CRank: 5Score: 680

"And early next year, we have bloodborne, the order 1886 blah blah blah"

What's this "we" stuff, junior? You making the games for Sony? LOL

Fanboys are so annoying

3532d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

You don't read the article but proclaim it's "fanboy" article? Thanks, fanboy LOL

3568d ago 12 agree43 disagreeView comment

Exactly. The author of this propaganda piece is so woefully misinformed it's embarrassing

3607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Author of this story makes a foolish argument. Guess what else is "cheaper" now, Will? Computers for one thing. Try buying a car 20 years ago with a 100,000 mile warranty with better safety and comfort features not to mention better mileage without paying a king's ransom for it back then. Your argument for the lack of a better term is stupid

3607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony wants to give the impression there is a big demand. What does "we're having a hard time keeping the supply chain replenished" mean to you? To adults it means there is a demand they're having a hard time fulfilling. Why else would this even be a story????? if there's any "drama" being created it's Sony doing the creating, not me. Fanboys just don't get it. Keep on chugging the kool aid

3623d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wrong about what? They're out there and if anyone wants one they can easily be found. Took me all of two minutes. The problem is very few wants one. It's not some out of the blue "everyone wants a Vita!. They're flying off the shelves! We can't make them fast enough!" demand that Sony is trying to spin. Quit being a sheep, dude

3623d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This item is sooooo hot and in sooo much demand Sony admits they are cutting support for it. That makes sense to who? Rock on, fanboy LOL

Sony: “We had very low expectations for the Vita and did not keep much stock left for retailers. Now that demand has grown from ‘pitiful’ to ‘slightly more than pitiful’, we are having trouble keeping up with this slight increase in demand. But we’ll say to the public that it’s really because suddenly, for no apparent reason, the PS Vita i...

3624d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You can't be serious. Amazon has them in stock NOW. They even have the Walking Dead bundle. This "shortage" is laughable. Check the NPD's each month. People are not clamoring for this system. Numbers don't lie. People do

3624d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

If IGN bumps game scores for cash (you have no doubt about that, remember) they're no different than a journalistic whore. They lack integrity and that's not a stretch

4241d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

IGN was purchased in 2005 for 650 million. In 7 short years they are worth 500 million less. Talking about a company in FAIL mode!

4241d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment