CRank: 5Score: 2390

There probably won't be a marvel vs Capcom 3 because of EA. They bought the rights to Marvel years ago and Capcom won't have a chance at it again as long as EA holds it * even though they suck with the games*

But if the game looks this good in 2d with 3d enviorment or even if its a very fast paced 3d fighter....all I gotta say is " I just came!"

6055d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off the line up of both consoles in my opinion is weak. They have some hits and misses and both need to clean up. MS is only on the market big because they had that 1 year start and it has cost them big, for a console that hit about 9 million last year and for them to go ahead and state that they have only gotten 11.9 million last month is a huge! crush because ps3 and the wii are out.

Buying into MS stock would be ok for the next 2-3 months. THATS IT. It happens everyti...

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FINALLY a review that tells it all! I bought this game last night from a pre release in oregon at frys and got home sat down....beat it in 2 sittings of last night and this morning, story...boring..action was sub par from what bungie couldve done and the mulitplayer is so damn dissapointing and this is coming from a guy who played halo 2 for HOURS!...duel weilding has been dimmed down omg i could go on for hours...halo 3 is my most dissapointing title. ill go back to gears of war for better a...

6079d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

even though ps3 has only 2 killer aps laid out, well maybe 3 cause resistance was a hit as a release least it had more in 1 year than 360 had, people are compairing it to whats out for 360 now instead of what was out then. 360 had sh*t trust me I KNOW!

but between the two id still probably take the 3...just more WAY more possibilities and potential thats to be tapped. people are reporting beautiful games like Heavenly sword and Drakes fortune are 30 percent of its t...

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the family guy comment is hilarious.

anyway i wanna know what the hell this is! I mean we've heard of it since what? 05? I think its more or less gonna be afflicted with home so ppl will be taking pictures and such. If I really have to hunt something i dont think id play it.

And the graphics are amazing if I didn't know it was a game i would question if the animals were real.

6083d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anything they look too close to the same but the lighting is better on Sigma BUT HEY! While we are arguing or more like debating it shouldnt really F'n matter right? First off for the beta demo, its not done yet, as obvious and NG2 should look better since they've been workin on that for years. It better beat sigma in almost everyway, but so far its only a sliver better, well if I can even say better.

6085d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So while this game is original in its game play mechanics you would sit and play a boring ass FPS with terrible storyline, recycled gameplay,and to bioshock yes its fun, but has no replay value at all either you would still call this game bad? Wow from a guy who owns a 360 get a damn hobby and play this game before you knock it. This game is badass. PS3 is building up on fun games faster than Xbox did. I believe at this time in xbox 360s life it had probably 2 fun games, FEAR, and Gears.

6085d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude this game is 1 a helluva b*tch to beat because it really is difficult with its AI, Ive never had a game that I shoot an arrow at someone and they try their best to dodge it.

2. Almost all games you play now a days are 7-10 hrs so why are you guys b*tching so god da** much?

HELL I beat halo 2 in about 8 hrs, Ive beaten Gears of war in 5, I beat bullet witch in 4, Darkness in 9, the list goes on there aren't many long games out there for a reason, either it ...

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Snake has always been the better, fisher is ok but hes not true espionage in my opinion. Besides snake can do anything sam can do . And does it better!

6086d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kenjix kick yourself for saying " who knew they'd be making a sequal" its been in the works since the first NG.

2, this looks ok graphically but not better than sigma sorry thats just not true to those in denial i watched this closely. BUT this is an alpha version just to get ppl hyped for next year.

3. Dude cmon an xbox exclusive? Yeah right, sigma 2 will be Gaiden 2, this will just come out first. No way they can ignore the great sales they got on p...

6086d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude I destroyed Gears of war in 5 hrs, and this game is about the same if not the same. The game does have replay value to unlock all the special features and there will be online content down the line. Even if this game doesn't sell well for 60 bucks if it goes greatest hits soon itll sell then like god of war 1 did..........CAUSE THAT was hell short. STILL , this is a great game, no 360 owner can even deny that

6087d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Unless your just a hell bent ass taking this from a guy who owns the game, it isnt THAT short. I'm having a helluva time around 7 hrs right now. Sh** at least its not like gears of war...F'n 4 hr game

6089d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I barely give a damn about Ninja Gaiden being a 360 exclusive but!....thats pretty damn stupid considering they made a HELL of a lot of money on the ps3 with sigma in just 2 weeks. They'd be stupid not to try the I am thinking sigma 2 or just a timed exclusive

6090d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a 360 and a ps3. personally I feel the sixaxis is more suited for a game like this, more power to the person who can play a game like this for the box. it me or is it a fact that most people who have xboxs probably won't even look twice at this game? I remember when 3 came out no xbox fanboy or just a regular box player wanted it.

6096d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

is that games like fatal fury, guilty gear, and king of fighters are on PSN and Xbox live.
My thing is, if you wanna bring it out, why not " tweak" it. A new character here or two with a clean up of the graphics with online play and just put out Marvel vs Capcom : Gold edition or something! Man thatd be the shizznat!

Now if someone puts Killer Instinct on somethin <_< >_>

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cause this just happend to me 10 minutes ago muah ha

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Drrage, wth man, you step in and out of the boards just to try to prove your so called point. You listed

Mass Effect
Lost Odyssey
Project Gotham Racing 4
Eternal Sonata
Beautiful Katamari


Ok so mass effect may get held back till next year, its already been said, PG4 also, and Sonata MAY or May not go to ps3, its still up in the air and is already getting bad reviews due to the story sucking ass and behind repetitiv...

6097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ROCKS. Way better look then what the store has now. But they have been saying its getting redesign, now im looking forward to see if they will have something as badass

6127d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I think the price drop shouldve been around Xmas OR on the same day or week as Halo 3, it wouldve helped sells.

But in reality I think 50 bucks is sucky, that aint really much at all, thats worse than the psps "Price drop" to 170 lol

Any who, going into this dumb console war bs. 2008 WILL be the year we start seeing the real product of all 3 consoles.

ps3 is looking most impressive in the early run, not to take away from 360 I ju...

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does everyone want a 7 remake? Theyve done sequels, prequels, and cell phone games! What would be different but the graphics? lol

FF 12 was actually, if not close to the EXACT! same story as 6, except they had politics. I think 10 and 12 rocked as far as ones after 7 PERSONALLY. Better than most RPGs

6127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment