
CRank: 5Score: 4980

Ignorance at its best... I'm playing Tekken Tag 2 and 7, and Dark Souls 1-3 all on Xbox One. Both series Japanese, and both series produced by BandaiNamco, not NamcoBandi... For someone trying to claim knowledge of Japanese gaming you sure don't know a lot about it do you? And before you say anything, I love PlayStation as well. Been playing it since the original grey box when I was like 6. Days spent playing FF7 and 9, Saga Frontier, Legend of Dragoon, and plenty of other JRPGs. Stil...

2446d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

Sorry Pietro, I think we've gotten a bit confused here. My reply was more to S-Word.

2504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I love P3, I can't really say I agree with your stance on the other two. I started with 2, playing on my laptop through an emulator on a trip for high school and liked it, but didn't quite get it, yet. 3 was the "real" first game for me where I followed the story meticulously and felt I understood what was going on and fell in love with the series. 4 was good, and admittedly deeper, but just a bit aesthetically too happy for me. (Objectively a better game, but I prefer...

2506d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Cause hate is all this Dreamcast's ever seen lately." sorry... had to do it. Ha

2511d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Dragon So what is your opinion of IX then? It's very much Fantasy focused. My favorite actually. :)

2511d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the hell is wrong with Woody's blinking in the Movie!? hahaha Never noticed that at full speed.

2512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm in almost the same boat with 24 hours, but had to quit earlier last night since I only took two vacation days. :( I just wanna be at home, still playing it. :)

2615d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I took two vacation days to play it as this is the most important game series for me, personally, and I've been waiting about 5 years for this one. After around 24 total hours so far, it's still just as good. :) I can't wait to get back at it tonight. I love 3, really like 4, like 2 EP and R:P, but this one just seems to blow them all out of the water.

2615d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same. I originally saw a review for P3 while growing up as more of a FF Fan, and was just kind of shocked and weirded out by the concepts the games discussed. Eventually, several years later, I started playing P2 (well the half we got originally) on an emulator during a College Band Trip and loved it. However, for some reason I forgot about it. Fast forward about 3 more years and I'm hanging out with friends who were playing P4 and I started thinking this all seems really familiar. About ...

2636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that's the case, then why did Marvel say they were pulling out the X-Men characters and making it more about the Marvel Cinematic Universe just a few weeks ago? Just bring them back. Wolverine is a Marvel vs Capcom staple, so the idea of him not being there just seems stupid.

2651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing here that really makes me think that you're not a true gamer is your feeling some need to "come out" as a gamer or that you think you need to be some gender to be a real gamer... A real gamer or nerd/geek for that matter accepts who they are, regardless of whether or not their gender meets the societal norms because that's all nerdiness is... The acceptance that you love something that not everyone else will, whether that's Video Games, Anime, Books, Music...

2664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Must have been just for the standard edition. I didn't get one for the Take Your Heart edition. Thankfully, For Honor is filling my new game void pretty well. :)

2664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah but at the end he wraps it up by saying that they've left their impression since 2009. I think he's saying that Dark Souls was the breakthrough into mainstream consciousness, but understands that the roots are in Demons' Souls. So while you're right, you're also wrong. :)

Then again he says "In 2011" and not "Since 2011" so he may have edited the article since you posted for all I know, in which case this is all a moot point and ...

2667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you break things down to the level you just broke down The Last Of Us, any game is gonna sound like crap. No one would consider the Mario series to be iconic if we said it was just a pattern of jumping on things over and over again.

2678d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Barring a couple omissions like maybe StarCraft for an RTS game or heck, just turning WoW into Warcraft to cover both an RTS or an MMO, I'd say this is honestly one of the more competent lists I've seen for influential gaming series. So Kudos for that! Some other people said Command and Conquer but unfortunately I've never played it so I can't really say if I find it more appropriate than StarCraft for sure. I was happy to see Monkey Island make an appearance too. :)

2678d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm kind of in the same boat. I played 1 about two years after it came out, after a friend showed it to me, and I loved the gameplay, but couldn't seem to get past the difficulty barrier. I got about 6 hours of gameplay in and just couldn't get very far. Fast forward to the next year Dark Souls 2 comes out and because of how hyped up all of my friends were, I got it, pretty foolishly, day one. I played it for maybe 2 hours before growing disinterested. I missed Bloodborne entirely...

2688d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As excited as I am for 2017 and my Persona 5 Take Your Heart edition to ship, weren't we just saying 2016 would be the year of the JRPG, last year... hope this isn't going to be a trend of disappointments and delays. :(

2720d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah, I membah!

2726d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Club is DLC because they weren't around until after WrestleMania. The in game stuff is always based around that schedule for every WWE2K game since at least 15 (the first one I've played) unless there are conflicts, like AJ Lee being left out last year despite being in WrestleMania in a tag match with Paige (Most likely due to the Feud between CM Punk and WWE)

2810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamers in general, actually, although yes, PS4 gets the Lion's Share of it that month. I've got the limited edition of this preordered, but I'm also getting Sea of Thieves, kind of want to check out Nioh and maybe Horizon Zero Dawn, and I'm going to guess that South Park FBW will be released around then because of the delay. So I'll most likely wind up buying that too.

R.I.P. My wallet.
Can't remember when - February 2017
"We h...

2812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment