
CRank: 5Score: 9850

Man, this guy is a genius . . . /s

3694d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It looks like a good game. What's there to argue? If this game was on the PS4, you guys would be giving it more credit than you are. The Wii U has some great features. Still not sure why sales aren't better.

3748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love all the keyboard CFOs talking here...

4065d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People are so entitled these days.

4752d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The truth remains as this...

I secure a network myself. I'm responsible. I can do everything I can to secure the network. I can take all precautions. But at the end of the day, a determined, super intelligent hacker could exploit something. It's the nature of being online. It's UNFORTUNATE this happened. But you all think Sony had eyesoar type vulnerabilities you are crazy. There is a reason why they weren't hacked years ago. They were secure. A hacker, with...

4775d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's just a new model so people will give more money to MS after they already spent money on an xbox once, twice, or maybe three times. How much money do we gotta give these guys? So finally 5 years later and they give us the console they should have at launch. Betther than nothing but too late. I recommened only for people who havent bought an xbox yet.

5091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know a lot of xbox fanboys are really excited about this, but you can't help but think this console, looking at the features and looks, is almost a PS3 clone. I have a jasper 360, but I can't see myself buying another 360 just bc it FINALLY has wifi and looks flashier. Plays the same games as the one I have does. SO it was upgraded 5 years later. There's no medal in the mail for this.

5091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares. If you have both consoles then my suggestion is to buy the one that has the best CONTROLLER for your hand. THe graphical differences are small. People running around saying they are major are on drugs. From THESE screenshots (what source is this?), i'd say the xbox version has a more crisp/sharp look to it. But either way, this isn't major. What do you people consider MAJOR these days? If this is what you call major then i am willing to bet that you are one of those people ...

5118d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Buy both consoles and you will have nothing to fight about.

5145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kids say butthurt? From reading, I have figured out what it means, but it has to be one of those most retarded non-words I have ever heard in my entire life. It feels like something someone in 3rd grade would say. Weird.

Anyway, good for Microsoft. Good for PS3. Competition breeds excellence.

5145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I gotta say something here. I am buying Alan Wake the day it comes out. I have a 360 and a PS3. I like both of them. But here's the thing. A lot of people here, especially alpha-male, are calling out the ps3 fanboys for having a field day when a news article came out about Alan Wake NOT being 720p, but 576 or whatever. Not that I myself care, but I can see why ps3 fanboys would say do that since most PS3 titles are 720P or above. However, that news article ended up being wrong (i havent seen ...

5150d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Got a PS3 at launch, but I've been thinking about buying the xbox just for this game. So I've been checking ebay for refurbished ones. Pretty good deals. Anyway, I think this game looks spectacular.

5158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been to Iraq so most of you guys are completely clueless. This video is short. It starts off almost instantly at a target site, gathering quick intel about the people and then firing. The intel leading up to this attack is not said in the video.

You don't know what was said way before this. Or what the human intelligence team might have discovered about this group. It's very possible, actually it's very likely, that intelligence on this group of guys was compelling. Typica...

5161d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It does look like Sony has it's act together. Why do people say they are in third place though? Regarding month-to-month sales in America, they are probably right, but their overall (isn't that all that matters?) month-to-month sales puts them in second place behind the Wii. I think Xbox still has the lead against PS3 for total sales since launch, but ahh, they kinda should since they were the first to the market. Wii is beating em both, but the Wii is in a different market within the same ma...

5165d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks great. Seriously.

5166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You asked how Sony can compete with that? Price wise, it probably cannot. However, features, games, etc; it can very much compete on that level. And in that regard, probably win, just not with a 99 dollar pricetag. UNLESS, of course, sony came out with a console designed like the arcade.

My honest opinion is if the xbox became 99 dollars I would probably buy it to play Alan Wake and maybe another game or two. I'm serious.

But just because I would buy the xbox do...

5169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a little older. Late 20s. But I just buy whatever system has the games I like. And if xbox had more games that I liked, I'd buy that. I might buy it anyway when it drops to $99 in the future. Pretty much the way I work it. And I am a veteran too. I buy American a lot. Anyway, Sony has a big presence in America too. A lot of the money goes into our economy from that portion of the company.

ANyway, later.

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's terrible when your console dies on you. All you can do is backup your data to a usb drive regularly to make it less painful. That and buy an extended warranty. Even then the system could still fail after the warranty expires.

Anyway, it seems from the research I've done, these failures are within the norms. However, it doesn't make it suck any less. If eventually they discover that this problem is from a design or manufacturing flaw, then they should extend the warr...

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are not quite thinking correctly. It's not like that. If sony gave an extended warranty for what it seems like a normal failure rate then all the manufacturers would be expected to do as such. You can't revamp the system because console owners are more passionate about their piece of hardware than other people. There is an industry failure rate for a reason. I believe a 3 year warranty for all hardware at this price range would be a positive thing. However, that's probably not gonna happe...

5171d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To know the truth, you'd have to have every gamer play every single single game (at least every game known to be great) and then have them all take a poll to see if uncharted 2 is the best game ever made. In other words, we will never actually know for a guarantee. But it doesn't really matter anyway. This game has won award after award, has critical acclaim, good sales, and is well liked by almost everyone who has played it. It doesn't need the 'best game ever' BS. That's subjective. The awa...

5171d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment