
CRank: 5Score: 6170

By now everyone knows the playstation fanbase in mostly made out of 100% retards with no life, money, perception of reality.......or anything else that might make their opinion relevant or credible. By now everyone should have learned to ignore them or just make fun of them. Writing an news article about them is simply moronic.

4725d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

They dont have to rerompensate in any way. Judging from the responses of the sony faithful they wont care if they continue on getting shafted for another 5 years. They have been paying for products with no substance, just ''potential'' for half a decade, seems like they are used to getting scammed by now.

4757d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment
4757d ago

Sooo 2 weeks of no (mediocre) online service yet when it does get back up another slow ass, useless firmware update? Incoming dozen new patches for gran turdismo 5 to?

Im starting to actually fell sorry for the noobs who purchased, still own this turd. Their fanboy judgment, taste at this point is beyond ignorant and rotten but still u have to pity them as their stuck with a genuine torture device. No wonder they gave this thing to prisoners a while back. Perfect punishment....

4757d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

Sony fanboys you seriously are beyond pathetic. Still crying ''everyone is against our corporation of choice'' when the same company is shating in the bowl you eating from.

4760d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

No not really, when RROD still existed there was a possibility you may have lost a potential 300$ or so (in most cases MS replaced it anyway). Sticking your CC number in the sony turd your potentially risking whatever the amount present on the card.

I cant believe there are people daft enough to still support this 3rd place console or the incompetent corporation that makes it. Oh no wait, nothing changed, its still a overhyped, overpriced money drain, people were already daft...

4762d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

PSN was a money sink ever since sony decided not to charge for it (than again why would anybody pay for this graveyard service to begin with?) but who knew it would end up costing them 24 billion dollars ROFL.

Sony clowns since your so far up sonys ass this is the right time to go one step forward and just give them all your life savings or something. Either that or move on to xbox.........or nintendo lolol.

4764d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Best looking console engine in 3 years and it actually plays great. lol @ the meltdowns

Dont worry sony tards, theres always next, next gen although im sure even if xbox720 is a reasonable upgrade hardware wise while sony decides to go down the wii road with the PS4 you clowns will still cry the entire world is against sony once media sites will state the obvious; xbox 720 games look better than ps4 games.

4800d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Killzone 3 has a slightly better image times. Thats about it.

Everything else is FAR superior on Crysis. First console shooter i played that felt like a crisp PC game (probably just on 360, dont know how crappy the ps3 version). U can argue its just because killzone artists were rescued from a life long of slavery in a rusty, abandoned coal factory and they have no imagination or talent but facts still stand, crysis2 in motion rips apart kz3.

4801d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah well after 5 years of sub par mulytplat ps3 games this is hardly shocking.

Sony devs should stop wasting budget on trying to squeeze out the last remaining drops of the powah of teh cellz. Part from retarded sony fanboys nobody cares or buys their 0.0001% better looking games. Concentrate on what real gamers want and thats gameplay. More ICos, Slys and less Gran Turdismo5s or Shaitzones please.

4807d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

Like all ps3 games (or just all console games in general) this would really be impressive if we were in 2007.

4817d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is like criticizing a mental institution. YOu know its patients have no real sense of reality or the ability to think rationally so why even pretend to take opinions deriving from it seriously?

kinda lol @ epic but in a way im glad even professional game developers are starting to notice the sony fanboys on this site are 100% retarded.

4817d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

At this point claiming theres something ''wrong'' with the ps3 version is either biased or inaccurate. Its the PS3 VERSION, its just inferior like wii games are inferior.

Lol @ sony tards blaming IGN instead of the 3rd place company that made this garbage console.

4819d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Still looks like the best looking ps3 game (not saying much) but damn the IQ is garbage compared to 360. Pointless to even compare to PC.

4820d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

So? Unless your a broke bum you should have a even average PC that can run the game incomparably better than oudated shit consoles.

And who the hell still buys/cares about ps3?

4824d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Killzone needs competition in order to fail? lol @ epic

4839d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

''I dont have the game, havent read the review yet the score confronts with my personal fanboy opinion that this is the best game EVAAAAAH! And OMG, how dare did they give it a lower score than any X microsoft game OMG it must be sony hate!!''

Sony fanboys even if the,[hurr]u cant spell IGNorant without IGN[/durr] stale joke may be true you brainwashed sheep still define ignorance in all its glory.

4846d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guerilla need to hire better artist and fire whichever hobo, that by the looks of it spend all his childhood locked in a abandoned grey and brown factory, is in charge of the current bland, MGS4 like visual design. Someone with at least a drop of creativity so the franchise doesnt only appeal to your average lifeless sony basement dweller. Game looks average and generic as fuck.

Gameplay looks like a lost cause though.

4846d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

DOnt think thats aimed at the real one but isnt there a ''obama'' posting on these boards? Nothing shocking then, figured as much even sony fanboys hate that retard.

4859d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I seriously feel sorry for sony. They really are clueless at pretty much everything this gen. Way to go poking in the hornets hive.

Although safe to say their fanboys have taken the lead from them in the retard race.

''Get em sony!!! Sue the bastards!! If that doesnt help take out even more features that people payed for!!''

4869d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment