CRank: 5Score: 1790

".the other guy was a n00b to give it 8/10"

Not a noob. Just a loser Xbox/Halo/Gears of War fanboy.

You know...the perfect person to have doing PS3 exclusive reviews for your website.

5377d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If bolting a bunch of pointless Ayn Rand drivel onto a brain dead generic fps game is what you want out of gaming, knock yourself out.

5377d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5377d ago

Thankfully so gamers will have good games to play besides this garbage.

Next up from 2K games, Nietzsche Pong. It's the same old pong but with lots of pointless Nietzsche references to make it look like their crappy little game is 'art'.

5377d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5377d ago
5377d ago

No one wants to hear you bragging about that stinking pile of fail that is Microsoft's online service.

If Microsoft can't even get something as basic as:

1. Dedicated servers for all major online games

2. Free online play for everyone

their horrible quality online service doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as PC and PS3 online gaming.

5377d ago 25 agree4 disagreeView comment

"i remember when the first uncharted launched sales could not reach 100k in the US however"

You mean you foolishly read some fake sales numbers from vgchartz trying to give the impression that another PS3 exclusive had poor sales...

5377d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Old and boring video of a crappy game.

5377d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

"There's only one logical explanation for this halt in crytek's phenomenal progress on the tech side....i'm looking at you console's"


And, yawn, at more silly Crytek 'engine demos'. Who do these clowns think they are fooling with stuff they don't have running in their actual games? Booring.

Put up or shut up. Show it an actual shipping or soon to be shipping game or stop wasting everyone's time with the pathetic hype CryTek.

5377d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

USB is garbage.

The Intel lies about speed are disgusting.

Transfer rates to my Firewire connected drive are close to the claimed public speeds.

For my USB connected drive it is about half what Intel claims in real world usage and twice as slow to copy data compared to my Firewire drive.

5377d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

vgchartz is the site of 20 year old Xbox fan who use to post fake sales numbers on the neogaf forums. He was perma-banned for making up sales numbers to try to make it look like the Xbox 360 was selling much better than it really was.

The site is the laughing stock of the gaming world. No one gives a crap what they have to say about games, let alone actually reviewing them.

5377d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I've never heard one PS3 fanboy attempt to convince me to join their side."

Because the 140 million Playstation owners in the world don't want you.

Is that clear enough?

5378d ago 32 agree11 disagreeView comment

This fanboy meltdown is AWESOME.

You can just imagine the bitter little Xbox fan sitting there banging his little tantrum out in his Halo jammies with tears streaming down his face.

5378d ago 28 agree13 disagreeView comment

Your RRoDbox can't play PS3 games troll.

Look at his post history...

5380d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Keep discussions about that STINKING PILE OF FAIL Modern Warfare 2 out of Uncharted 2 stories.

Almost Wii level graphics
Same junk P2P 16 player networking
Horrible arcadish gun controls with massive amounts of auto-aim so all the lamers and kiddies can actually hit things

It's the Britney Spears of fps games. No talent and massive marketing.

5380d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Poisonous influence of Microsoft on the console market.

If you didn't know the names or details of this travesty of journalism but only that some guy who works for one of the console companies did a hatchet job on one of the other console makers for the exact same reason the company that pays the guy is infamous for, who would be your guess?

Microsoft, of course.

Which company sends out 'gift bags' to reviewers?

Microsoft, of course.

5380d ago 34 agree7 disagreeView comment

What else is the to do with old Microsoft copy of Sony's EyeToy technology other than silly and desperate hype.

When Nintendo introduced the Wii and Wiimote. No one was having to write "What Can The Wii Do For Me?" articles.

Nintendo had from day one at E3:

* Working hardware that was demoed live on stage - not the rigged demos Microsoft was caught trying to pass off

* Games. Game people actually wanted to play. Right there on the ...

5381d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Say what you will, but they do end up changing their numbers to the NPD and Media Create numbers after they are released, which means they have a somewhat decent vault of sales info. "


They post fake sales numbers.
They go back and change their fake sales numbers when the real numbers come out.

And that 'means they have a somewhat decent vault of sales info'???


5381d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


It is a disgusting site.

My favorite vgchartz is a year or so ago when their made up sales numbers were so bad that even Xbox 360 fans were having to publicly distance themselves from them because the 360 sales numbers were so absurdly high and the PS3 numbers were equally at absurdly low levels when the real NPD numbers came out.

So what did vchartz do for damage control?

They flipped their made up sales figures for the next mo...

5381d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment