
CRank: 5Score: 9630

Unfortunately that's how multiplatform game development works. Devs always use the lowest common denominator to make development easier and faster. And it's not all about loading screens anyway. I expect all PS5/Series X games to launch without loading screens, but it would be interesting to see if a game like Ratchet and Clank would be possible on the Series X (and I don't mean graphically but I mean the switching between dimensions).

I expect to see the PS5&#...

1447d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because as some people already pointed out here. A lot of the "reviewers" have never even posted a review before i.e. they just want to give the game a 0 for whatever reason. And a lot of reviews were posted just a couple of hours after release. Those people could never have finished the game.

At least with journalists you know that they've played the game for their review.

1449d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


Or maybe people want to decide for themselves if they like the game or not. I've been playing the first two hours of the game and so far I really don't see what all the fuss was about. Congrats to me I guess cause apparently I played myself...

If you don't like a game then don't buy it, all these reviews are obviously made by people who haven't played the game cause most of them were posted in the first hours after release ...

1449d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

Agreed, the Xsex is the most boring console ever created (design wise).

1456d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

naruga is not getting a PlayStation at launch for the first time ever? That's it people, cancel PS5. We're done here.

Nice stealth troll, try harder next time.

1456d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have fun with your gamepass shovelware over the next years..

1825d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of many articles with another ‘step’ to try to keep xbox relevant. During the first three years of this generation these articles were about a comeback (against better judgment). Now they’re all about how xbox will win next gen.

1961d ago 27 agree2 disagreeView comment

12 million its 5th year for Xbone? The Xbone sold 3.6 million units this year according to vgchartz. This comparison shows Xbones first 19 months on the market compared to Switch first nineteen months on the market. So the Xbone sold 12 million in 19 months after its launch and the Switch sold 20 million in 19 months.

2045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Lol at your ignorance, Sony has actually doubled down on third party marketig deals this generation. Almost all of the biggest franchises have marketing deals with Sony. They took two of the biggest franchises in the console industry (COD and FIFA) and they're about to release a bundle with Fortnite (the biggest game at the moment).
You were saying?

2134d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

The WiiU sales part cracked me up. The author seems to think that selling 14 million consoles is somehow a good thing, nice twist.
Sony's worst selling console (PS3): 86 million units sold
Nintendo's worst selling console (WiiU): 14 millions units sold

Let that sink in for a while...

2134d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about? It's PUBG's own fault for releasing an unfinished game and then have the audacity to ask money for it. EPIC games were just smart enough to make Fortnite a free to play game (and release it on all platforms).

Also, the decision to partner with xbox for some quick cash means they are losing a big chunk of the console market (80 million install base). PUBG could have had a head start in the console market but now they've been overtaken ...

2205d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Besides that, this article is full of bs. The author is all over the place in this article but never really makes a point.

For example: "Sony is doing amazing right now and there’s no doubt about it, but Microsoft has set a foundation for the future, something Sony has yet to do."
Sony has no foundation for the future? What about their wide range of internal studio's that get a lot of creative freedom to develop amazing games. In 15-20 years Sony set ...

2226d ago 82 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't get it either, it's a perfectly normal comment. Sales seem to better than the PS4 Pro launch numbers at a higher price point so it looks like a good start. I have a feeling that it could be doing well in the US and UK over the next year because those countries don't seem to be loyal to a brand (a lot of people switched from PS2 to 360 and later from 360 to PS4). More competition for Sony is definitely not a bad thing cause this year was way too easy for Sony.

2396d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

@obscure observer

1 in 5 with PS4 sales is almost 4 million PS4 Pro’s.
1 in 5 with Xbone sales is about 1,5 million Xbone x’s

I would say 4 million is a bigger succes than 1,5. But we’ll see how much the X will sell next year.

2402d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What? Sony never used 1080p or full hd in their advertisement for the PS4. They used “this is for the players”, “greatness awaits” and sometimes they said it was the world’s most powerful console which was true at the time.
If you had followed the PS4 reveal you would know that Sony had a clear message from the beginning: the PS4 was all about simple game development for developers and it was first and foremost a console made for gamers. That clear message from the beginning is what...

2407d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You clearly haven't played UC4 and The Lost Legacy, the transition between gameplay and cutscene is seamless and everything is in-engine. Amazing tech from Naughty Dog.

2413d ago 48 agree1 disagreeView comment


Your reasoning makes no sense. You do realise that Sony makes a profit on most of its first party games right. So Sony makes profit on software and hardware (which they sell a lot more of compared to MS). MS is going to lose money on every xbone x they sell. I don’t know why MS is not investing in first party studios but it’s not because it’s not profitable (maybe they think it’s too risky).

2429d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah it'll sell a lot of Pro's I think.

2476d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment


Exclusive games define the console they come out for. They give the brand indentity, that's why variety in exclusives is so important as well. Only a few exclusive franchises (Uncharted, Gran Turismo) will sell as much as the multiplatform jugernauts but combined with all the other exclusives they make the console platform stand out from the competition. That's exactly the reason why Sony and Nintendo are doing so well right now an MS is struggling. Xbo...

2476d ago 52 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes I was wrong. I did check before I posted but to my knowledge when an item has the official price (279) on amazon it's in stock so I didn't click on the Switch itself. But it does say temporarily out of stock so I was wrong, my bad.

2533d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment