
CRank: 15Score: 131855

Why did they include Haze as an exclusive to the PS3 when the developers told Games Radar (after Xbox and PC versions were dropped):

"[Haze on] PS3 is confirmed for release this year. 360 and PC versions are not confirmed for release this year."

Games Radar also reports:

"Haze is being lead developed for PlayStation 3 and will be released for Sony's hardware this year. Xbox 360 and PC versions are also in the works, but will not appe...

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah Sniper. I see in your newest update 2.0 you got the ability to customize your backround and um, thats about it. There's a whole list of new features coming out for the Xbox Live update.

6043d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, where did u find that Splinter Cell Conviction was a timed exclusive. Why would they, when the developers completley dissed the ps3 according to a Finnish magazine who interviewed Ubisoft:

They state the fact that they are EXCLUSIVE to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform, but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.

The ...

6045d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hate these "Predictions." Why don't we just wait until the holidays are over, and then get some real numbers instead of these, "I THINK the ps3/xbox 360 will win this holiday season" that keep getting posted on here.

6050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they didn't even die when the Creator of Bioshock said that they had no plans to develop it for the PS3, a few months ago.

6056d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Winter doesn't start until December 22, and I'm sure this will be out before then.

6057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK obviousley the PS3 fanboys want a "Real" Developer to dis the PS3, well here you go:

"The latest shot in the HD-DVD / Blu-Ray battle has been fired, this time coming from Oblivion developer Bethesda Software. According to the developers of the game, the Blu-Ray drive data rates are slower than those on, for instance, the Xbox-360’s DVD drive.

Todd Howard at Bethesda said:

“Drive speed matters more to me [than capacity], and Blu-ra...

6063d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A million bubbles for u, unfortunately I can only give ya one. Best "ohh burned" ever!!!

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because the game has 20,000 lines of dialogue doesn't mean that you will encounter all of them, being that you have multiple replies to someone's question or statement, but will only be able to pick one.

6065d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


The old Toshiba players originally cost $300 they lowered the price to $200 but some stores are having a one day sale at $99 (Best Buy, Walmart) so the official price cut would still be $100.

The 60GB PS3 originally cost $600 but then they cut it down to $500. Oh what's that difference. OH ITS $100. The difference is the same. I would not expect the PS3 to go down to $99 because that would be A $500 PRICE CUT which would be very very...

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What you're describing is pretty much what sony is doing to the PS3,

Dump the 20GB
Add the 60GB
Lower Price on 60GB
Dump the 60GB
Add the 40GB
Lower Price on 80GB

But I guess when sony does it then it's good for the consumer and are just trying to make it more affordable, but when toshiba does it, it's an act of desperation. I'm seein some flawed logic in these sony fanboys. Anyone else seein it?

6066d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I spotted a few things that were pretty wrong with your argument.


There is less onscreen for the Xbox 360:

Dead Rising at times could have thousands of zombies appear on screen at once and each zombie doing it's own thing whether it was knawing at a hunk of meat, walking aimlesly, scratching their head, etc. And what really impressed me the most about this game which I have hardly seen in any other games, was the fact that you could see z...

6066d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Mine loaded perfectly fine, but here's a list of the prizes for the people that the website won't load correctly

Xbox 360 games from EA, Activision and Ubisoft

New phones from Samsung

Mountain Dew mini-fridges

New Zune devices

Xbox 360 Elite consoles

An all-inclusive vacation for 4 to any Beaches Resort

Personal Xbox LIVE gaming session with an Adidas star athlete

A complete...

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do know that after that 1 day sale, they will still be $200 while the cheapest blu ray player will be the 40 GB PS3 at $400.

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh like PS3 fanboys don't start rumors of games going to the PS3
Ahammm...Bioshock, PGR 4, Mass Effect 1-3, Ace Combat 6, Beutiful Katamari, Eternal Sonata, Halo 1-?, Dead Rising, Gears of War... and the list goes on and on.

And your hatin on the 360 fanboys for sayin that just 2 games (MGS4, FF13) are going to the Xbox 360.

6069d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fable 2
Left 4 Dead
Project Offset
Ninja Gaiden 2
Alan Wake
Infinate Undiscovery
Too Human
Banjo Kazooie 3
Dog Tag
Splinter Cell: Conviction

Is that enough for you?

6069d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since when have the sony fanboys, become so rampant on this site. Come on it seems like everything pro hd-dvd or pro xbox 360 comments get like 8 disagrees, and the pro blu-rays and pro ps3 coments get like 10 agrees. Hell I'll probably get like 5 disagrees just for pointing this out.

6069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My 360 got sent to Mccallen (I can't remember how to spell the city but it's sumthin like that) Texas.

6074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for you!

6074d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice post. It's nice to see that people are actually agreeing with a real game developer rather than all these people posting that pretend they know what they're talking about. Sony fanboys always say that it's not hard to develop for the ps3, but I say, So I guess your a game developer for the ps3 then if you know that.

6074d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment