
CRank: 5Score: 820

Why havent we got retail versions of RE 4 and Code Veronica , they even did a CE in Japan, of all the times Capcom would try and milk money out of us and this is one of the things I would of bought.

and now this.....come on Capcom.

4493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Nolan North doesn't look like he's athletic enough to do the stunts that it'd require. I can guarantee you that your idea would never happen."

It's called a work out, you know....what most actors do when they get a role in the film. They bulk up before they do the film. Do people keep forgetting this....oh for the stunts.....well thats what stunt doubles are for....right. To be honest, Nolan is pretty athletic, he does rock climbing in his spare tim...

4493d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see them buy the rights back of Activision for Crash and make a true sequel, Crash Bandicoot 4. I mean Activision aren't doing anything with the franchise, they cancelled the last Crash game and with 2 teams now in the studio one could always work on one while the other makes Uncharted.

Jak 4 I would like to see Next Gen, I think the team that makes Uncharted are already at work making Uncharted 4 for next gen. I think the reason they made a second team in...

4493d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would they stop making something which is amazing and still has peoples interest even today.


But it's ND, they don't rush to get something out, if they did we would probaly see U4 this gen. I'm sure by the time U4 comes out, it will be fresh and exciting like the last game. ND knows this, I mean even though U3 was an amazing game it's shown us that if another one was made this gen would be pushing it. I don't understand the disa...

4493d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol...good comment :)

and yet people don't see that, the cons outweigh the pros

Did like all the Xbox fanboys raid this article....

4493d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Resident Evil 6's production and taking gameplay ideas from different branches of Capcom to make the game better."

They did however take ideas from western games, especialy COD, so it will sell more. Making RE a shadow of it's former self

4493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh for gods sake we get it, you love your Xbox and you love Microsoft...every Xbox related article recently there you are defending the crap out of them.

Then you say immature/trollish things like

"Keep crying"

"I will be playing the definitive version of ME 3 with kinect on the 360"

or you go on to call someone "a MS hater." when all they're doing is having an opinion. When did I say I hated...

4493d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

No, not really.

It's still a gimmick at the end of the day, one which will get old fast.

To shout a command out or to press a button which is just as quick.

Hmmmm....what to choose, what to choose

4493d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Looks good but it's just Max's new look I can't get past

I see the scenes with Max when he's in a dark gritty enviorment which reminds me of the old games. Basically where Max looks like Max and I'm like "WOW.....Max Payne is back"


I see the scenes with the new look, a bald headed, bright clothed Max Payne in a warm sunny setting and I'm like "What the f*** is this, wheres Max"

4493d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol....I'm saying they're a crap developer and even with next gens tec they would still be crap at making open world games compared to other studios who can do those kind of games better then them.

It's not a lot to take it, so please don't BS that you don't know what I'm talking about when really...you do.

4493d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This sounds great, I wish they would do a console version when they've finished with all the expansions. Civilization Revolution was great and all but it felt downgraded from PC Civilization games.

4493d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Radical Entertainment....hmmm

Yeah it wouldn't matter to you guys anyway, anything that is apart of Activision ends up being bad. Sorry to be blunt but it's true

Prototype was average and I be this one will be the same...the only developers which will benefit next gen with open world games are the ones who make good ones, Bethesda, Rockstar, SuckerPunch, maybe Rocksteady if they go in that direction for the next Batman game...hell even Avalanche Studi...

4493d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


You see that comment people....it's called sticking to your guns.

You buy it day one to "give it a chance" and you've just gave Capcom/NT a happy sale which will go towards a sequel and fuel Tameem's arrogance

4493d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Do you really think he would say anything else...if he actually meant this he would of said something at the start, it's obvious someone has told him to say it. Anyway I bet he was upset like the rest of us when the new game was shown off, especialy with the new Dante.

Mika by calling us "haters" you do realise that your calling the majority of us that. Yeah theres a lot of people upset over where this game is headed.

The game looks crap, the ch...

4493d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

Get Nolan North, alongside Emily and Richard to play their parts and for marketing make the villains Roman and Navaro played by big stars, hell you could though in some cameos aswell.

Problem Solved.

"But there are a lot of good actors out there who even look like Nathan Drake and who could do it"

This is what I don't get about Neil Burger, first of all, he must know that Nolan is also an actor and secondly....it's not reall...

4493d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't know about co-op since in my opinion open world games and co-op don't mix well (Borderlands was alright although the map was spilt into sections with loading screens).....but an open world game would be fun.

4493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wasn't a full on action game, it was a storydriven action game where it didn't just rely on big guns, explosions and lots of shoot outs. It had a certain quality to it which made you stop to appreciate the story, setting and the things around you.

The trailer just made it seem like the noire feel which shaped Max Payne was gone, no teases to show you that those stylish cutscenes were in or the narration of Max as he progress's in the level. I mean first trailer...

4494d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It better, it's the main reason I backed off buying Black/White. Although saying that I now need a 3DS to play on it.....hmmm maybe I should wait untill E3 in June to see if they announce a slim version.

4494d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I hope they adress most of the fans complaints....like how it dosen't feel like a Max Payne game at all. I mean the first trailer made it out to be a full on action game and made Max out to be a Bruce Willis wannabe.

Not saying the game looks crap, it looks great but I want to feel like I'm playing Max Payne. Even those tec/gameplay videos when Max (flashback) comes on it looks great then when Bald Max comes on your like "What the hell....who the f*** is this&quo...

4494d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not realy liking the whole cartoon looking approach to this game. It would of been better as a full adapted game for retail with more of a realistic look.

Oh and wheres Rick and the gang....this is walking dead after all, can't have that without Rick.

4494d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment