
CRank: 5Score: 5170

You guys who don't want to admit the fact that Sony is going to demolish the XBOX in gaming and online technology are going to get an extreme wake up call this beautiful wintery Christmas season. I bet you that if you go buy a PS3 you will be less stressed and more relaxed -- think about it you'll be enjoying the holiday season much more peaceful and full of tranquility knowing everytime you walk into your living room true entertainment awaits you.

6160d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As you waiting patiently downloading this demo I think we're going crack open a beer, smile and sit back on your sofa because the gameplay, the graphics, the sound, the cinematography and the tru quality of the story is going to make you say "I'm so lucky I bought this amazing gaming machine."

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why not just give up all you xbox people and go out and buy a PS3 that way we can all live in harmony and be friends without all this hatred. Think about it when the Playstation Home starts we can all communicate with happiness in our lives.

6160d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The inexperience of a company is shown thru CEO'S leaving and selling stock. The fact that they truly blew at E3 all the CEO's are freaking out on all the losses - billions of dollars lost. Whew thats embarassing - extending the warranty to three years instead of a recall - poor consumers -- their is so much stress and anxiety at the XBOX HQ that I could just see it now everyone at work pretending to work and definately want to get paid -- their all walking on egg shells. XBOX thought it w...

6160d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lazy lazy and oh so lazy -- This is microsoft with no gaming engineers --"Hey bioware i'll give you 10 million to make me a game"
You see thats why they buy their games they have no game artists I mean look at Halo where are the true life facial expressions in Halo --they are all wearing masks now thats artistry the easy way out--Now look at LAIR OR HEAVENLY SWORD OR KILLZONE2 etc. Now thats not being afraid of work and sweat when creating a cinematic game.

6160d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its about everything that SONY stands buy "QUALITY IN EVERYTHING" that is hardware, the online network, the GAMES, the Sony Bravia tvs, Sony Columbia Pictures Movies, the Sony car stereos, the PSP, the Sony home stereos, the SONY Handycams, the SONY Vaio, the SONY mp3 players, the SONY BLURAY players and movies, THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD BUYS -- you are so pathetic Microsoft XBOX and the world do not mix just tell microsoft to stick to making the Microsoft Office programs and the vista...

6160d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sony will crush Microsoft because all they have focused on is ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS you XBOX fools don't even know how powerful Sony is-- their strategy-- their top notch engineering-- their connections with the most influential people in the world and we're talking about Europe and Asia and Australia and the U.K the list goes on and on-- did you XBOX fans really think that the PS3 was going down the drain --you guys dont't know whats going to happen this Holiday Season its going to be the B...

6160d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony will crush Microsoft because all they have focused on is ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS you XBOX fools don't even know how powerful Sony is-- their strategy-- their top notch engineering-- their connections with the most influential people in the world and we're talking about Europe and Asia and Australia and the U.K the list goes on and on-- did you XBOX fans really think that the PS3 was going down the drain --you guys dont't know whats going to happen this Holiday Season its going to be the B...

6160d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

When people go out to buy Halo3 and stick it into their refurbished machine which by the should be called the The Vacuum Hoover Box they are going to be so dissapointed hence its going to be the same thing over and over, the gameplay is going to be the same as Halo2, you watch give it 3 days after release and hear people say "its alright, nothing I've never played before." Unlike Lair or Heavenly Sword or Drake Uncharted Island etc. these are all diverse interesting games. Coming S...

6160d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony will crush Microsoft because all they have focused on is ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS you XBOX fools don't even know how powerful Sony is-- their strategy-- their top notch engineering-- their connections with the most influential people in the world and we're talking about Europe and Asia and Australia and the U.K the list goes on and on-- did you XBOX fans really think that the PS3 was going down the drain --you guys dont't know whats going to happen this Holiday Season its going to be the B...

6160d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

When people go out to buy Halo3 and stick it into their refurbished machine which by the should be called the The Vacuum Hoover Box they are going to be so dissapointed hence its going to be the same thing over and over, the gameplay is going to be the same as Halo2, you watch give it 3 days after release and hear people say "its alright, nothing I've never played before." Unlike Lair or Heavenly Sword or Drake Uncharted Island etc. these are all diverse interesting games. Coming S...

6160d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

When people go out to buy Halo3 and stick it into their refurbished machine which by the should be called the The Vacuum Hoover Box they are going to be so dissapointed hence its going to be the same thing over and over, the gameplay is going to be the same as Halo2, you watch give it 3 days after release and hear people say "its alright, nothing I've never played before." Unlike Lair or Heavenly Sword or Drake Uncharted Island etc. these are all diverse interesting games. Coming S...

6160d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

When people go out to buy Halo3 and stick it into their refurbished machine which by the should be called the The Vacuum Hoover Box they are going to be so dissapointed hence its going to be the same thing over and over, the gameplay is going to be the same as Halo2, you watch give it 3 days after release and hear people say "its alright, nothing I've never played before." Unlike Lair or Heavenly Sword or Drake Uncharted Island etc. these are all diverse interesting games. Coming S...

6160d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

When people go out to buy Halo3 and stick it into their refurbished machine which by the should be called the The Vacuum Hoover Box they are going to be so dissapointed hence its going to be the same thing over and over, the gameplay is going to be the same as Halo2, you watch give it 3 days after release and hear people say "its alright, nothing I've never played before." Unlike Lair or Heavenly Sword or Drake Uncharted Island etc. these are all diverse interesting games. Coming S...

6160d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Those dreaded red rings.....Why oh why does this have to happen right now. Dang

6161d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Heavenly Sword, Lair and many more.

6161d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sony is going to be the best Christmas present ever this year. Its going to sell like no tommorrow. Everyone knows about the glitches of the triple core machinem maybe microsoft should've spent more time being creative than making a machine with almost the insides of every two bit computer on the market -- how original. Now the light is shining through -- the truth of crappy engineering.

6161d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

You guys who don't like the Sony Playstation 3 think that the XBOX 360 is going to win the console war or you guys think the PS3 is going to be the loser --think again FYI this is Sony the electronic giant of the world called earth--Sony will perfect the PS3 with firm updates --Sony will dish out games that the world never saw before---Sony will never quit in making the PS3 the most popular, exciting, fun gaming machine and guess what without any hardare problems because they are the best ele...

6161d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Developers that are serious about their profession and have passion in what they do and actually want to develop a game for the PS3 don't make excuses and cry "its too hard to work with the PS3" they begin to get updated into figuring out how and what they need to start creating - and aren't afraid to sweat it out and put in long hours because the end result reflects their professionalism and the consumers aren't stupid - we know a good game when we see it eg. Killzone2 and so with...

6161d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Developers that are intelligent know that the PS3 is the true next generation system that has out of this world crisp 3D grafx, sharp sound which is built through highest standards of engineers. The developers that want quick money to pay their BMW's are the ones that cry because they don't want to spend quality time making a solid game which reflects their studio or company they say its too difficult to make a game for the PS3- sure because your lazy. Naughty Dog, Factor5 etc. actually wan...

6161d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment