CRank: 5Score: 15790

This console war is an exact 180 from last gen. Last gen the ps2 was a weaker system but had more games then the x-box. Now the Ps3 has the power and the 360 has more games. And last gen the xbots were arguing the power of the xbox and the games were better quality and the sony fannies were talking about the library of games it had. I personally am a fan of GOOD GAMES and could care less what system its on. I own a wii and ps3 but my homie brings his 360 over often. I just dont understan...

6104d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

You are the biggest wolf in sheeps clothing.. We all know you are an XBOT you arent fooling anybody with all you PS bashing and to Shaka 2k6, saying Metriod is a flop is just plain dumb. If you ever called me a nostalgic loser id smack you in the grill.. 400,000 copies sold how is that a flop? Its better then resistance hands down and ive beat them both... I hate fanboys and there blind hatred for other consoles and hatred for games you havent even played so HERSH UP... back to Warhawk a...

6115d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That first song goes hard u guys must love the radio too much. REAL HIP HOP IS NOT HEARD ON THE RADIO, so some of you must have gotten shell shocked when you heard it. Then they played some System and you guys were hating on that too??? What do you guys listen too. I was such a huge fan of halo 1 and when part 2 came out they just got lazy to me. Im not as exicted to play 3 as i was for 2 but i do wanna finish the story. Hopefully they come correct.. Its just too Hollywood for me now... ...

6117d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cant wait getting mine tonight...


And anyone wanting to play a AAA title go buy Metroid Prime 3 its GR8

6123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ive played this demo atleast 50 times and this kat playing has no idea what he was doin... a few reversals and using the Big sword the whole time, and no air combos come on.. this vid gives this game no justice.. FYI if you fill all three orbs (those circle things) then press "O" you can clear a whole room with that move. Im sure some of you know that awreddy....

6139d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"What i mean is the game was just a bunch of set pieces that did look good for the ps2 but was still a boring game!"

Time to pimp hand slap yourself...i felt the first game was awesome and that is just your opinion and a wack one at that. We cant be excited by how this game looks? Did you even play the first one online...yeah you probably got dealt with...silly fargin kid??? what ever that means??

6143d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I cant wait to play this game everytime I see new footage i go back to and play KZ1 which still has lots of people playing online. ISA vs Helghast round 2. BRING IT!!!!!!!!!1

6143d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

But it really didnt say how the sword got to earth now does it? The Demo is gr8 cant wait to play this game....

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this game doesnt have WiFi its gonna be a sad sad day. Im still gonna play this game to DEATH but it really should have online....

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im a huge fan of the first KZ even tho it gets bashed religously. I still play online ALItheWISE look for me in parkhell if you dont believe. This game is gonna be too much after seeing the gameplay im totally sold. I just purchased my PS triple yesterday because of this game. i know it doesnt come out for a while but i will be ready. And i know alot of you are worried about the game play but it looks like it plays alot like the first one and if thats the case ooooo man. PS&g...

6145d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love waking up to my glowing Wii. I really hope they start putting up some demos soon... ALItheWISE Look for me on strikers...calling all challengers. There should be a place where people can exchange there wii console numbers. Is there such a place???

6145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW This is a low blow......get it low BLOW... im good....

6147d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They need to change N4G to Hater Nation.... I thought nintendo had a great presentation. The main thing Sony had was KZ2 (which was the best trailer by far of all, im a huge KZ fan) but as a whole i agree nintendo did have the best.

6171d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Does this thing even have a camara on it. I never hear any spec on the camara. My homeboy got a new sony ericson with t-mobile that has a 5.0 megapixl camara and records DVD quality. Does the iphone do any of this? I will surely purchase a PS3 way before i pick this thing up.

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how did i know maddens raiders would pick madden.. PUZZLING!!!!!

I also pick madden tho....

6206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you guys added a pinball machine tab to the top,us pinball gamers get no love...LOLOLOLOL Best gaming site in the net hands down keep up the good work. And dont make it a pay site thats the worst idea ive heard. STOP THE CONSOLE HATE!!!

6213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of everyone dogging on the Wii saying its for non gamers and hardcore gamers wil get tired of it. Im a very hard core gamer and im not tired of my wii at all. All this its not stRong enough bull, so THE weak console is whopping your stong console just like the spurs are whopping on the jazz. STOP THE CONSOLE HATE. Im sure there will be a new nintendo before 2012 but wii numbers are gonna be way over anyones expectations. ZELDA STILL THE BEST NEXT GEN GAME OUT IMO!! PS: If you havent s...

6221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Winner of Console Wars I -- Atari 2600
Winner of Console Wars II -- Colecovision
Winner of Console Wars III -- Nintendo Entertainment System
Winner of Console Wars IV -- Sega Genesis
Winner of Console Wars V -- PS
Winner of Console Wars VI -- PS2
Winner of Console Wars VII - TBD

For me its
Winner of Console Wars I -- Atari 2600
Winner of Console Wars II -- Colecovision
Winner of Console Wars III -- Nintendo...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I play my DS jus about everywhere execpt at home unless i have a new game for it but i try to not too. I mostly play at work on downtime waiting rooms, at movies before they begin, barber shops, airplanes, camping, just about anywhere i cant bring a tv and my home console to. And yes i do take it jus about everywhere cuz i never know when i will be bored and can game instead. I cant wait to see what this Ninja Gaiden is gonna be about. But yeah obviously id rather play my home console fir...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least they tried the sold me tetris for ds and it was open and they were charging me full price i was like the what hell are yall doin?? And home boy was like nah its "brand new" i was like go to hell... Then he offered to plastic wrap it in the back i was like give me a new one FOOL... and he finally did.. WATCH FOR THEM SCAMMERS... MARTINNNNNNN MARTINNNNNN!!!!!! WAZZ UP WAZZ UP WAZZZZZZZZZ UPPPPPP!!!!!!

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment