
CRank: 5Score: 4240

to me it would look more realistic if there wasnt a perpetual rain of paper. as for the textures, you kids are just never satisfied are you? give me a break they look fine

3937d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It just comes down to how much you want to spend on a gaming console, some people are cheap or poor, some people want to get multiple systems for multiple children, some people want the best graphics possible and new network features. they're saying look both are great, remember when we said the ps3 would have a 10 year lifespan? at least? you know your going to get one anyway, chill brah.

4042d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok...more of the same typical, cementy, dark grey, killzone setting but with snow! i didnt even watch that whole video because it was so boring. alright alright, i can dig im not hating but it would be cool if you could like switch your round type or something, like have white phosphorous rounds or flash/stun/smoke grenades etc.(the gun has a launcher under the barrel no?) its supposed to be the future right?? killzone needs more depth in my opinion, but still, i hope its amazing

5098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

cloud is gay.........

anyway, if sony doesnt do this, then...........i will have lost all faith in life........

5342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and.....nine inch nails, im sure they're cool guys to hang out with, im just not a fan of their music...

and to jamesgohanss, this generations beatles? are you kidding?? this generation doesnt have a beatles, and if it did it was michael jackson....who died......RIP MICHAEL

5342d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont know much about science, but i do like to beat hookers....

5353d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah, pc gaming is expensive when compared to a $300 console, especially consoles that are slowly becoming more and more pc-like, how ironic. i wonder what doom 4 is going to look like......

5353d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3.00 is great, now we just need...

cross game universal chat of course
better party/friends system

ok sony, when you got all that, you'll know you have made it... and if this is supposedly the last update of the year, then why not do a little homework and surprise us all with a new year update packed with these great features but fully optimized? then sony, maybe you wont be in 3rd place much longer.......

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

again we see microsoft taking a competitors idea (in this case its a combo of nintendo and sony ideas) and improving on it. but with sony, there just taking their old eyetoy tech (which is now the PSeye) and evolving it with new elements (handheld motion device) that really completes their vision from years past. you just cant do a full feature rich game without buttons, otherwise it would just turn out to be something like milo or the eyetoy games on ps2... i mean, as a gamer, is this NOT ex...

5457d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why is xbox suddenly "where its at"? who invented the whole concept of dual analog stick gaming? SONY with the original dualshock controller. in fact, one could argue that it was sony who brought hardcore, mature 3d gaming to the masses... then years and years and years later......when designing the 1st xbox, microsoft was in need of a unique controller, one that was immediately distinguishable from the competition (sony) (and nintendo) they had no idea that it would soon be held ne...

5463d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hmmmmm, sounds like BS to me. if they're so equal then why did stanford university choose the ps3 for distributed computing with folding@home???

5556d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ive never even heard of edge, what the eff is edge?? a magazine or something???? i dont really care what any review tells me. im buying killzone 2 for sure, basically just for its multiplayer. the single player is just an extra bonus

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf, what a waste of suer bowl commercial time! this video doesnt do killzone 2 justice, they shouldnt put some multi-player footage in there, with people yelling and having a good time and whatnot, or maybe some footage from that ballet of death video too. they could have done soooooo much better than this, thats why im still a little leary as to wether this is fake or not, that level with the water alone makes killzone 2 look like the best game ever made, they could have just made a montage...

5580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why is there no flashlight??? every other game has it, and nothing sets an atmosphere like a flashlight and a good lighting system. killzone 2, you've failed me

5581d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

this final fantasy looks so futuristic and intense, im liking the combat system, its a very good way of bringing the franchise onto the next gen. The music is amazing as with every final fantasy. but does anyone remember long ago when people who saw the game in action were saying it looked just as good, if not better than the first final fantasy movie ?(the spirits within?) Now, i would say that, in-game, it looks......not that great, but still next-gen.....a little disappointing, but the gam...

5583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why does it seem like people are just making up ps3 failure stories, i'd bet you that half the people that say "well, i own a 360 AND a PS3, and im on my 5th PS3!" are just downright lying. the ps3 has like a 2% failure rate, ive had mine for a couple years now, but ill admit that i was in that 2 percent and had to send mine in because it stopped reading any disc i put in after playing a used copy of armored core...which is i called sony and let them know. the representiv...

5619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i cant imagine how good this game is going to look in 1080, AND 7.1 surround?!?! sweet jesus... im glad theyre going for a cinematic approach with this game, the only gripe i have is in the dialouge, its kinda contrived and cheesy, but hey this isnt a damn movie...although the game would be 10 times greater with better dialouge. anyway... looks like the ps3 finally has its own "halo", cant wait to play online

5619d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is because even CNN is surprised that people (muslims) are making such a fuss over these silly islamic shenanigans. i cant beleive people can be so narrow-minded and ignorant, i mean really, a global recall because of "religous expressions found in the Q'uran"..........OK?...RE ALLY?...WTF were these "expressions"??? first of all, if your so extremely offended, DONT BUY THE GAME, but if you do happen to be a videogame/allah loving person, maybe you should invest in some da...

5683d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i havent had any of these problems other than my avatar being replaced by the gray smiley block head and the trophy info does take a couple seconds to appear(like 10 seconds). but my main issue is the internet browser, ive had it freeze up on me quite a few times now, where ive had to reset the system. im hoping future firmware updates will make everything slick and responsive

5704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment