CRank: 5Score: 1520

Fist lest state this as fact. It is not the same engine. This engine is for multi console ports. Is it not? I believe in all my wisdom that this is a engine that is dumbed down to be able to produce multiple games on and for deferent hardware at once.

I have come to this conclusion based off of the two games I have bought from this company. For the pc version to be truly a PC title. It will need more time and effort to combat the old problems of the past two engines. I...

5180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds like a port to me. Just look at the signs. I bought both of their games and I don't think this one will be more optimized than the other. It's going to be a port, just read between the lines, so get ready for it. How are they going to optimized three games for three systems? And the hardest one being the pc version, on their time and budget. I liked both of their games, but this one will be a port ONLY BECAUSE they are making 1. console versions. 2. MOSTLY TO ALL COMPANY port ev...

5181d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

FAN BOYS, FAN BOYS, I plead to thee! Lay down thy swords! Your kings watch as you sever limbs of intellects,and bicker over who's waggle is more responsive. They hold and summon thy feelings like wenches!! Only to molest your wallets tenders. They've unleashed thee darkest of plaques, THE BLACK DUMBNESS!! It spreads like, field of dried timber! Killing off thy common senses. They care not for the proud virtual warrior, as you are expendable in their path of conquer and conquest. Open tho...

5234d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked this game until I just got sick of world war 2 games. I love modern combat a lot so here's to it being a great comeback. I hope it is very good. Good luck MOH.

5277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now they just need to fix the damn C130 from flying right own its own when your hitching a ride in it on take off, and then crashing into the trees down range after take off. Fix that and I will be Ok with the game even more.

5277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So much DESTRUCTION. On dedicated servers. Man o man this game will tilt the scale in DICE'S favor for king in the shooter department of 2010. Good job again DICE. First day grab for me.

5304d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know this is the problem with 360 and ps3 fanboys. Also little kids. They do not know anything about the industry that they give their money to, to support. Plus if they are getting sh*ted on, they are so willing to take it, because they are soo much of a follower, too deep behind another follower, fighting for someone or some corporation that would F@*K them for a buck and a box of cookies. Like some one said above, you need to know what and who your supporting.

Do y...

5320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

BF2, is the reason why I bought a computer in 2006. And I will never forgot why I learned to play with the keyboard and mouse and not a game pad. I kept getting owned. Now other's get owned. Madd love DICE. I will purchase this game for the PC and BF3.

5320d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

TOO MANY FANBOYS!! The game is a good one. I admit. The controls to me are acceptable, but in my opinion it needs a center reset button, or it clicks in once you start running. I like the game,
but some of you guys are grabbing your ankles over this game, and it is sad. To argue about it is... I don't know man. If some one says it's a bad or garbage game, guess what, it's their OPINION! FREAKING CRAZY RIGHT!! I KNOW! who would of ever thought it works out like that?! So now Y...

5365d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew what I said was close to the truth! Check the history on this site for CALL OF DUTY you will find all kinds of goodies and you will find out that they were planning on and in the works of some new content around the summer time. And it never came out. So this game was DLC FIRST, then I assume they turned it into a full game with some tweaks. Second you will find if you look for it. About the quality of some game resolutions, they had this conversation before. They said in GERMA...

5403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The point is a lot of people care if they are giving US half ass materiel! Look at some of the other AAA titles. The developers worked there butts off with innovations to the game and did not over charge or jack up the price just because it's a sequel or was a hot game. Look at METAL GEAR SOLID 4, CRYSIS 1 and 2, GTA, FARCRY 2 these are just a few of the games that stood out. Oh lets not forget FIGHT NIGHT 4. They look very good and play good. To me a 60$ games is a investment. Plus ...

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust me the first thing I look at is how it looks compared to the old one. Second two years to make the full game yes. Answer this question for me, how many updates did this CODMW get? ONE! Even COD2 received more updates than that. They are big on DLC why the hault of content with one their biggest games then? So thats why I THOUGHT it might have been DLC at first. 3 I do believe the game looks good but not good enough NOW for the home systems. 4 they are doing ok with what I've s...

5405d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So your telling me that with all that money they made off of all of those games including CODMW and a few of their other top games. They couldn't have invested in making another game engine just for this game.
That could of ran it at a higher resolutions, including pushing out 60 frames per second or better. Yes the "GAMEPLAY" looks good and I'm going to get it "JUST FOR MP", but I do think that this game was intended for DLC first before it got bigger than exp...

5405d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thats right RAPE US while we are straped for cash!! Man these guys really know how to screw us, with the economy tea bagging our face. Tissue or breathment anyone?

5405d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the demo running on vista's ultimate 64. A intel q450 at 2.66 and two 280gtx in sli. My ram is 4gigs and I bumped and pushed every last specs they had up. At 1900x1200 with every thing max'ed I get 17fps and the game play only stutters a small amount. It's still very playable no hiccups and I have been on line with it, it's good to go. Maybe if I turn off my spyware I could push out some more frames? I'll also try and Push my cpu up and oc it just to 2.9 nothing major. It sho...

5435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clone after clone but the real deal has returned. Long live the KING!

5451d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game should come out. Me being ex military my self would love to show them what it is to do the dirty work of our nation. That also includes training and prepping for it too. I Give nothing but respect to those who fought in it, and gave it TRIER ALL, WHEN GIVEN THE ORDER TO DO SO. This can be better understood by showing our country what we do and did in time of peace and in war. Let the game come out or get published. We owe it to those who fell and who are still over there for u...

5453d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

First time seeing it. LOVED IT!! LOVED IT!! Flame wars was the best, and it prints money beach!! loved it keep it up.

5453d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they overhauled the MP side of the game. It's good but lets see how they are going to make it great. For the PC I want them to push the graphics more or let us push them more to 8AA OR 16AA. Thats something I would like to see.

5453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment