
CRank: 5Score: 45700

xb1 excitement. Its all good.

3790d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Insomniac and MS working together on a xb1 exclusive. Awesome! 2014 on xb1 is gonna be so much betetr than anything else out there.

"It's exciting but... Insomniac just don't make games like they used to"

Of course they don't. now they are with xbox. Everything will be better. smart move by them. they recognize a sinking ship when they see it.

3790d ago 7 agree23 disagreeView comment

lol..i don't know whats more hilarious. That people actually believe this stuff or this site allows such garbage. No standards standards. This maria person has to be one of the mods It doesn't matter how many negative article you can scrounge up. Xb1 is gonna keep selling and be just fine. so keep them coming. Its just more free advertisement.

that site is so look at the stuff they write.

3790d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

issue resolved already.way to go MS. thats what i love about the service. Reliability.

3790d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol..we knew this months ago.

3790d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

One is a rental service and the other actually gets free games you can keep forever. I'll go with the latter. IMO xbl is still the best service. Without that there would be no psn or ps plus. Fact. Remember sony is the one that said no one wants to play

3790d ago 5 agree33 disagreeView comment

Sorry bud but sony only has cloud streaming. MS has actual cloud computing. xbl compute is the future. MS, google, amazon and Rackspace have cloud computing and they didn't have to buy out anyone to get it. Their cloud services are up,running and worldwide today and sony is just barely going into beta with limited services for limited areas.

3790d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

I believe it already is. Sony never releases any sales figures for it and it's always at the bottom of the list. Same goes for software for it. Might as well just use it for remote play only.

3790d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Standby for TitanFall!

3790d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

well thats the whole purpose of this site. They are paid to promote one console. Its the same thing everyday. Its obvious.

3790d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

that sucks. its funny how articles like this barely has people commenting. If it was MS it would be blown out of proportion as usual. double standards!

3790d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol..Those are replay shots.Looks good though. still not 60fps. maybe they can get it there before launch.

so until then.......project cars > Forza 5 > driveclub.

3790d ago 4 agree37 disagreeView comment

Titanfall in March. Awesome game.

3790d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

yea, but its ok when others do it. This is N4g. They promote everything sony and its the opposite for MS. Thats what the site is paid to do. Its so obvious.

3790d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

I hope sony doesn't think like you do. products fail thinking that way. Nintendo and sony thought that about wii-u and vita. You have to have good software support.No one goes out to buy hardware and no games.

3791d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

bring on the bots. let the haters hate, Respawn. people are just butthurt this is exclusive to MS platforms. MS is bringing the games.

3791d ago 16 agree21 disagreeView comment

"Buying any console based on "potential" and "plans" is a terrible mistake"

correct, and people who bought vita and wii-u are finding out the hard way. And its funny you brought up the long-running track record of failure to deliver on said plans... Does Home ring a bell? It should because it fits perfectly what you described. MS is worth over 300 billion and the other console maker used to be worth over 100 billion but now is only worth 20 billi...

3791d ago 22 agree22 disagreeView comment

Still the best controller out there IMO.

3791d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Silicon Studios might not be a name you know, but as the developer of Yebis 2 the company works on titles for both platforms."

That tells you all you need to know right More ps4 indie love. i say go ahead and give ps4 all your games. they need them and sony could definitely use the money. MS is a large corporation. I'll take AAA titles like Titan Fall and quantum break over any indie game. so go ahead indies, knock yourselves

3791d ago 2 agree41 disagreeView comment

this is awesome because i have both. keep the great games coming MS. I love my xb1.

3791d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment