
CRank: 5Score: 7120

How does EA Access and Xbox Live cost you that much? I just renewed Live for $32.99 for 12mo, and Access is $30 for the year. That's $63 altogether. Hit up for discounted Live subscriptions.

3209d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've already played the 8v8 and didn't like it at all. The map feels empty and some of the weapons seem very op without titans and the ai running around. It's glaringly obvious that the game was never designed to be pilots only.

3543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with you. I just spent the last 3 days doing a playtest for Bethesda and we were using the Tritton 720+. Previously I'd never used gaming headsets, but I fell in love with the depth of the audio experience during the playtest and decided to pick some up. I chose the 4 shot purely on Polk's audio pedigree and the build quality. This headset is sturdy and well built, feels like it could take some abuse unlike some of the Turtle Beaches and Trittons I've seen. They...

3721d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They did. I had the same problem but I'm happy to say I was finally able to finish the campaign this morning.

3805d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was actually at the Dallas event on its second day and it was packed. My wife and I got to the event about 30 minutes early to make sure we'd get in during the first session and there were easily 100 people in line when we got there. We played as much as we wanted for about 1 1/2 hours before we left. Some games we had to wait to play like bf4, killer instinct, ryse, etc. They were actually turning people away when we left because they were about to go to lunch before they started their...

3837d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I honestly agree with you. I don't see how watching tv through the hdmi in is a bad feature. If you don't like the game lineup for the xb1 fine, I can understand that. If you prefer psn to xbl, that's understandable too. Different strokes and what not, but how is a feature that is designed to keep you connected to your personal gaming community a bad thing? Personally, I'll be incredibly happy when these consoles finally release so some of the ridiculous fanboy nonsense like h...

3837d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

There's so much trolling on this site, it's hard to discern a joke from the garden variety troll statement without the /jk or /s attached. Raw text doesn't communicate tone very well.

3848d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

excellent post, thanks for a more approximate way to compare the dimensions of these consoles.

3848d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

actually, no, it isn't.

3848d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just got back from the Dallas Xbox One Area One event and I can tell you first hand that the console is not nearly as big as some people would have you believe. Honestly, once you see it, it'll make you chuckle at all those people making such a big deal about it. While it may not win any awards for industrial design, it is in no way the huge, awkward "1980's" VCR some are making it out to be.

edit: Gotta love the phantom disagrees on this site. Seriously,...

3848d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think your tinfoil hat is on a little too tight, and you might wanna stop drinking that hater-ade, might be a little too strong for you. Just so you know, a Data Center is the official/unofficial name given to a building that houses a server farm. A server farm is a large collection of networked servers housed at a location. Honestly, I don't know what more can be said to help conspiracy nuts like you. It's all right there in the article in black and white. Azure is Microsoft's ...

3900d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to disagree with your last statement. Software virtualization of a server doesn't make it any less powerful a solution. The power of a server comes from hardware scalability and what it's configured to do. Virtualization merely provides more efficient options for the use of the server. The only thing MS said is that their cloud solution would be powerful and scalable to the needs of developers.

3900d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You Sony fanboys are idiots. It's NFL kickoff weekend geniuses. Outside of Superbowl weekend, this is the biggest viewership weekend of the season for the NFL in the US. A perfect opportunity to reach the largest part of the demographic that's going to use and appreciate the features shown in that commercial. Games alone aren't enough to justify the price tag of a new console so you have to have desirable features that add value in potential customers eyes. The NFL in the US is a ...

3904d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gotta say that I'm kinda disappointed. I haven't touched a COD game since MW2 for various reasons. I got sick of the hackers, glitchers, campers, boosters, etc. Most of all though, I was sick of Activision pumping out the same shit year after year with nothing changing but a new coat of paint and some unbalanced killstreak nonsense. I had high hopes that with all the horsepower on tap with the next gen consoles, gamers would finally see some real innovation in COD, but instead we got ...

3927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

how do you get a disagree for offering a tip that'll save the average user money? haters gonna hate I guess.

4372d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here's a little tip on getting gold on the cheap. First, let your gold expire. Second, when prompted to renew or revert back to the "free" silver account, revert back to the free account. Third, watch for the large tile on the home screen to flip until it shows an offer for one month of gold for $1 or 2 months for $2 and grab the deal. Lastly, go to and cancel the auto renew and when your gold expires again repeat the process. I've paid $6 for the last six months of...

4372d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

if you'd actually try it instead of hating, you'd see that it's actually quite good. fyi, it's windows phone 7 or wp7, not win7 mobile. troll harder.

4681d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

wp7 is not expensive. you can get some of the most popular wp7 handsets for next to nothing on and

4704d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@riksweeney, actually you can download the trial version and play the ENTIRE game for free. $2.99 gets you online leaderboards and achievements. Honestly don't know what the big deal is anyway, most people pay more for their morning coffee.

4704d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm blacker than the ace of spades and i had this problem at first. ran the kinect tuner, adjusted my lighting so that my face was evenly lit and presto! works great now. following the tips and calibrating multiple times in different lighting helps kinect learn how to identify you.

4941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment