
CRank: 5Score: 1340

Yea i always forget to cancel it cause you have to call

4679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This actually happened to me on friday as well. Funny part is i havent logged into my xbox account in over a year. I was charged 70 dollars. I havent even logged into anything with a semi related user name or pasword either. I think there might be something here guys. Change your passwords.

4679d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I closed the article out when i saw them zooming in on the dog....

really? I have never seen a game criticized more for bad areas of graphics. its actually hilarious

i thought driving simulators were about the experience that you are actually driving the specific vehicle and not staring at one 2d tree and ragequitting because of it. Just my thought.

and FYI- Halo reach is a polygon mess

4937d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

i cannot believe IGN did this. They are so biased.

Both are unimpressive imo

4949d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I thought Bioshock all the way. People say they saw it coming but I really didn't and i loved it. Totally amazing twist and made feel all weird inside.

4952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I swear the video game industry is the only place where this happens all the time and developers get away with it.

i would love to see a reaction of the public if a harry potter book was delayed...

this is really bad for sony

4985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I did not plan on getting this game but after reading this review i have to say that IGN has dropped the ball.

The written review just has this tone of "i wish this was a new MW2" in it sooooo bad. This guy is obviously a COD fanboy its unreal they posted this garbage.

He complained because the guns arnt point in shoot? so he doesn't like realism check.

He complained about killstreaks not being as MW2? so he doesnt like games...

4986d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He only listed FPS's? Maybe the moron just doesn't like FPS's.

anywho, my overrated list

Halo Reacharound
Final Fantasy 13 - would be good if i could connect with ANY of the characters

4993d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am not impressed. Initially i had a ton of fun but as the night went on i began to see all the things that i was so disappointed in halo 3 coming up in halo reach.

The magnet melee ( people lunging with melee attacks).
The bad matchmaking servers.
People leaving a game and a replacement not added.

Also you need a harddrive to play firefight? My buddy does not have a hard drive and we couldn't play. This is stupid. ...

5013d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

why did you even post?

i think radec should of made the list

5015d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

classic fanboy.

and frankly where are those numbers coming from? I guess you can add 29001 because i am going to go preorder right now!

I bet 75000 or those kinect pre-orders never get picked up. unless they steal mommys credit card

5028d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beacuase i want to change my gamertag to something sweetttt like xXsephirothXx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is why MS does this. Cause the community is young and ignorant and has mommys CC

5028d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

guess i wont be picking up halo reacharound aka halo 3.8 in two weeks time. I finally set up my 360 last week too getting ready for the big reacharound party with all the kids. This is such a joke.

I know it is only 10 bucks but i feel this is just the start.....

5028d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Picking up move bundle and Dead Rising 2 (on the bro Box)

so excited for PS Move!!

5029d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

didnt halo 2, 3 and 3.5 all get leaked too? who cares. I am sure they did it on purpose solely for the publicity and the fact they also announced the banning of all XBL accounts that DL it.

This game will be good regardless. but in the end it will get boring after a month cause it will be the same as halo 3

5034d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

So exclusive content on the inferior port? Nice one 2k. I will not buy this game now and just buy it used later. Or just buy it for my 360 if i really feel desperate to play. I wonder how it will do in the reviews

5043d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks very good!

Yes Uncharted 2 looks amazing. But not gonna lie this looks very nice as well!

5043d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember playing the first FEAR and i had no idea what the game was like. I was in my room at college with all my roomates gone and that game scared the piss out of me so much that i had to check every room in the house after playing it before i could fall asleep

Bioshock should be on there just based in the eeriness. It starts off creepy when you are going down that elevator and you see that guy get dismembered. and the random ghosts you see always made my heart skip.

5043d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

i love how this gen is all about who has the better textures/graphics blah blah blah.

I care about gameplay. Who cares about some stupid grass. Do you not get the full immersion because there is no grass in the ps3? no.

stupid stupid stupid. I wonder if this game is any good to begin with. If it is not, why the fanboy attacks on each other?

5048d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you say GOW3 brought nothing new to the table? What about epic scale? what about rideable enemies? what about beautiful graphics that 360 simply could not handle? I dont think it is game of the year either but your post is not the brightest

Not a PS3 fanboy, i love both systems, just you seem like a little fanboy yet your name is i hate fanboys.

Then you mention how Alan wake is the GOTY thus far yet don't explain why. To me that game was sub par at ...

5053d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment