
CRank: 5Score: 58030

And for all the sony fanboys who keep bringing up the red ring of death. Sony isn't going to pay to fix your console for free Microsoft did. I got two friends with dead ps3 they cant use because either their year warranty is up or they cant find their original sales receipt. My console died as well from sony's crappy firmware updates but i got mine fixed because i finally found my receipt. All of my friends now have to pay 160 dollars to fix their console. Sony is full of it. Oh yeah Microsof...

5629d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There are 20 Xbox 1 titles for download on live now and have been for months. You tards dont know what the hell your talking about.

5653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because silver members can download movies and tv shows plus buy arcade games. Microsoft makes most of their money on the marketplace store so they dont care about the ratio. Microsoft is now the biggest provider of movies and tv shows so they dont need to care.

5719d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How quick they forget the sinking ship that is the PS3.Sony cut the price on a 600 dollar console in its first year and half. They saw microsoft and nintendo running away with the lead and you guys call microsoft price cuts as a panic tactic.

The 360 was always 150 cheaper than the ps3 microsoft gave that away as long it was outselling ps3 when that change they finaly gave us a proper price cut. Microsoft price cut wasnt desperation it was sony. Its the same with the 360 and th...

5734d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not the best shooter its the most played. Thats why i play Ghost recon 2 and Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 on survival mode because it sends all the noobs packing

5734d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Mr402 You know that all xbox live card tack onto you current subscription. I use all my 48 hour cards or 1 month cards on my account i know ive been playing on the last 3 months on cards ive gotten for free inside of games.

5736d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone who played half-life 2 on the pc knew that resistance 1 ripped off half life 2 big time. It also has a little halo mixed into the mix also. I remember alot of game review sites marking resistance 1 down because it borrowed so heavily from half- life and halo. They said it had a lack of originality and
borrowed heavily from all the great shooters
and just mashed all of their ideas into one.

5741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The price rate they pay on taxes screw them on game and console prices. That wii price in europe is still higher than the 360 in the us. So microsoft is making the price as low as it is in the US.

5741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really hope PS3 comes in last place this generation. Because all you PS3 fanboys will be contemplating suicide because your just that stupid. You spend all day surfing boards like a bunch of raving lunatics attacking anything not playstion. If 360 comes in last place we will be ok.You Sony tards will probably kill yourselves.

5742d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

You attack anyone who tells the truth about your PS3. Shoe wouldn't sell out to sony and nintendo or ubisoft and they blackballed EGM.Talking about a bunch of children throwing a tantrum. Just because a website wouldn't guarantee them a score a head of time. So these cry baby companies throw a fit because they cant buy a favorable review from EGM and you dumb @^%$# cheer them for it.

Fine buy games from sell out game reviews sites that will say anything publishers say.They thr...

5743d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's time sony fanboys get some of their own medicine. They lie about the launch of the system to stop people from buying 360. They say they have games on their system when they obviously have none. Then bad mouth every great 360 game that comes out. They overpay for their system and try to pretend 360 is more expensive.

5743d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Anyone who use to play half-life 2 know that DRM like steam is just as frustrating. If you dont have an internet connection you cant play your games on steam. That one of the reason i stopped playing pc games because if i moved or didnt have internet at the time i couldn't play PC games. You dont hear this type of crybaby crap about steam so these guys are a bunch of pirates who are pissed because they have to buy the game.

The developers of crysis are right these people will ...

5749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your always say HA HA its not an exclusive because its on PC. Well this is what you get for all your chest thumping.IF you haven't noticed consoles are getting most of you guys game and developers are leaving pc for consoles in droves.

5756d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

So of course its going to look better on PS3 this company almost never makes xbox games. These guys always give PS3 exclusives.

5756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5760d ago

When it comes to the 360's battery its no comparison sony gave you guys a little 2 foot cord to recharge your ps3 controller. I dont know about you but i have a huge tv and i sit 10 feet away from it that little cord doesn't cut it. Plus you cant remove the ps3 battery when that battery goes bad a new controller you will be buying.Microsoft thought of this problem ahead of time. Plus the 360 plug and play kit has like a 8 foot cord just enough for me to lean forward and still play my games in...

5768d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And blu tooth head sets suck for online gaming if you got a nice surround sound system. You cant crank it with blu tooth because it has sorry background noise reduction. I can crank my system almost all the way up on 360 before someone im playing with complains its too loud.

5768d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They made the 360 version look blurry then picked areas where there isnt 300 plus zombies in the room this is sad.Dead rising 360 looks way better that this what the hell is wrong with these people. I think that video is actually off of a 480I tv instead of HD.

5769d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you buy the 199 arcade with the 120Gig hard drive its cheaper than what i paid for my 360.Plus they get HDMI for free.

5775d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason microsoft picked P2P over dedicated servers because companies like EA and Sony shut down the servers when the game gets old.I can pick up any Xbox live game ever made and play online. If there is just one person in the world playing my game i can get a game going.

Dedicated severs are shut down all the time and when that happens your game is completely useless.Xbox live has the option to have dedicated servers but the live service is so well done and the cost to run...

5796d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment