CRank: 5Score: 88050

There's an upper limit regarding how long you can make a game like this. The pacing is such that you can begin to overdo things if you have non-stop action and spectacular events for an excessive amount of time. You don't see Hollywood blockbuster action films exceed the 90- to 120-minute mark for this reason, and it's the very pacing and feeling of those types of movies Naughty Dog is aiming for with the Uncharted franchise. The true "length" you need to be concerned with in Unchar...

5374d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find attempting to quantify the value of a game by the time it takes to play through it once is one of the most useless figures anyone can use. I've spent far more total time playing through the "short" games like ICO, Gunstar Heroes, Gears of War, Sin and Punishment, Uncharted, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, ect. than any mediocre "long" game.

Call me crazy, but I prefer 1 perfectly cooked filet mignon than 20 greaseburgers from McDonald's. Quality is always inf...

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's why movies "zip" HD audio with DTS-HD Master Audio and DD TrueHD codecs. It saves space. I'm actually surprised Naughty Dog didn't need to go with a 50 GB disc. I hope their were no compromises with the audio, and the audio in the first was about the best you'll find in a game.

5376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony has obviously secretly purchased the license for Turning Point and is going to continue the awesomeness we all enjoyed so much in the previous game.

5378d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It cracks me up that I have seen so many of those dumb articles about saving the PS3, especially considering it's the hottest machine right now.

5378d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The original's campaign was far better than in the sequel, which seemed to spoonfeed you regarding which direction you must go or which weapon you need to pick up and use. I think they tried to do too much with R2 in too short of a time. Now that they have added an awesome online co-op mode and seem to have that component figured out, all I ask of the third game is too give me back my traditional-style capture the flag mode and make a stellar single-player campaign. The online modes are alrea...

5378d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's not even close.

Lossless 7.1 LPCM versus 5.1 Dolby? Not even a contest.

5379d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a PS3 just after it launched. I've been listening to inane "Will _____ save the PS3" chatter since that time. This type of sentiment is certainly a considerable turnaroud from what I'm used to seeing.

5379d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What nonsense! They are building up to releasing Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank next month and they're just going to spontaneously drop their biggest franchise on the market with no promotion? And in addition to that, there's also a PSP Gran Turismo game coming out. This sort of thing should NOT be published here. It really lowers the quality of this website.

5380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This talk of "lag" makes it sound like there is some sort of major technical problem with Killzone 2's controls and suggests that they intended to make it weightless like Call of Duty but somehow couldn't manage it, which is complete nonsense. It would have been significantly easier to just tune it like Call of Duty 4, which has a very unrealistic feel even though it's very popular in gaming due to the speed and precision. Killzone 2's controls makes everything feel light they have ...

5382d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is this going to be native 1080p, or is it upscaled? Native 1080p really seems pushing it looking at the detail in some of the screenshots, but I certainly wouldn't mind if they somehow managed it.

5384d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The water in R2 looked a little strange to me when it moved. It looked more viscous and thick, like a dense oil. Try a jetski level of Uncharted then play Resistance 2. There's a huge difference.

That doesn't make R2's water "bad" necessarily (and this goes for other proposed nominees as well), but it's just that there's a lot of distance between the water in games like Crysis or Uncharted compared to R2.

5388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That looks about right, although I need to see the PC version of GTA IV in person to know for sure.

5388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No arguments here about Crysis having the best water overall, but Halo 3 being ranked above Uncharted? Please. Uncharted has depth and volume you can clearly see when you are running through or swimming in it. It looks like it has physical properties rather than just being a simple texture or effect. Even in Bioshock, most of the effect is a surface animation that lacks depth and volume. Uncharted's water is well ahead of the water in Halo 3 or Bioshock.

I haven't played GTA IV o...

5388d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not like it's hard to find 10 or more games on the PS3 with excellent soundtracks. And sorry, but leaving out Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Heavenly Sword on a list like this is an auto-fail. Folklore, Valkyria Chronicles, and Killzone 2 also had terrific soundtracks.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad to see Gabe is finally realizing his full potential. For years he's coasted, relying on his game development knowledge to get by, but now he has a chance to use all his skills and natural abilities to become a great Victoria Secret model! It's perfect timing, too, as Mr. Newell is obviously just hitting his prime physically.

5392d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish people would stop asking about DLC and add-ons before the game is even released or even finished for that matter. I wonder how anyone who asked about Haze DLC or Too Human DLC before they came out feels about their questions now? Pretty stupid I would imagine. Now I expect Heavy Rain to be an excellent game given that I loved Indigo Prophecy and Quantic Dream appears to be dumping the supernatural stuff I disliked and keeping everything I did like from IP. But let's not get too ahead o...

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why don't you try playing it instead of relying on EGM? They aren't that great of a magazine anyway. Don't you know anyone with a PS3 who would be willing to let you play the demo?

Also, did the 8.5s you mentioned in EGM and 1up come from unique authors? Aren't they from the same person?

6044d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have guessed you worked for Microsoft and were hired specifically to attack the PS3 judging by your posts on the Playstation blog. Are you a different "gamesblow" than the one posting there?

6044d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I agree with Blood_Spiller. You need to check out the Uncharted demo before you make such statements. I know people who despise Sony to the core who gush about this game after they played the demo. It's a sight to behold, especially if you're keen on animation, lighting, AI, and gameplay.

6044d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment