
CRank: 6Score: 5410

i agree Midgard228

i honestly dont remember the last time my PSN has lagged but when i used live on my xbox360 i experienced lag alot especially on soul calibur 4, which has never lagged on my PS3

5424d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol, it looks like the fees everyone pays for live isn't going towards making a superior service like 360 fanboys love to claim.
instead it looks like its going more towards fattening corporate vip wallets, that sounds like a trustworthy investment.

5424d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually a +50% failure rate was something the 360 actually had. to be exact it was actually somewhere around 67% or 68%

5425d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

about 50% less, considering well over 50% was caught in the failure rate

5425d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

DQ has always been one of the most popular names in japan. if you have DQ7 for the PSone, just look at the back of the case. it will tell you that its the highest selling "japanese" playstation game of all time.

5425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i would actually like to see a game that centered around the age of pirates. one that isn't tactics or strategy styled. just a good deep fun game dealing with the legends and stories of pirates

5425d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i LOLed so hard at that ^_^

5425d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

and these so-called great sales numbers are adding in the multiple xboxes being purchased due to product failure by a single consumer and calling it new sales. (not that console sales really matter to me anyway, its not like M$ is putting anyone out of business)

as mentioned above, the 360 has the highest fail rate of any console in history. and there should have been a complete product recall for such bad quality work. i guess enough fanboy hype can even sell a console that has ...

5425d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its so nice to see an article that isn't console biased and actually tells people that they shouldnt be console fanboys.
if anything above all else is destroying gaming

1) console fanboys
2) the media

its one thing to have an opinion and think what you have is better, debate a point, and agree to disagree. its totally different to treat people like sh*t because they have a different preference than you.

5426d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol, this sh*t coming from the company begging sony to drop the PS3's price. talk about hypocritical moves on the part of activision, and of course they have some lame ass excuse to justify their hypocrisy. i hope activision and EA both go under during the recession.

but whatever, call of duty isnt my kind of game. i honestly wouldn't buy that sh*t if it was in the $9.99 and under bin

5427d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

eh, i think left for dead sucks anyway. its not like DLC would help

5427d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i know, i just had FPS games on my mind when i was writing this. i was talking to a friend about how i hate FPS games xD and when i noticed that i put FPS it was too late to edit it.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i would actually like to say thank you to the two posts above me.

thats one thing i was worried about was it being overhyped garbage.

its developed From Software the same dev that did kingsfield and i hated that game. however they also did Tenchu which i like.

so though i am looking forward to this game, i have been very skeptical

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

only two good games on this list
eternal sonata and valkyria chronicles

i dunno why everyone is saying demons soul, what if the game comes out and it sucks ass. people need to play a game before saying its good.

man i hate best of lists

5428d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

first of all, gears on PS3 too wouldn't exactly influence sales of its console. thats just a fact.
secondly FPS games are generally more preferred on an overall basis on the 360 than the PS3.

thirdly, for everyone on here b*tching about dirty tactics from sony and microsoft with SE or people seeing SE as betraying nintendo and sony need to step back and take a look and why SE used the PSone in the first place. FFVII was originally intended for the SNES, then moved to the N6...

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sega cd was the first console on the market to use cd's

5428d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i can see exactly what your saying
but it is fact that sony and microsoft do have to pay if they want a console exclusive. or to have them released a year or more on their console before it goes to the competitors system.
thats the point i was making

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as interesting as your idea is, i would have to say i disagree with you.

the 360 is marketed as a NEXT GENERATION console by MICROSOFT. they launched it the way they did in order to compete with the PS3 a next gen console, and beat it out the door. and they stuck with the mainstream DVD format and gave it a PC like format. in order to make development very very easy. all that aside MICROSOFT even calls it a next gen console. the only reason the arcade is cheaper than the wii is t...

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

also pouring money out the ass for games that were initially PS3 exclusive and multiplatform to make them exclusive. much much waist. none of which really contributed to 360 sales. except for maybe one or two titles

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the picture should have been a ps2 game instead of a PSone title being that you CAN PLAY PSone games on the f**king thing. im glad i kept all my psONE games. hell man, i still have my psONE.

im sure sony will bring BC back. but for now they had to cut it to give us a price drop. thats right, for all the people b*tching about a price drop, one has already happened. a $200 price drop.

5428d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment