CRank: 5Score: 7930

Agreed. They pretty much realized how dumb that campaign was and is now trying to save face, the announcement that it was a joke is also bad..All the money being donated to them and they're spending their time on jokes.

4569d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is probably the dumbest reply I've read. I preordered and bought the CE that came with NO catwoman code, the robin code seems to be invalid, my CE cards are nowhere to be found, and my gotham knight blu ray magically turned into a dvd copy. So quit acting like everyone who's complaining is a pirate or some cheapskate. I paid for a premium product, I expect a premium service.

To your little analogy, if I worked at wal-mart and some lady bought cabinets off of me, ...

4598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, SF has always been better in terms of competition and excitement. MK was the game I played when my cousins came over to have a good time because they weren't that great at SF. I've always loved the humor in some of the earlier MK games, though it it seems they went with more of the bloody route than comedy.. I'm probably the only one but MK deadly alliance was my favorite MK lol.

4813d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People hate and generalize things they have little knowledge of and don't understand. I Grew up playing JRPG's and wished they produced more in this era of gaming. However, whether its JRPGs or WRPGs, I love em all and they all have different things to offer. Granted a lot of the games have similarities but what game in the same "genre" doesn't?? What a lot of people forget is japan was built on a rich history of Swords, from legendary katanas to famous blacksmiths and t...

4922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude i agree with you 100% who da hell gives about lost planet?? bring on some classic fighting games, and Street Fighter IV is just adding more fuel to the fire, in my desperate hopes of a Marvel Vs Capcom 3 too bad EA is busy using Marvel to make crappy spiderman games. It breaks my heart knowing theres close to no chance of MVC3 ever happening. .:sob:.

6061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment