
CRank: 5Score: 5440

Look who is sayin this. Its like askin O.J. if hes innocent. of course hes gonna say he is but we all know better. The ps3 just isnt powerful enough to make that much a diff. in games not to the naked eye anyway.
Hell he might as well have said that sales for the ps3 is going to surpass the Wii in 09 while he was at shoveling that bs.

5695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RFOM1 9.5 RFOM2 8.5 well nothing like back peddlin hey ps3owners. At this pace RFOM3 should be a complete flop! If they even bother to make another. Got to make room for coo games that make you play with little boy sack. Enjoy 09 you sony tools!

5695d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is the obsession with playing with little boy sack. LBP is the dumbest concept ive run across on a while. And im a bartender! All its missing is a wii controller. XBOX in japan am i the only one not shocked? They worked hard to beat the beast on its own turf. I would give any company cred for that.

5714d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

does anyone else think this game is LAME! I got a sac boy for ya! And your can put it in yo mouth! Dumb concept! All its missing is a Wii controller.

5714d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Quit with the rumors already! I would love this game on xbox. Iv always been a fan, but quit already tell me when the release date is or keep it to yourselves.

5714d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they wont be able to absorb one more flop. And how are they gonna not do that? Its what they are good at. I mean 1 more laptop catches a house of a car on fire they might be takin the whole thing back to japan.

5718d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats 404 dollars a month! Damn the time it took!
This guy should kill himself. Ya know what good that money could do. Sad Sad people out there.

5718d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

what is so new about this ill stick to cod4

5720d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

chow yun phat dosent take on bad roles so i have high hopes for this movie and come on even if your a huge fan you got to no the cartoon is cornier than hell. But the action is strait! So Im not gonna hate till i see it.

5725d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still only 8% of the market DVD 92%. How can anyone argue that blue-ray is even a factor yet better yes but will it stick.

5727d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was talking more about the wait that will be a killer. And sonys plan is not to launch late any business persons will tell you thats not the best plan to make money. Time to get and even larger foothold in the next gen gaming world. Like i said if ps4 came out tomorrow I would want it. Just to be ahead of the curve. And dont you think sonyfans would buy it? It might enrage them but you know ya all pony up the dough. And the tec. is there my friend there just trying to figure out a way to m...

5740d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant wait till this comes out im sic of this gen. already time for something better. I doubt sony will be able to keep up with the councle rotation. Now some will say its too soon but I know xbox fans and we will buy it. If the new box follows the trend of its predecessor It will do 2x better than the last plus its gonna be far superior to the ps3. There will be no argument about that. And do you think sony will pony up the dough for ps4 when they didn't make much money on 3. Probably but the...

5741d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

makes you little girls that mad at xbox WOW get a LIFE.

5741d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Know why PS3 fans are so hostile towards the 360?

1. Faulty hardware.
2. 360 fanbrats and their chest thumping.
3. Being attacked for buying a PS3.
4. Being told the PS3 has no games.
5. Being told that the Playstation 3 was a flopstation, a delaystation, a wait behind station.
6. Microsoft and their many, many lies. And before you start this sh*t about all corporations do that, Microsoft tends to do that the most.

1.Wow i didnt know bu...

5741d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

thats why ps3 fans hate what? look at all of you on this xbox post. ya know why your all here? Cause there is nothing to talk about on the phony gaystation posts. OOOOHHHH WOW another firmware update. Lets all spank it together about blueray. To this day dont know 1 person with blueray movies or players. No kidding not one person and I have alot of friends and family all movie buffs. Sh!t I know someone that has AIDS but not a soul with a blueray player. so dont tell me its doing well. If it ...

5741d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

dosent matter what you read you dont believe it anyway. Your opinions dont mean sh!t to the gaming world or the companies you defend. Juuken on another xbox post your such a loser it makes me weep. Fact you will all be lucky to get a ps4 this is a disaster for sony compared to its predecessor. Think about it wii selling better than the cube 360 outselling xbox 1 ps3 stalled and stale sales. Not a profit to speak of yet. No price drop in the horizon. 360 sales picking up in japan, wii smashing...

5741d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

goes to XBOX not a suprise.

5742d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

im an xbox fan too but the ps3 isnt going to die next week. so stop talking sh!t. Realistically Im looking for a next gen kill.

5742d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It just beat the wii in sales in japan nuff said. That ps3 is looking over the grave of the dreamcast wondering when its time is up. Ps3rd is so fitting.

5742d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

than emo had to open his mouth. Can u read dude.

5742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment