
CRank: 5Score: 1220

Wow, it finally got games to come to the console. Man that was something that would have been expected months prior to E3. Sony fanboys finally get a game to play on their game console. And they act as if sony was doing them a HUGE favor or something. Well thats what a game console is about GAMES, and the difference between microsoft and sony is the fact that Microsoft seen the logic in makeing GAMES. And sony all they could boast is the fact that they had Blue Ray (which is rediculous to hav...

6149d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Halo sold consoles, Those are true and proven facts that will be a huge blow to sony. Regardless of fan boyism that is fact. I own both systems and couldn't care less which did what, because i was stupid and already spent money on both instead of waiting on a price drop.

With that said, sony doesn't have a whole lot in it's corner, oh wait lets not forget KZ2, Assasins Creed, (ooops xbox on that one), or wait GTA4, (oh xbox again), well what else man. MGS4, (HALO 3). Well I th...

6149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to say, it's ridiculous what fans will say to defend their product. I mean you say something against a ps3 fan boy, and it's well we out sold the pooper scooper for 18 strait weeks. And you say something about the xbox it's, well we see where the problem is so were just going to extend the warranty of all those vehicles. So jump start them and drive them on into the dealership. We'll fix them for free. Uh Duh you should!!!!!!!!! This article is slowly turning into one for the ps3 fans ...

6149d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's being delayed on both systems, how in the hell do any of you figure it's going to hurt one more than the other. Once again pure speculation takes ahold of people and they run with it. The people on this site have went down hill ever since the whole fan boy name came along. I own both systems both are good at certain things. Microsoft is in the lead like it or not sony guys. And sony has their sh!t together on the hard ware more so than microsoft. I think both the systems are great. But i...

6151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, you are soooooooooo full of what if's. And no facts. A 40 gig ps3 come on man. You are the first person i have heard this from. And what about the prices that you pulled out of your rear. Man, atleast say something that has a few facts behind it.

6151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some one that makes since. It is all about the risk, and the amount of money put into the risk. The question of why this developer went with a certain hardware maker. Is answered when you look at the business side of the house. Not the personal feelings of oh i like ps3 or xbox, or no i like the wii. The money is what talks in this business.

6151d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although i respect your comment. I completely dissagree with you. Your makeing a broad statement when you state that more textures take up more space. That is not at all true. It's how a game is built. Thats like saying that you can only get 300 horse power out of an v8, but the fact is that you have small 4 bangers cranking out 300 plus horses. That an analogy that fits perfect because it's the truth. The format is the same thing. It's in the hands of the developers to mold it into place. Ta...

6151d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

CAN YOU TELL MY FUTURE TOO? You seem to be makeing alot of assumptions their.

6151d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

People, please. I'm soooooo tired of seeing the same thing over and over. If one game wont fit then it's an epidimic that people think will affect every single game out their. The truth is, is that most of the games are only about 7 gigs or less, and they still have 9 gigs of info on one normal dvd. Games really dont take up that much space. And just because a game looks better doesn't meen that it will take up more space either. Take music for example mp3 to mp4, the same music they sound th...

6151d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

WoW, for one if your going to bash on someone for misspelling words. You yourself might want to edit or proof read what you say. Their is even a spell check for such people like yourself. Now to the point. Yes i agree the battery's in the controler for the ps3 are good, BUT, what if they go out. I had one go out, and I had to buy a new one. Kinda sucked for the fact that i can just buy a new battery for the xbox. Also dude, you need to stay on point with the topic. And not take so much offens...

6151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, this is rediculous. Halo 3 is going to be a great game. Thats an assumption that can be assumed because of the last two games. Well what about the demo, you say. Well beleive it or not, it was a DEMO. The game will be polished and graphics will look better than what it showed. Now isn't that the excuse that lair, killzone, and MGS4 use, I do beleive it is. It's amazing, if xbox sets back and has a good game people jump all over it compare it to last gen graphics. I'm a gamer, not a fan ...

6151d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, you are such a fanboy. I have all the consoles, of which is what i base my opinion off of. And yet you set here and disagree with anything that states the truth about sony. They are a dieing breed man, if it weren't for the ps2 still giveing them money they would have went to the debts of the ocean and never came back. The amount of software for the ps3 just blows, the fact that the ps3 doesn't come with the obvious things like an hdmi cable or any high def cable for that matter was asto...

6152d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Blue dragon isn't out yet, Thanks!!!!

And also MGS4 is comeing to the xbox 360 it's even in one of the posts on here. Their is a store that is takeing pre orders for the ps3 version, and then 5 months later the xbox 360 version.

This is the link, Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!

6152d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dude look at what you said. You said that blue ray was be impacted by the ps3 rite. Well your rite, just about all of the sales (for the most part) have been because of the ps3. Now have you failed to realize that the 500 dollar price tag is still atached to the ps3. Hell, it just dropped to 500 dollars. Thats alot of money man, atleast it is to me. But, the HD DVD players give out the same quality, and better sound and are cheaper. Which do you think will actually win. In the long run the HD...

6152d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I too have a ps3, and no it doesn't. The only way it upscales is if you have a 1080p tv and an HDMI cable. Thats great, spend 3,000 dollars on a tv and i get to see 1080p, I dont think so. See HD DVD players upscale it to 720p if you have a 720p tv, the blue ray doesn't. And it's still hih def. And looks pretty damn good too.

6152d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I would like you to show me one game that has multiple disks. Sure their has been talk about it. But guess what, thats all talk from fan boy ps3 sites. Thats it. Thanks!!!!!!!!

p.s. your just upset that MGS4 is comeing to xbox (another title that was supposed to be ps3 exclusive I do beleive)

6152d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Many people set back saying blue ray this blue ray that. All I can say is that my HD DVD player upscales all my normal dvd's and my blue ray player doesn't. Not to mention the sound quality out of it is hands down in favor of the HD DVD. The only reason blue ray is winning currently is because of the ps3. If the ps3 wasn't out the amount of stand alone players is 3 to 1 in HD DVD's favor again. Just wait, when the HD DVD players are about a hundred dollars, every red necked person that shops ...

6152d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Okay if you fanboys of the ps3 have to seriously dig that deep just to find a just cause for you to have purchased a console. Then the only thing i can say is WOW. Why couln't you have just done what i did. I bought both consoles because, get this. I WANTED TOO. lol. And I liked them both. Oh wow, wasn't that a whole lot less painfull to understand other than.

The SG300 processer to the third power duplicates the quantum light souunds of your movement. Of which produces exactly 5 q...

6162d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never been a big sports player (as far as video games) but i might have to give this a whirl. Looks fun, Im just waiting for the fanboys to comment on the pics being that from a ps3 and not an xbox 360. You watch they'll make it into one of those disputes. lol

6162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When xbox and ps2 were out did they use up all the space on every single game that came out. Well the answer is no. Most games, (even todays generation) don't use but about 5-6 gigs. The blue ray player is a great thing. But the mane reason they put it in is because they needed support on the format that they invented. What better way than put a blue ray player in every ps3? Well now that you know the truth about the matter and that it wasn't so they can make 45 gig games. I'm going to sleep ...

6162d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment