
CRank: 4Score: 10720

I totally can see how all of these features really would work out great! I've from time to time had to leave my couch to check the computer's browser to see how to get past a difficult spot in a game. If a web browser is installed on the 360, that would totally own. And the social website idea will really fly. I hope these features make it to the spring update.

5915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

because the game is so far ahead of its time and the comment at 2.1 wouldn't be far from the truth, which means Nintendo is preventing it from being released even on their console, because then they would have a hard time selling any Wii games.

5915d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

We see peeps like Skater not paying attention. You are right. The PS 3 is 400 dollars. What was meant by the comment was that if there wasn't a 360, the PS3 would still be 600 dollars.

5918d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You have a point, however, press always gets freebies. Even console goodies from the big 3 consoles. Its a historical fact that the press get freebies. So, getting a console with a decent almost unique outer shell is nothing new. So, is it possible that this will sway the press? Well, placing aside the point of the freebie which is what MS feels must be done to get the word out that the game is also coming out on the 360 in the first place, when they do their side by side comparisons of ...

5918d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, the 360 does get something exclusive regarding GTA IV. Not 21 days, but forever. Two exclusive downloads. 50 million dollars worth. But who am I? I'm the guy who is going to boast about that. I own both consoles as of today (Picked up my PS3-WOOTAGE), but the 360 version of GTA IV is the one I'm going to get. Already preordered it.

5918d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Last I checked, there are 120 million PS2s in the world and atm, the next gen systems including the Wii are looming around 50 to 60 million. I think this console generation is going to support a good 200 million consoles. There is a ton of growth left for all three consoles. If MS is going to get the press to notice them and accpet that the RROD is over, that the 360 does have some good features in it, the press might consider checking the system out and even playing it from time to time. ...

5918d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 owners don't really have much to stand on atm. Both consoles are awesome. Even the Wii is pretty kewl. The RROD issue is a NON-ISSUE. I've been through 2 RROD's. I hadn't paid a dime. The second time mine went RROD on me, I waited a week to contact MS about getting the repair done knowing I had to wait for pay day to come up with my 138 bucks, and luckily for me and all of us 360 owners, MS extended the warranty the following week. I was able to go with a second free reapair and si...

5918d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Just yesterday I came across an article saying that once a console starts reducing prices, its soon time for it to start digging its grave. They were referring to the 360 price drop. 360 has a year leap on the PS3 and only now they have dropped the price? So which console has reached the end of the road? Neither, really. Anyways, its good to see the 360 price drop if it means getting more players to come over and try out a pretty decent game system. I was one of the early adoptors consid...

5918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can wait for XMB. Actually I will be waiting for God of War 3. I bought my PS2 for the first time just a couple of months ago for God of War one and two and I can wait for the PS3 to get God of War 3.

5919d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft very well could have smashed the Television airwaves with a commercial that would claim what we know here online. Yes, the individuals who own only one system or can only afford one system, that is one thing. If the "casual crowd" is only waiting for that one game and it happens to be GTA IV and they have not a clue that the better version of the game is going to be on Xbox 360, then Microsoft is going to have a serious problem swaying them over to the 360, but they can...

5919d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

I do believe that MS payed the 50 million for the extra content with the intention of not charging the consumer for the content. Mark my word. However, Rockstar is also creating additional DLC that will be available for both consoles and that content probably will be charged for a fee. The 50 million dollar content will be free to the consumer. Trust me.

And the exclusive DLC for the 360 is going to be off the hook. Imagine playing the PS3 and 360 version. The 360 version...

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've made some good points, but you should tell your friends who might still be on the fence that Gears of War 1 and 2 are only on the 360, the entire Halo series as well as Halo Wars are 360 games. Hands down, Xbox Live, even with its minute annual fee is superior to the PS3 or Wii's online systems and 360 is getting that game that allows a 120 players battle it out on a nice big MMOFPS known as Huxley.

A huge library of movies can be found on Live which can be downloaded...

5920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

4 times as many people disagree with you as that which agrees with you. Who is wrong in this argument of ours? You may have had some strong points. Thats why one person agreed with you as of 950 pm (EST) Sat March 15, 2008, however your argument didn't hold well with the majority of the community. I'm a Bot? Then you must be a TROLL. Anyways, nice debate. You lost.

5924d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Point taken. Next time I write a book on this website, I promise to use paragraphs. ROFL Sorry for the difficult read, everyone. =)

5924d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Resistance is 40 players. Resistance 2 may get 60 players. Frontlines:Fuel of War for the 360 is 50 players or perhaps 64. Not sure which. And Huxley for the 360 is going to be 120 players.

5924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You might learn something.

5924d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your comment "They seriously do have long term plans. While Microsoft thinks short term to get ahead Sony is thinking way beyond."

My response: And you say you are not a Sony fan boy. Please. If MS is not thinking ahead, then how come MS has their second Xbox system? How come Microsoft created Xbox Live on the initial Xbox and then made it even better on the Xbox 360? How come Xbox came out with brilliant idea known as a universal Gamertag? You know, one of those...

5924d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Depending on how you look at it, integrating Live into the mobile market could be pretty neat. Check your Live account over your cellphone to see who is playing, whether they are playing a PC game or 360 game. How about this. Using your widescreen cellphone screens to play in the game with the others. Perhaps the processing power of a cellphone may not be able to handle all of the graphical horse power of the 360 game but imagine having an overhead map in the game and you use a pointer an...

5925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One: Achievements. I like that I get awarded in a game 100 points for 1000 headshots or for crashing 1000 cars in under 24 hours. You don't have something so cool as an achievement system that is as well thought out as what can be found on the Xbox 360. The PS3 is a good game system. Its just not great. Part of the experience now days is the online experience. The original Xbox is the system that truely made strides in working towards what online gaming should be. Xbox 360 made it happ...

5926d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

21 - We are talking about a full game sized expansion here for the 360--not the Sony PS3
I think people, especially in the Sony camp fail to realize that MS paid the GTA IV devlopers tens of millions of dollars for the expansion. This is a full sized exclusive game added to the core GTA IV game. Who wouldn't want that extra content? The 360 is a damn good system. Its my favorite. What type of content are we talking about here? A mere level, or new vehicles? A few missions? No, for the ...

5928d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment