Metal Gear Solid 5 and Metal Gear Rising! Heck Yes!
CRank: 5Score: 7290

Good first event, minus the broadcasting issues on days 1 and 2. Interested to see all the team changes that will occur. Yes, congrats to SQ.

4810d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

SO mean! ahh i was gonna do a back flip if this was true.

4812d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally agree with this article. Right now my 360 is paper weight, if MS wants me to play it 30 hours a week again then need GAMES, GAMES, GAMES. 3rd party doesn't count, I play those online for free, I need a reason to own the xbox 720 cause it provides something I can only enjoy on it's product.

4814d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Thank you! Finally someone wrote about the odd reviews coming out about KZ3. I've played the beta and watched the demo, played K2 and K1. I was stunned to say the least when i read reviews by IGN, 1UP, and other large, popular gaming sites. I honestly felt like they had an agenda to give this game a bad score, and never really mentioned PS Move, 3D or the multiplayer. Like in all honest i haven't played the full game yet, but when I'm done playing it and i get the feeling that thi...

4863d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

hmmm.... it seems to me the difference between giving KZ3 a 9 or a 10 and the 7's and 8's other game journalists are giving it is the campaign. Reading most reviews and playing the beta I've personally come to the conclusion that the campaign is a ? at best, which is sad cause the story trailer looked epic (so i hope a lot of people are wrong, but what are the chances?) The MP is going to be amazing! Sound and Graphics will be epic as well. My personal prediction is a 9/10 with a ...

4864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree with you that halo gives you a lot to do, and has value for sure, hence why i said in my statement "best bang for you're buck online multiplayer" in fact i think the game play, graphics, sound, etc are great. It's the matchmaking system that just makes me want to pull my hair out. Like why do i wanna play a game where the guy who i just beat gets rewarded for losing! See my fear is that these companies, cause its not just halo that converted, have figured out its not...

4873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

halo has been greatness for one reason and one reason only. IT REWARDS SKILL PLAYERS, you could tell a badass by his rank (level 50) then secondary rank (General grade whatever, etc) and then you could see amount of xp earned, plus customs played and if that person was apart of MLG. Point is as you said, you're reward with recognition, people could eye ball you and know that you were legit, maybe not Pro, enough to be like okay this guys been around the block. Now look at halo reach...who...

4873d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The tweaks that speak of are in need of being fixed, but the real reason for the population decline is because Reach lacks replay value. Now let me just say Reach is by far the best online multiplayer bang for you're buck experience (IMO best game play halo since H2). Reach doesn't have ranks that you can lose, theres no reason to want to be good at reach, because whether you win or lose you're always getting experience (i called this COD method). The reason why this is an epic fa...

4874d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

of course they will provide a new IP, with all those innovative ways to give input, sony just wanted to show tech demos, wait till E3.

4876d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ether this guy is really biased or is making predictions without much logic. Doomed from the start? Give me a break! I'd agree if the starting price point is 600 bucks, but if its anywhere near 299.99, then i promise you Sony will do great. idk if Sony can ever catch Nintendo's dominance of the hand held market, but i think that's their long term goal.

4876d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is awesome. MGS4, Uncharted, Call of Duty, Resistance, etc. That;s nuts! You would think i was talking about a ps3 game line up. No, its for a mobile device that's fits in your hand!!!!!! I'm impressed.

Side Note - Hideo Kojima thinking about cloud gaming and MGS in same sentence...could equal epicness.

4876d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes, but it wasn't an upgrade in HD, it was just putting all the games together.

4882d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell Yes!!! This is a great idea!!! For those gamers who have not experienced the MGS Franchise, please pick it up, as gamers i feel like we should reward directors/studios/franchises that put as much quality as there is in the MGS Series. Truly the reason why i got into gaming. Can't wait for MGS Rising, MGS5!

4882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just started playing ME2 on the PS3, truly is a top notch production/game. Great job EA, wish more studios would put as much effort as Bioware did on this game. Doesn't surprise me to see the PS3 community support a great game like this. Thanks Sony!

4882d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i meant my console upgrade in a joking way, in that PC gamers upgrade graphics card, etc. I'm just saying i liked only having to pay 400 bucks (2008) for my console, and that was the only cost as far as hardware goes, i'm glad i don't need a new graphics card for my ps3 every other year or whatever just to play the latest and greatest games (ie: Crysis, Star Craft 2). My fault on a bad joke over forums...

4883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

umm I'm sorry PC Mag, but I'm not one of those gamers that can afford to upgrade there consoles every 6 months or buy a gaming pc. I like 10 year product cycles for the PS3, i mean look at their games, they have only gotten better! I've invested easily over 1,000 bucks between an xbox and ps3 and im not ready to invest another grand for the next consoles. 10 year cycle ftw.

4884d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

Activison you disgust me, according to you're words and actions, all you care about is money. This is why i sold my black ops a week ago.

4884d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

good video article, HHG, keep doing what you're doing. in one sentence of what this article is about. Sales don't equal quality, PS3 is about being the best value for the gamer.

4884d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

this doesn't surprise me, people for get that this was Xbox's year with their major studios coming out swinging, all sony needed to do was stay close and take the punches (Halo Reach, Fable 3, Kinect, Alan Wake, Etc) If you look at US sales that doesn't surprise me at all! Every 13 year old girl and 40 something year old mom is in love with this thing! That's exactly what Microsoft wants, i want it too, i own shares of stock in Microsoft and am reaping the benefits. That said,...

4889d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The worry i have for the psp2 is that if it's not going to include a phone then i feel like the market for a heavy duty mobile gaming machine is the ages of like say 15 to 21 due to the fact that parents love Nietendo for their kids and really if you're older then 21 then you're either just a drive away from you're console at home or you don't have the time to be playing god of war at the bus stop. So i worry that Sony won't be as profitable as they could be if they ha...

4961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment