
CRank: 5Score: 280

Early reviews can"t be trusted.
Early Reviews are always good-that"s the price the reviewer has to pay to be able to make an early review.

4111d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well-as a nintendo fanboy you can"t know that games usually don"t run smooth and fluid 9 month before release.
Let me explain you:This is not a Mario 2d version with low lewel graphics and the same engine that is used since 1982-3d games has to be optimized.
KZ2 was few weeks before too heavy and too slow and they improved this.
But one thing even you should know:it is usually no problem to copy the way an avatar moves from a previous part as M...

4111d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@brian C
Well,buying the same games for decades again and again.I guess that"s what Nintendo Gamers call Innovation.

4111d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You are right :They are the worst pretenders.
First they cry out for 3rd parties,than they ignore them(neither buying Batman,AC nor COD) than they cry out because of Rayman; unleashing a huge shitstorm because of the delay and bashing Ubi Soft-But reality is:They wouldn"t have bought this game.They wouldn"t have played this game even if you give it them for free.(rayman sold 250K on 3ds,Mario more than 5 mio=1:20 ratio.)
How many of them would have bought Rayman for ...

4111d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Forza is on a high level but Fable?
Fable was casualed down(no skill,boring)-pretty boring.Fable 3 ruined the IP,Fable kinect destroyed it.

4111d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are right.
They cared shit about gamers before xbox.They abandoned the xbox within months(the same with their Kin -Mobile systems)
but I trusted Peter Moore-he did a great job and xboy live was a huge step but massivly overpriced.
Sadly many xboy fanboys call this Rip off:"service and experience" instead keeping up pressure to make MS cut down xbox live to 20 dollar or make it ps plus like.
I knew after Moore left that the good t...

4111d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

seems you are still suffering from your 12th rrod and need someone to blame.
Sadly you know nothing as you never owned the consoles.
The ps1 had a cooling problem,has not affected half as many people as the rrod but it was.
the ps2 worked extremly well for a new product and your "reading errors"?
Don"t be a dipshit-all systems have some reading errors.
PS3-10-15% ylods,360 50% rrods.
10% is a lot but pretty normal for...

4114d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Definitivly not game over.

Master Microsoft gave us so much shit to eat and we are still eating:



"YOU DON"T NEED BLU RAY" -but master.I like movies and I have a new TV
"YOU DON"T NEED BLU RAY.BLU RAY IS EVIL:BUY MY HD-DVD -DRIVE"-but master.hd-dvd is inferior ans supposed to d...

4116d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

These kind of articles will be standard as Microsoft is not just paying for positive PR but also for negative-get used to it.
After the reveal of the xbox3 it will get even worser.
Sony is being attacked since Microsoft appeared(this is what usually happens to MS competitors)

Remember that sony was more attacked for the Killzone trailer than MS for the Billion dollar RROD.

Strange isn"T it?
Remember how overwhelmed the media was b...

4116d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment