
CRank: 5Score: 12260

Not only Starfield & Redfall which were new titles & had no install base on Playstation.
They pretty much confirmed that Elder Scrolls 6 would be Xbox console exclusive,pretty much shutting out all the userbase who played Skyrim on PS3/4/5.
Which was in 10s of millions

This is exactly what is wrong about M$’s approach as apposed to Sony & Nintendo’s.
They also invest in exclusives but mostly on new or deeply rooted titles that have se...

543d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even Street Fighter decided to go PS4 exclusive coz M$ decided to put Killer Instinct as the forefront in that genre on XBone.
Since that is dead & dusted now(like most of the Xbox first party)
Street Fighter is back on Xbox starting this gen.

543d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yep exactly

544d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s kinda funny how they are willing to do everything that Activision thought was‘not good’for the COD franchise like cannibalising sales by putting it on a heavily discounted subscription&then porting it to much inferior systems like Handheld which would bring the quality down.

545d ago 20 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lol it is too much no doubt but it’s not like it is too far more than the $60 we were paying last gen already.

545d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

End of an Era

571d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think M$ will just have to drop the idea of putting COD esque games on GamesPass or close all the backdoors with a jacked up price for the subscription.
Either of the two in writing or practice & they have a better chance of avoiding scrutiny of this magnitude.

Trying to capture the market with the might of their money & the strength to absorb exorbitant amount of losses is obviously very blatantly unethical & monopolistic.

573d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

There’s nothing wrong in the subscription model.
If you get good content on minimal yearly pricing it’s a good option for ppl who don’t have too much budget.

But M$ has made it a habit to outright lie about their content lineup & create false hype.
It happened with original Xbox,360,One & now even this.

Apart from few good indies & Plague Tale 2,absolutely nothing was worth the price of that console+gamespass.

574d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don’t think many ppl who jumped into the Xbox ecosystem from the start of this generation would have done that if Xbox was more upfront & honest about their lineup of content,be it exclusives or GamesPass.

Apart from few good Indies & the tried & tested formula of Halo/Forza/Gears trio it had been pretty much dry & was undoubtedly full of false release dates to make ppl jump in with fake hype.

If Plague Tale:Requiem wasn’t as good as it ...

574d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

Click bait reviewers don’t deserve death threats.

575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the last decade Playstation has put out 30+ AAA exclusive games that were 85+ on Metacritic.
Now that is some kind of accomplishment.

577d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kojima again speaking about the game & the studio just to revive the debate when no one is even talking about it anymore is yet again a fishy scenario & action.

577d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Quite dumb notion being created on the Internet since M$ started gate keeping established multiplatform titles & regulatory authorities had to step in for the first time in the history of console wars.

Kojima’s Sillent Hill was announced exclusive for Playstation back in 2014 too(then got canceled as we all know) but this sort of drama & shenanigans didn’t play out back then.
Basically no one bothered or even now bothers cos 6 out of 10 Sillent Hill release...

589d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some really really stupid ppl on the internet are comparing Sony’s exclusive content strategy of either building Studios or Partnering with Third party to build a userbase on its own platform for select titles with M$’s strategy of gunning for well established multiplatform IPs that have a larger userbase on the competition to sway the momentum instead of building it themselves.

Acquiring studios & IPs that have next to no userbase on the competition Vs Acquring studios...

598d ago 36 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well Tear Away is certainly worth counting more than things like UI

UI lol

3136d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exclusives on PS4 in 2015:-
The Order
Until Dawn
Tear Away:-Unfolded

Exclusives on XBone in 2015:-
Forza 6
Halo 5
ROTR(timed & coming to PS4)
Fable Legends(a FTP game)(no release date yet)

Is it just me or is M$ like always giving an illusion of having more exclusives this year just by lining all of them up in the holiday season

3136d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People who were waiting for Halo 5 will buy Xbox this Fall
Forza fans & the most hardcore Halo fans already bought it last years with F5 & MCC

Gears UE is NOT!!! a remake to be counted in a AAA line up list
thats why it isn't even a $60 product

it is the same base game with new render & character models,sound from later games on top of Halo Anniversaries
Remake is to produce & design a game from scratch......

3214d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Earlier i was angry that RoTR is exclusive to XBone & Uncharted,the reason why CD chickened away from PS4 this fall was delayed(both bad for PS4 owners)

But when i saw RoTR gameplay i wasn't really "as" angry as I was before
it looked very very generic & nothing really special about it

not saying that i would't want it as soon as possible
but it's not really a game of Halo,Uncharted,Gears,GoW,TLOU magnitude ...

3215d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

we need it
A full blown camp war & a full blown corporate war

This!! is what brings out the best from each side to win over the crowd
If things are not aggressive & things are not put across by consumers through these wars

The Companies will become clumsy & un interested in delivering better than the competition

This brings out great exclusive content on both sides

This is very much nee...

3237d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes,for me

3264d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment