CRank: 5Score: 400

volotition needs to calm it down, bringing a better storyline, better custumazation options, bring back the gangs style, make multiplayable, try to take something out gta v multiplayer mechanics, i think we the players are connecting well with the games when they are so out of sense. But mainly the storyline and the gangs were what made saints row a good game

2972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i liked some features that saints row 3 and 4 had but the overall game was a bit disaptoing when the saints row 1 and 2 left us with so many good things to play with, 3 and 4 felt that they runned out of good ideas or thought they couldn't compete with a game (gta V) with the same kind of style (yes both are open world games) but both have things that make them different

2972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears war was and is my favourite action game, because in this the story realy means something, and its the reason that this is so good, and better than others like call of duty (i hate call of duty, just lack of love gaming industry, if you want a game with just multiplayer you don't need to distroy the campaing part, thanks to activision.)and for its charateresaition, adding to that you have a great multiplayer mode,(the only game that can beat the gears of war is halo, my opinion) the ...

4102d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

they can add the stilwater island map to the steelport island map

4102d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

for god sake, don't ever do a unfinished game or a rushed maded game, please volotion, i now that thq is sold out but do your best work that you can.After all is your best produtc

4102d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

staints row is one of my favourits games. Saints row 3 was a bit of let down, i was hopping for a better game, it lock a bit unfinished. I just that hope staints row 4 can better than gta V.
Saints need to have a better campaing(needs to long and more like saints row 2, it out taking the fun that saints row 3, had), a split-screen mode for at least 2 players, more custumasable oppions( clothes), more extravagansa weapons, and every weapon needs to have a level up(i liked very much of...

4102d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

what?? in my opinion should be:
1 bioshock infiniti
2 Grand Thef Auto V
3 Gears of wars
4 dragon age 3 inquisition (if arrives this year)
5 SimCity

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

in this case, remember me chareter in my opinion doen't apere to have black skin, its dark not black

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

for me the race of the chareters doens't matters in gaming, i just want a good personofication, a good history behind it
But its very true that exist low of black chareters in gaming

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps2 and ps3 was just a inprovement of the first one

4128d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

my favorite generation was ps1, because it was something new for the gaming industry and a the appearence of great games such as grand turismo, grand thef auto, etc

4128d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have the consele,but i wiss that at least is possibel to play better games, like call of duty, assassin creed, etc.
With wii u is a better consele to compite with xbox and ps3 than wii 1. wii 1 was a good mobile consele, but has lack of graphics and doesn't has a good network sistem, and because of this things nintendo lost repotation, and many new games doesn't come out on wii and for a gamer is a lost of money

4189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment