
CRank: 20Score: 367220

I think they already know this. They just can't help trolling.

2372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ bloody. The development kits have both. Same boards, so I think the X was developed to handle either.

2372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The principle is the same. Not trying to do an engineering class here. Yes there is impedance and phases to be considered. Do you guy expect the average gamer here understands that level of calculating power?

By the way. My X is not plugged into the wall, I do have a surge protect for the purpose of using more low wattage device in that location.

2373d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

yep. Best to plug into the wall if they tell you to do so. So far so goo on mine.

2373d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

me too

2373d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

You are the one who is ignorant. The X has way more than RESOLUTION over the pro.

2373d ago 12 agree27 disagreeView comment

Many manufactures do this. HP does it for their printers.
Deadfrag is wrong. You don't measure power unless you have a special conditioner that most people do not have access to. What you would be measuring is voltage. Voltage X Current = power. So even though your surge protector give the right voltage reading, It could restrict current draw to try and protect your device. what happens is, the machine can't draw enough power to run some of it's functions and could freez...

2373d ago 13 agree32 disagreeView comment

slight warmness. I never touch my device unless I have an issue. but it is warm enough where you know there is some power being used. Not something I am concerned about though. I like a quick boot up.

2373d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am playing my Scorpio on a 1080p TV for now (4K TV is storage as we sold our home). This system has me looking at game like tomb Raider and Assassin's creed, and wondering if they can look any better on my 4K screen. Laura looks sooo incredible. Definitely boneable. When she falls to her death I get water in my eyes.

All of my BC games play and look better now. All of them!... even the balls in Zuma have more detail. Remember, I am play on a 1080p screen.

2373d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nah. PS4 already won that. You guys are now having a major issue with the X being way more desirable than the pro

2374d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

No problem with the switch outselling Xbox. There are way more casuals than pro-gamers. So that to me would make perfect sense. That's why the Wii sold so fast. The Pro outselling the X would surprised me though.

2374d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

My opinion disagree with this opinion. 3/10 make zero Sense.

2374d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

The war is still between the Pro and the X. Switch has a most different audience. Only thing to compare here is sales

2375d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

@alex. if they were to rely on games like sunset overdrive, they would be out of the console business. no, getting an exclusive from a playstation developer didn't help the X1 fortune. hardly anyone bought it. but I did. l regret the purchase. played about 4hr in about 4 attemps at getting into it. fail to entertain. very uninteresting

2375d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You must think we are stupid also. You think we just buy a powerfully console to put under the TV to say we have it. It is obviously very well supported. It runs just about every game better than any other console on the market. That's old game and new games. To pretend that there is nothing to do once you by it, is a big insult to anyone who decided to spend their money on it, and at the same time is a bold faced lie. Just because you can play lesser versions on a cheaper console, does ...

2376d ago 19 agree22 disagreeView comment

looks a disturbing but very detailed. I have never even tried a demo of either game.

2376d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you don't know why you'd buy one, how can it be great? Are you trying to say that you think the many people who bought the X are some how stupid? Just come out and say it and stop speaking from both sides of your @$$5%%.

2376d ago 19 agree28 disagreeView comment

Lots of cool discoveries if this very powerful console.

2376d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

sounds like an opinion piece to me. I preview tells about the content and what to expect from your experience. Saying that its better than other game is 100% unique to the writer and purely, unwanted opinion.

2376d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Never knew a company that didn't like good sales. They are all dicks then.

2377d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment