Get it through your head, PCs are upgradable. Owning a PC doesn't make you special. Get over it!


CRank: 5Score: 45920

Then get a Wii, enjoy your Miis and leave Sony and their products alone. Simple as that. You aren't forced to go onto Home if you don't want to so I don't see your point. By your logic then Live is also extra and takes away from the gameplay? It's all called innovation, and I would bet that if Sony didn't announce anything new like this people like you would be the first to complain that the PSN is going nowhere. Nintendo needs to just make games like Sega started to do, it would free up a lo...

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My girlfriend purchased this for me months ago so I will have it on day 1 when it arrives at EB. Good think they moved past King Fields on the PS1 I believe, I think it was a Japanese company that made that, anyway, that was a terrible game but I guess everything takes time to perfect.
I had Morrowind so I know this should be really good.

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They rejected an idea similar to home? I could say that I had the idea for the George Foreman grill years before it came out but if I didn't implement it I would just need to STFU. They are acting like Mii is something new, Mr. Potato Head was out for decades before anyone began customizing anything so then Nintendo must have copied them. Very rarely are you going to find 100% innovative ideas, most of the time its going to be an enhancement of something already out or melding of things that ...

6264d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's like saying you got an A on a test before you even study or take the damn thing, too early to tell. I'm sure Sony has taken a look at live and is incorporating something similar. Its not about coming up with an idea, its executing it better than anyone else.
MS better watch out or Live might be forced to go off the air by Sony's ambitious plans. It seems like it might incorporate what Live is and a lot more. We shall have to see in a month or so.

6264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ArmrdChaos wrote,"I can see graphically the demo looks impressive but what will the real thing do once the servers are up. I am still not hot on the idea that you have to meet up with a group first and then go into a game...why not join friends already in game. They should have spent some of their time improving the back end integration with friends list and such."

How do you know you can't join a friend in a game? How do you know they have not spent time improving th...

6265d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hahahahahaha, I like the fire, very entertaining.

6265d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought I saw these last week man, what's the deal? Or were they so good you needed a second helping?? Haha, good screens regardless.

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 has also had a whole year to develop these tools you refer to. I seem to recall some of the same complaints about the 360 when it first emerged from the bowels of MS, how soon we forget the similarities we see today.
Games for the 360 also got pushed back when it was new, and over time you will see less and less of that. I would rather learn a better way of doing something that yields better results in the long run rather than take what is offered now just because its what I am...

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Developers are people, and just like all of us at times, they love to bi#ch and moan when they don't get their way. I would believe this excuse when ALL developers have trouble with a system, if they are still having trouble after a reasonable period of time then yes, but as with anything I am sure there is a learning curve with the PS3.
I wouldn't fear, the companies that usually set the bar like Konami are all that matter and everyone else will follow in their wake. I think we are se...

6266d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don, you should take that picture of Malcolm X off as your avatar because you don't do justice to the man. He was very well spoken while all you spew is a bunch of malarkey, I couldn't understand 99.9% of what you said.
Its funny to me how all I see now are 360 fans commenting just to save face. I guess Gears of War was nice, but you know that the PS3 is bringing the heat. Even their movie format of choice (HD DVD) is in trouble, not to mention downloadable content, PS3 will have some ...

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this is the last delay for this game, on the plus side by the time the game drops I should be done with most of my papers and have time to play before graduation. Sweet!!!

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looks cool, never been a ratchet and clank fan but I played a little and it was enjoyable. Sony must have sent out the order to let news out because I have seen more news over the past couple days than I have seen in months.
I noticed something else, the 360 fans seem to be falling quiet. And the ones I have been seeing posting are just sounding pathetic.
On a completely unrelated topic has anyone upgraded their HDD, I'm looking into getting a 160 gig, any suggestions? I sa...

6270d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are one hateful MF man. I have seen you come on here all hours just to talk S&#T about Sony no matter what the news. You are sad bro, just like the rest of your crew. Don't be mad, I'm sure the SexBox will have some nifty news for you to jack off to soon enough, in the mean time just STFU and go commit a hate crime or whatever you do, because you sure don't play your 360 if your always on the PS3 area of N4G. Get a f&$kin life, a friend or somethin.
Tell your mom I'll be in...

6270d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Commenting on another man's looks, kinda funny for a Guy to be judging another man in that way. This is bananas, if I were FordGT and spent all my days trying to find something wrong with Sony I would be really concerned right about now.
And yes, a year ago the 360 was missing many of the features it now has but all of sudden when Sony is going through the same process 360 fans get selective amnesia. It's sad to see but I guess when all you have is the 360 what can you do.
Half ...

6270d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who the hell is this guy who wrote this article? Never heard of the fool, and in his bio it says he likes to "hit the gym", looks like he needs to hit it a bit harder.
On topic though, who the hell cares about background downloading. When it comes it comes, in the meantime just press your TV/Video button and watch something on cable for a few minutes, trust me it doesn't hurt. Probably do some of you some good to watch some CSPAN and bone up on some real news.
I guess ...

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nowhere in this article does it say that the "rumble" feature is coming back, they only say that they are eager to see what Immersion has to offer. There are no specifics in this article so I don't see the need for some of the speculation I am seeing. Unless one of you is a fortune teller, in which case I need to know the lucky lotto numbers for this week.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You live a very rich life man, people like me can only dream. Its funny how every time I have seen you post you always ad another layer to what you do day to day, your job, and all the gadgets and widgets you have. Your like an old Jonny Quest or something, is your dad a scientist? Do you share a room with Hadgy? This is definitely rich, I bet if I said Bush sucks you would say "No he doesn't because I live with him at the white house and helped him plan the Iraq occupation".

6272d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

MaddensRaiders just gave TopGamer a verbal Jihad, and had the pictures to prove it. People who have a lot usually don't have anything to prove, and on a website none the less. But if you choose to boast then be prepared to have someone call you out. Very funny exchange gentlemen.

6272d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony is going in a very different direction and that IMO is going to be something that Sony is remembered for for years to come. Sony is like Ford back in the 50's when they produced the Edsel ( (Look it up on Wikipedia, the article holds a lot of lessons Sony could use). Basically the car was ahead of its time, it had seat belts, anti-lock breaks among other innovations that we take for granted to...

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just wanted more information, if the time of day changes and I believe the seasons change on Oblivion, then how can we know that the two screenshots were taken under the same circumstances in the game? I mean, theoretically if the sun is at a certain angle, it would create reflections differently for the viewer if the game is capable of creating this separation.
The snow looks slightly brighter on the 360, but my question is is that because of the PS3 vs. 360, or is it just that they...

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment