at Bejing. If you blend 2 or more popular franchises, prepare to make some serious money.

Though I'd admit that all game cross-overs sell well, but if they are treated with some respect and are competent in the play department then the loyal fans are more than happy to overlook any failures tha...

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd imagine that nintendo would consider an reduction in the price only when their sales start to decline but while they're making hand over fist sales there isn't a reason for them to capitalize on their advantage.
While they have a monopoly in the motion control knobhead market (admit it you feel like a twat waving your hands around pretending to play sport) there isn't a reason for nintendo to change the price of the Wii.

5395d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see what the problem is for space i can fit my slim line PS2 with all it's games (games put into a DVD folder) and 2 controllers into a satchel bag approximately the size of and xbox 360. The only the problem is that i have to unpack it when i want to play it. I feel this is a small price to pay for the guaranty of the games working. I'd rather have a console that does what it's supposed to do rather than a console that mimics what it's supposed to do.

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment