You know why ? BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!
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2562d ago Show

No platform holders like Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft are important to the game industry too.

2574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No company is your friend. But Steam is not bad for the gaming industry.

2575d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just question third party support which I think is incredibly important for any consoles success. Even if those game have to made exclusively for the Nintendo Switch hardware, it's success so far is a good sign of getting companies on board. That's my only concern.

2576d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes well deserved. Although I do wonder how long they can keep this momentum going forward.

2576d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

I mean as expected, they are market leaders. Doesn't mean competition is doing badly however.

2577d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You can still download it, like it and still understand it was made to sell MT bud.... "
No one is denying that, that's how business works.You release a game that doesn't cost any money and hope people are having enough fun with it to justify buying MTs.

I mean they wouldn't put them in the game if they didn't want them to sell. Implying there is some sort of agenda behind it is childish fanboyism, it's a business move to make more pe...

2577d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Overwatch, Rocket League, Gta 5, Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield 1, Uncharted 4, Mass Effect Androeda, FIFA, For Honor, Titanfall 2, Injustice 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, The Division, Metal Gear Solid 5, upcoming Battlefront and Destiny etc. There's loads of games with MT or some sort of cosmetic type of DLC, that aren't Microsoft's games. It's not just MS it's the direction the entire industry has taken. Educate yourself and get over it. And stop just targeting MS if you ha...

2577d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment


Yeah your right it's way worse to ask consumers to pay for microtransactions in a $60 AAA game... /s

And they can't make it 60 fps cause they don't have the original source code. Get yourself educated.

2577d ago 29 agree17 disagreeView comment

So people who don't think it'st a big deal to release a free to play phantom dust are suddenly a MS cult now. LOL, okay... hard to argue with that kind of logic.

2577d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's how games work mate... sorry to break it to you. There made to make money, all these companies like MS, Rockstar, Activision, Ubisoft, Sony, CD Project Red etc. are not making these out of the kindness of there hearts but actually to make money and that doesn't mean there isn't a lot passion behind these products from these developers but they also need to pay the bills.

Yeah typical MS just looking to "milk". There gonna make so much money of a...

2577d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

So your bashing it for being Free to Play ? There is nothing wrong with free to play, most AAA games now have Microstransactions and they're completely optional. So YES YOU CAN IN FACT PLAY IT FOR FREE!!! without paying for microtransactions.

And if you don't like Free to Play games, that's fine, just don't play it.

2577d ago 30 agree17 disagreeView comment

It hasn't even released. LOL.

2577d ago 20 agree19 disagreeView comment

I didn't say that, I said most people wouldn't bother picking it up cause they're not familiar with the IP. It's a niche Japanese xbox original exclusive.

2577d ago 16 agree16 disagreeView comment

Most retail games with a prominent multiplayer element have micro-transactions as well. Nothing wrong with Free to Play, just depends on the game. I've had plenty of fun on Warframe without dropping a single penny on it. Spend a little on World of Tanks. And really enjoyed Planetside 2 too. Path of Exiles being the best Free to Play on how to implement the model.

2577d ago 13 agree14 disagreeView comment

Free to play agenda, lol what?!?!

Get over it already, it's not like anyone (and by that I mean majority) cared about the Phantom Dust IP. This is probably the best way to get people to give it a go who otherwise weren't going to try it. So perhaps it may have been intended to go free to play all along since canceling the remake and re-positioning the project as a rerelease/remaster.

2577d ago 24 agree19 disagreeView comment

Competition is one thing...

Negativity towards a platform cause you dislike it or feel loyalty to your platform is something else entirely. It's a very sad state of affairs and social media just give's it platform to thrive. I hate it myself.

2583d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

They brought Bayonetta to the BC program so I hope we could get Vanguish on their at some point soon.

2599d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks good, don't think it looks great. I don't like the Background renders and the driving/handling just looks off to me... I have to try out in person for myself to get a real feel for it. But still looking forward to the final product, not a fan of this always online mumbo jumbo though.

2600d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I really liked the game, sure it was rough at launch but it got better and if they continue to improve it. Fine by me.

I hope it's a free upgrade for everyone who bought Recore or like Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition, which also came with more content, where you pay a small amount to upgrade to it.

2601d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment