
CRank: 5Score: 6490

Add that to Turok right? You must hate this game too since the graphics suck like Turok's did...

I love how every game that gets owned by 360 is suddenly a "horrible game" for the PS3 what if 360 gets MGS4?

Fall B3hind

5976d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They complain that this "sex scene"is so horrible....
hmm really?......

Oh! by the way... its nice to see all videogamers (xbox ps3 wii) unite against these sh!tty fake news channels.

5982d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank god that P$3 hates every game that gets owned by the 360 (only games left? resistance and ratchet & clank).

"OOH we'll be playing killzone 2 in 2050", thats cool kid....

Play B3hind

sorry, im required to dis' on 500 losers with a ps3 every day....too bad no-one owns that 3rd place product..

5987d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

Way I see it is keep it even. If the settings are low on 360 then why give special treatment for the ps3? I thought Ps3 had amazing graphics anyway? If ps3 is supposedly such a power house then why is it so close to looking like what you call "toy story" graphics on the Xbox 360.

Those kids crying about Ps3 need to calm down and learn to play fair.
If you ps3 kids wanna get taken seriously, then they need to make sense.

"thats not fair! Give...

5992d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can't see peace. There has always been name calling between 360 and PS3.
"Toy Story Graphics" for PS3 and "have fun waiting for KZ2, Im going to go play Halo 3" for the Xbox 360 crowd.

The Fact of the matter is Ive invested too much time defending the 360 and shunning the PS3 (until prices get lower..and Killzone).

For me to stop after all of this commitment hating PS3 would be like buying a stereo driving halfway, then leaving it by th...

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is 2008 really gonna suck that much? Wow.
Well its ok us Xbots had 2007 (Halo 3,Bioshock,Mass Effect)

Now its Sony's turn to deliver the long promised goods for 08'(Killzone 2,MGS4 and..I thinks there's another game just announced).Seriously though "little big planet" is not a game worth adding to the PS3 big hits list, its like calling Solitare a RTS.

It reminds me of "Small Arm's", the arcade download on Xbox.

Whats l...

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not likely , but if it does the same stuff that zune or PSP do good (wmv,avi and mp3 support), then maybe it'd be a good buy. Why 720? maybe this will be the first HD Portable gaming system.

Sure hope this is the news. Either a new PSP (not a redesign) or the first Microsoft portable. PSP was a close run with PS2 graphics in 05' but now with PS3 its one step behind they're promise of current gen graphics. And DS? please, now its emulating a 64...its the year 07' isnt it. I kno...

6104d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

totally sorry bout that I thought it was only 360 site before.Thanks.

Still, Im continuing my war against all PS3 news.

6157d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've been so busy defending Ps3 that you cant even talk about the game the comments are being posted on.

But I suppose it's time I take back what was once mine. This website use to be called xbox 360 news back in 05-06. Then we thought "hey why not widen our audience?". The name changed to N4G or as I like to call it N4PS3FLAMEWARS. And ever since I've had to deal with PS3 people going to my xbox 360 news and saying "KZ2FTW".

So as of now I...

6157d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would be so much funnier if it became a Ps3 exclusive then all the Ps3 Sh!ts came over and started saying "dude whatever the professionals say is wrong we have to wait and see..."

Actually "wait and see" is a better phrase for Ps3

Once again this is revenge for Ps3 Sh!ts going to news that has nothing to do with them then calling people like me "Xbots" or "power rangers"...hmm ya this coming from people excited to play n...

6160d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry ive been waiting for weeks to use that quote...sorry

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2,MGS4 and Grand Turismo 5 ,I know we will have competition with PS3 when Killzone comes out, but seriously, SERIOUSLY, thats it?

I'd sell my PS3 while it's till looks good and new. But im impatient and bought the first "next-gen" console on the market.

Come on...

P.S. This comment is mostly revenge for PS3 sh!ts going to 360 news (both good, and bad news) then "flaming" us.

by the way the word "flam...

6161d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dont buy a whole new computer for billions just buy it for 360 trust me you'll be much happier

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im guessing that most people who played doom were around the age of 17-20 right? People playing GTA in 2001 were probably even older around 19-30. These politicians dont live forever right? (except for Zombie Hilary Clinton) Right about now people who were playing doom at age 7 are almost done in college. The key demographic that played doom (17-20)are probably around 31 or 34.

When all the old ones are done we will take over and pass the blame on to the new scapegoat most ...

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSP needs more than one little upgrade

I see no reason to get a new psp if the only real added function is video playback on televisions.

If anything i'd like to see it accept all movie and music formats by doing a simple drag and drop instead of ; PSP Video 9 ,then changing it to mp4, then moving it.

Gimme easier internet setup,mpeg and avi support,more visualizers,hard drive,camera (I live in America so we don't have them), multitasking (like mus...

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see no reason to get a new psp if the only real added function is video playback on televisions.

If anything i'd like to see it accept all movie and music formats by doing a simple drag and drop instead of ; PSP Video 9 ,then changing it to mp4, then moving it.

Gimme easier internet setup,mpeg and avi support,more visualizers,hard drive,camera (I live in America so we don't have them), multitasking (like music during slide show),more themes,louder speaker volum...

6178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will have more hype until they see the video then it'l fall into the ,bio-shock,call of duty 4,fear and timeshift catagory while Halo 3, Mario Galaxy and MGS4 still remain the three juggernauts.


Im totally in support of this game if it lives up to the cgi...

but then again I do have a brain...

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If sony does a playable demo of the same level during the E3 05' and it is played in bright daylight with same graphics or better, then I (and all xbox 360 owners) will buy a PS3 and throw away the 360'.

But if it isnt the same graphics, or its played in the dark, or if there's a night-vision only level (or any other ellaborate ways to hide the real graphics) ,then all Sony owners must shut up and stick a pinecone up they're ass for until the next playstation comes out.

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you saw the halo 3 cgi trailer and we all said "ya it's looks like that" then you guys..(sony lovers).. would jump out and say , "hey that's not fair its not real".

The only reason there are this many comments is because everytime I see someone sucking up to sony by putting advertisements like " Play B3yond"
or making up excuses like; "its a hole" it just pisses me off.

It wouldnt have been that big of a deal i...

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok so let me get this striaght...there was a cgi video in 2005 that developers said was real, we've been waiting for more footage of "gameplay" for two years...then we get an image in July of 2007 more than two years for a game that was supposedly all in-game and it looks worse than the "in-game" trailer in 2005? This is rediculous! At least we finally have proof that it was all cgi in 2005. But then I see Sony people saying "no its not a shadow, its a hole" or ...

6181d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment