
CRank: 5Score: 59100

I only played a bit more then one hour on Infamous second son and so far rhe game is boring as hell.
The 1st hour of Infamous 1&2 were awesome since the beginning. Also that Festival of blood I consider it one of the best psn exclusive games ever released.

Anyways I'm sure I will enjoy, or will try too since I payed $60 for it.
Infamous '3'is a very beautiful game but it did not hypnotised me yet.

3715d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

First if you got a PS4 or even an Xboxone you got to have a fast ISP .
If you are limited to 1-5G download size per month only then you better consider to change for a better ISP service.

Digital downloads are skyrocking on the PS4 and it is destroying the Xboxone in downloads done. Maybe it is because we can change the HDD on the PS4 for one much larger.

Anyways , if ppl are making a lot downloads on the PS4 I bet they don't use a 3G ISP and they...

3719d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that was totaly possible that have happened.
Sony probably saved 100-300k consoles to put then on salle in UK and USA at the same day TF launched.

Microsoft will probably do the same thing when the new Infamous game arrives.
But if that will do any good to then ....

3720d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Look for the movie 'Browser Wars', it is a true documentary telling the story about Microsoft destroying the competition, trying to buy Netscape and forcing companies such Dell to sell the Internet Explorer, and no other Web browser. inside Windows PC.

MS did not change much since middle '90s.
They were always arrogant...

3735d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

Titanfall has like 5-6 maps only,no?
It has no coop mode, no zombie mode, no split screen mode, no campaign 1P/2P mode.
In my rumble opinion this Titanfell does not worth $60.
I'm not a much fan of CoD but I would give me a lot more value for my money.

TF does not worth more then $39.99.

3739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5 for me is still the best GT game.
The Gt6 is cool and all in graphics and got a lot things done better then Gt5 but it I miss 2 major fun things that GT5 had and GT6 don't :

-Gt6 lost the feel that GT5 had about it was some king od RPG of racing games. We could win lots of cars during our campaign and had to fight for the 1k cars trophy.
But in GT6 it is normal that some one can beat the game by only having no more then 100 cars in their garage.

3741d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are a huge amount of people that buys CoD games not just for the online but also for the offline mode.
I got quite a few friends on my list that bought CoD just bc it is an easy game to plat trophy.

Titanfall has no offline or 1P modes, so I bet that to get 100% of the achievements on it will be very time consuming.
This factor alone might scare some possible buyers. I know it would If it was also launching for the Playstation platforms.

3743d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you want to blame 6V6 then do it on the xbox360.
It can t handle more then 6v6 I bet, expecially with rasoable good graphics and other stuff happening on the screen.

If this Titanfall was console exclusive for the Xboxone I bet it could do better by having 8v8 or even up to 12v12.

I think it was a mistake to release this game for the 360 and get the game dumped bc it is a bad promotion of what Xboxone can do.

3750d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That game was good at the beginning where we could conquer it without spending a single dollar.
But then came the many patches where the devs brought some bugs and were trying their best to force us gamers to spend real money.

Maybe this PvZ2 will be fun again to play once the beta test on smartphones and tablets ends and it is finnaly launches for consoles.

Apple and Google should be more carefull and look for some high quality games to appear on th...

3754d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is for sure the Xboxone's achilles ankle.

Just look at the beginning of this gen with lots of games that can not do 1080p and have some high quality graphics at the same time.

Later on Microsoft will have to have high end graphic games with more then 6v6 players (Titanfall)excluside games to compete with Sony.
They might have to start making some games with even lower resolution then 900p so they can focus in delivering some "real" hi...

3756d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Last year I was hoping to buy Yakuza 5 instead Gtav.
Oh well, maybr it will be launched some da around here.

3757d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo's games would sell a lot and super fast in a Playstation console.
That would probably be THE "perfect" console for the japonese market.

3760d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

These are great news for the MMoRPG fans out there.
Because they know what video game console they should buy to play their games if they can not afford an expensive PC.

Every one that plays hardcore MMoRPG(s) that has subscriptions of around $15 knows that these games becomes heavier and havier for their PC to handle after every major patch or Expansion pack for these games.

The cheap solution then would be to play such games on the PS4 that hopeful...

3768d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't patch a game if the basic SKU has only 8G of size.
Therefore you would have to lose more time and money polishing every game like Nintendo does with their games.Preaty much these 1st party IPs have no bug but takes extra months to finaly be really to be launched.

The main hardware problem of the wiiu is not the 2G ram or the expensive tablet controller but the fact it was not build in with an HDD inside.

3772d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Mario Kart and Smash bros will end selling well even with the wiiu. I just doubt that millions of players will go buy a wiiu this year for these two games. Much less a new Zelda will sell much more consoles.

I bet Nintendo is already thinking about retro compatibility inside their next console to try to gain some extra cash from wiiu 1st party games.
If Im not mistaken the Mario Kart wii sold more then 60M copies and the only way MK8 will see at least half this numb...

3772d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is not the case but this reminds me the many patches that the game The Witcher 3( bought at Steam store) received.
Every time this game was patched we had to DL the entire 13G size of the full game. So many people complained..
After that fiasco I stayed away from buying any game from Steam until Skyrim arrived.

DL games =VGs>PC

3776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe that it can be harder for the 3rd party devs to port their games for the wiiu because once a game has launched it is very hard to add DLCs or even patch the main game to fix bugs.

Not having an internal hdd in every sku is a major flaw of the system.
The 8 and 32G ssd is not enough to the user to go all out digital and also for patching games.
The hdd is also necessary to install games from the disc since it is faster to read from it and can reduce ...

3778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I belive that they are trying to make the most beatiful game they can and for that the team death match had to be sacrificed to only handle 6v6.
Hopefuly the Titanfall 2 will not be 3v3 only so they are able improve the graphics even more and make it in1080p native as well.

3789d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 8G ram of the Xboxone is enough but the problem is the speed of this ddr that is slow to handle gpu/cpu when compared to a faster ram we find inside the PS4.

But the Xbone has that other ram that is super fast but only 32MB is available.
As far as I cound understand what devs where explaining is that they required more of this sdram, like 64MB mainly because the textures that when are compressed in 1080p the require more space then the bottleneck of 32MB can handl...

3797d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I found the 1P mode in KZ Sf to be very boring in general.I finished it once on the normal difficulty and then I moved on to play other games.

It is funy to me because I'm a huge fan of KZ franchise and I got 100% trophies complete in the 1P mode from kz2, Kz3 and Kz Mercenary.
The KZ sf was not the kind of FPS I was expecting it to be.
Anyways I still need to give it a try on the MP modes.

3799d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment