CRank: 5Score: 7780

Well neither is the PS3 really then. Xbox had a hard drive so that is a last gen feature. Bluetooth,and Wifi are both in the Wii and you say it is completely last gen. Only thing left is Blue Ray but sadly single speed drives went out in the PS1 days...How exactly is a drive that reads 50g discs some huge advancement? You still have to install 20% or more of the game on your HD just to play it and even then they rarely run as good as they do on 360.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Out of 30 million sellers on Wii 15 are from 3rd parties. Technically if you take out Wii sports for it being free then there are more 3rd party million sellers on Wii then Nintendo made games.
Wii has a higher attach rate then PS3 atm and sold more software in 2 years then the 360 has in 3 years.
I couldnt find the articles you speak of. Any chance you could link them? THQ made 70% of their money on the Wii/DS this year. More so then PS3,PSP,PS2 combined. EA is makin...

5663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry dude but Wii could never match the PS3 in terms of power. You might like the art style more but the PS3 version trumps the Wii on a technical level

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have to argue that Sony has no momentum. Proof? Sony started off be decreasing the gap between itself and the 360 to 5 million. Now they are around 7 million behind according to recent numbers. You cannot be moving forward when you are obviously taking a step back.It seems the die hard Sony only guys already got theirs so now its up to Sony to convince the average person to buy. I just do not think most people care about power. PS2 was the weakest console last gen and people bought 14...

5663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Motion sensing controllers have been around since the days of the Atari 2600.

5663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see the day when IE,Windows and a few other properties of theirs are no more. MS's dirty business tactics in the past are the main reason I can never support one of their consoles. I just cant help but wonder how much further along certain programs like OS could be had MS not been there to hamper competition.

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone else notice a trend? 360 and PS3 have the least amount of sales, Wii has the highest but in the chart they are reversed. Not just those consoles either but PSP, PC,DS as well.It looks to me like most reviewers are stuck on HD graphics while the rest of the world doesnt care. Only thing this proves to me is that reviews are completely useless and no longer reflect the needs of the average gamer.
Please dont waste my time responding if you cannot comprehend what is being said.. Th...

5663d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Funny you call the 360 outdated but 99% of all multi platform games run better on 360.. FACT .. not opinion or BS like you are pulling up.PS3 couldnt even run GTA4 at 720p while 360 could.Shaun White plays better on 360 while PS3 has frame rate issues among other things.I could sit here all day and name off game after game that runs anywhere from slightly better on 360 to clearly better on 360..The only thing you can pull up are exclusives and flops.

5663d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wii won followed by 360 then PS3.. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a delusional fanboy. You cant be first when you are dead last.
@below. the word for you is fanboy, not gamer. Anyone who thinks Sony won any year since release of the PS3 MUST be one. How the hell can you even try tp spin that into a good thing? Last place sales, the most next gen flops this gen. on equal terms with an American console in their home country...Sorry but its a fact. Only fanboys will try to say the PS3 won ...

5663d ago 20 agree39 disagreeView comment

Ahh come on guys...Thats like saying there is only room for 1 FPS on any console.. We all know thats not true. Yeah Punch Out is coming but it wont spell doom for this game. If a console can support 15 singing games I see no reason 2 boxing games cant coexist

5663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never pay any attention to a game informer review for a Wii game. They flat out hate the Wii and take every chance they can to make it look bad. They constantly review multi platform games and only include the Wii when its like GHWT. otherwise they act like it doesnt exist. They refuse to even mention some Wii games, they want their readers to think it is all Wii Music and nothing else. They openly admit their hate as well. Only they say its Nintendo's fault they hate it. Its a mag that has t...

5663d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I almost agreed with you until you tried to say that a 733mhz machine was the same as a 450mhz machine.. Sorry but thats just clueless stupidity. GC didnt have wifi, Bluetooth, or online. Not to mention motion controls.

5663d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Parapraxis everything you just said was what a fanboy would say.. No console had HD before this gen.. So you're saying PS2 wasnt a console right? Complete BS.
Anyone can sit here and spin that around to say that PS3 and 360 are not current gen consoles. PS3 comes with tacked on motion controls inferior to Wii so it isnt next gen. 360 has no motion sensing at all so it isnt next gen.. See what happened there?
Of course it is obvious that you are bias and nothing anyone says will...

5663d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

So the 3rd SSB is wrong but I bet you bought the 8th GTA? Probably looking forward to the 18th Final Fantasy? LAst time I checked the other consoles have way more rehashes.. Doesnt seem to be an issue for you though... Guess you only have a problem because of the name of the console.Open zone is that way ->. Thats were fanboy comments like yours belong

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Genius..Pure genius. I would have never thought that overweight people would ever buy a product that helps them lose weight.Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

5664d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some facts for you. In 2 years Wii sold more software then 360 did in 3 years. Just look at NPD and other sources every month. What I see is someone who knows nothing about the current state of Wii and like many other fanboys wants to tell others things that are completely wrong.. 3rd parties are not flocking to Wii?? How the hell did you even come up with that? It has more 3rd parties games now then any other console. Has more 3rd party games otw then any other console.
Oh give 1 comp...

5664d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"* MMO's On Consoles! The End Of Monthly Fees? " No of course not you idiot. Go look at FF11 and then go look at EQOA for the PS2.. Both are MMO's on consoles and BOTH REQUIRE you to pay still.. Seriously why does anyone even listen to this idiot..He is just completely clueless about gaming in general.More so than half the people here posting.
You guys are just too stupid to see that some idiot with a web cam and no industry experience is saying whatever it takes to get hits...

5664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure you enjoy a hardcore system..... Thats why you rushed right into a Wii article huh? Are you enjoying some hardcore paintball? Maybe some hardcore 4 player follow the leader with puppets for 5 year old kids?

5664d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

GC=450mhz, Wii = 733mhz.. Pretty easy to see that it isnt simply a GC, but then again if you really cared to know the truth you would have looked into this already. Also please exaplin how BLuetooth was in the GC? Wifi? Sd card support? See you look like a real idiot to anyone who actually knows what comes in the console.

5664d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

Obvious post from a Sony fanboy.. Links it to PS3 and 360 even though it has nothing to do with them..

5665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment