
CRank: 5Score: 9250

Well I just hope if the game get showed by sony the next time.. it has a legit solid release date!
I hope it launch with the PS4.. it's a system seller ..

4128d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


4129d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

i don't think anyone care.. we just want another RDR to be bigger and better with a new plot and more bad ass main character.
just like GTA does..

4129d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

sadly i can see this game cashing a lot in over price micro transactions, dlcs and it will be the new evil thing in videos gaming and sadly i bet others games will fallow :/ and blind fanboys will bite on it..

not saying the game will be bad or good just saying what i can see what will happen (i hope i'm wrong).. there is big evilness behind this game in terms of new ways to make money in a wrong way..

4129d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I cry in Killzone 2.. I guess you had to play Killzone one and read the background history timeline in their webpage to understand how amazing its.
Yes they can improve and make it better but same goes to any fps and killzone history is beyond most but I agree its not well deeply explained in the game..

**spoiler aler Killzone2***
How could you not get sad and upset when the Killzone 1 main character dies, the feelings on how he died was too mutch and when one...

4129d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

even the regular PSP could do that..
that's weird that the VITA can't..
idk why the disagree... why a PlayStation fan can't ask for better feature specially if they old gen brother had it?

4129d ago 10 agree15 disagreeView comment

hey Dylila PM your number ;) i'm from LA..

on topic quote of the day "hatters are going to hate"

4130d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

ignorance is huge around here.. :(

i'm not hating on the game i clearly say i own and love LBP,2 (enjoy them a lot) and i clearly say, sadly is (the nwo) into most of the industry, other games, movies, news etc..

you are the "troll" and the hatter here and whoever is ignoring my comment or hatting it is..

this games could be 10x better without they stupid sings and influence..

4130d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

price has everything to do with...
wii was last and it sold the most, why people don't talk about it?

Sony knows the PS4 will not sale like a wii or a PS2 in the start just like the PS3 but with the PS4 on the market a high end console they could take their old low end console the PS3 to a new level of sales if the prie is cheap! it will sale like good! like the PS2 or WII!

PS4 for the hardcore high end market(sale start slow but good enough)

4130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sad thing about MM is that they use to many NEW WORLD ORDER "illuminati" sings in their games but most of the industry is controlled by it sadly ..
LBP is fun i love it, so hate on me if you don't know what i'm talking about ignore me..

want to be aware.. etive

4130d ago 2 agree30 disagreeView comment

you are a !@#!@$# you should say JOURNEY SPOILER ALERT you @#$%R##

4130d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

okay I will recommend to stop hating SE and Final Fantasy, I don't are about jrpg now, but all this drama and hate and negative thoughts about it will only make thing worse and attract more negativeness into it..

give you pross on how they can improve and ask SE to bring their games over to you town.. don't ry liek a lil baby and this is not a personal attack this goes to you and everybody with this useless attitude about this game or any other game or theme...

4130d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

is not out jet?
that's the only flaw I can find..

I bet is not going to be perfect but o well.

4130d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

4 is a good luck into the video games world..
they all did amazing! in sales..
and PS4 with many
KZ4:"insert subtitle here"
R4:"insert subtitle here"
UC4:"insert subtitle here"
MS4 Motor Storm should be named MS4: "insert subtitle here"
GOW4:"insert subtitle here"
yes subtitles are important and co...

4130d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

so $30 is a heavy discount ?
i an find that price in craiglist on the same week the game launch... this is a lame discount .

4130d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol "no"?
unreal, FF next gen engines say hi!!! they look and have far ahead teach to any engines from current gen.
and those are just two and i bet not the best looking engines that there will be and are only first gen of next gen engines tech..

4130d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well the day they announce the PS3, they showed many games, few tech demos and specifications of the PS3!

I will guess this time will be no different, but I bet they will hide some technical specifications but show games and how cool the PS4 features are, their apps, Gaika and blah blah..

They will minimum show 15 games even if they are just short clips teasers, we know unreal next gen engine is big for the industry and it will be there.

Go b...

4131d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ohhh yeaaaahhH
only 10days! Next gen ia getting real!!!

I hope we see the next gen games on the 20th from

Guerrilla Games
Epic Games
Evolution Studios
Ubisoft is always early to any new console
EA will also show something
Battlefield 4 will be there, I can fell it!
Team Ico the last guardian should be there with a date!

4131d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

It needs to have a better screen!
Option for SD memory or lower their vita memory card to SD card prices(I could get 32gb sd card for less than $13)
Better price!
Longer battery life!
An be able to play any psn game and ps2 plus the ps2hd remakes on the psn store.

And I will be interested in it! This time..
Plus GTVita for free in a bundle!!! And Killzone mercenary free on the plus..

PS4 needs to be online...

4131d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment


4131d ago 31 agree4 disagreeView comment