
CRank: 5Score: 3870

If you haven't done the shooter challenges already, the best way to do them is unload your bullets until you only have 1 clip, then save your game before you go out. You won't reload when you put your gun away.

5090d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trying submissions in UFC 2009 made me smash a controller, but in my defense, that controller hurt me first. I had a bruise on my palm for a week.

Also, Mr. Game and Watch in smash brothers made me punch a friend.

5094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whoever gave this moron a forum to speak should be fired. This article is poorly written, anecdotal, and based on a double standard. What kind of inconsiderate ass blares a first person shooter loud enough that people in other parts of the house can hear it anyway? Especially when those other people are kids, or might otherwise be surprised by the contents of a graphic war game. "Gee, I know, I'm going to watch Hostel on full volume so my children can enjoy the torture scenes from do...

5095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's hard to take a review seriously when it's written this poorly. Proof reading is your friend.

5350d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the PS3 version, the trainers wear better hats, and the fighter's measurements are taken in the English system instead of metric. Obviously this is because Microsoft hates America, and wants us too learn a decimal based measurement system. Boo I say! Boooooo! Long live America! Long live the English system! Hooray for Playstation!

5469d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"General processing" != game processing. General processing means just what it says. It is better at performing general tasks, rather than being designed towards a specific processing function... math for instance. You know, the stuff scientists use to produce renders, and physics. General processing power is correlary to the number of processes that can typically be maintained and addressed simultaneously by the processor. This is good for multimedia machines where many programs an...

5517d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If FF13 is using 100% of all the available processing power of the SPUs, how the hell can the 360 even run it? Seriously. My thoughts... This guy is full of ****.

5518d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This idea by Sony is a good one as far as business goes. It will pay greater dividends to companies that produce greater products, and seems to me to be ideal for developers who want to remain independent, are producing untested genres and IPs, and may not have the economic muscle to push their products in hard copy formats. Call it whatever you want, but this fund can be a safe and steady stream of revenue for small companies if they produce a decent game. Imagine if the guys who made Tetris...

5522d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You don't have to do ANYTHING NEW if you can do something RIGHT.

Exhibit A: LBP - Sure all the features are cool, but platformers, avatar customization and level building have been around forever, and have been in games together since Tony Hawk at least. LBP just does it really well.

Exhibit B: Gears of War - Is cover in a 3PS a new concept? NO! But GoW does it really well, with sparkles and steroids.

Exhibit C: Fallout 3 - A combat system eerily remini...

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You make extremely good points, but I would have to see research about this before I agreed or not. I personally believe that games typically reduce the odds of real violent crime, not only because they allow a safe outlet for aggressive expression, but also because they are time consuming. Idle hands you know?

HOWEVER! This "game" is literally a simulator. It has no story, no alternative goals, nothing. ALL you do is repeatedly rape three girls. Now that's what worries...

5562d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Rape is NEVER presented in movies as a good thing, and movies are not interactive. They don't allow the audience to instigate or even participate in whatever atrocity is presented. Whether you agree or not, this is the difference, and this is why there are people out there who think video games are the devil. This "game" is not a good thing for gamers. This is like the digital equivalent of burning the American flag (ie: using your freedom of expression to defame the symbol of that ...

5563d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Are you f***ing kidding?

5563d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I personally find the premise of this game to be truly distasteful in the worst way, and I think the people who made it are sorry human beings, BUT...

Earlier today I played a game where I broke a full liquor bottle over a man's head and tazed him 'til he caught fire. I remember getting to a certain point in Fallout 3 and being annoyed that I couldn't should a little kid. In the Chronicles of Riddick game, I stabbed a man in the neck with a screw driver, and then meticulously (an...

5563d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bioware certainly aren't the guilty party when it comes to playing out the medieval fantasy setting. I mean, of their last 4 games, only 1 of them was classic Tolkien (AND it was a DnD game for crying out loud!). The other three were Star Wars, Ancient China, and an original sci-fi. But maybe you meant to refer to Bethesda. In which case, fine, but they DID make Fallout :P

Now I can't argue that the Fallouts and Torment are the greatest CRPGs ever, but let's not forget the awesom...

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect was only short if you devoted all of your energy to forwarding the storyline. If that's what you really care about I would recommend a JRPG. Very long and frequently good stories in that genre. Also, Mass Effect is doing something that is previously unheard of in console RPGs, which is that the world is supposedly going to remain persistent between entries in the trilogy. I don't know about you, but I find that to be extremely exciting. Furthermore, while I greatly appreciated Ko...

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

BioWare and Bethesda make great games, and it's unfair to pit them against the legend of your nostalgia. Just because Fallout 3 wasn't as great as you hoped it would be, doesn't make it mediocre. It's an amazing game, just not AS amazing as the original incarnations. S***, Black Isle made some stinkers too, remember how disappointing Tactics was?

5563d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank you for this article. I've always had a special place in my heart for the old Black Isle team and their work, and this gives me a reason to go back and play VtMB again. For those of you who enjoy this game and games like it, there's a mod for fallout 2 called the megamod. Fixes tons of stuff, and also adds a pile of quests and areas that were planned, but didn't make it into the final release.

5563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fallout 3: one of the most well received games in history, loved by newcomers and old hats alike... Could not be more like Oblivion if it was an expansion with a gun and texture mod slapped on to Oblivion itself. You don't have to do something new, if you can do something RIGHT. Look at LBP or WoW or Halo (for most of you) for further proof of that.

Of course, doing something new AND right is truly awesome (read: Portal).

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Accessibility is a concern only for the casual gamer, and as a "hard core" gamer, you should see these trailers and say "those guys suck at video games", not "this game looks hard to control". MGS for instance: atrocious control scheme, amazing games, and gameplay (when in the hands of someone who's not a nub), can become a thing of beauty. Devil May Cry 3 on manual: 2nd game to ever make my fingers actually bleed from pressing buttons (first being Killer Instinc...

5571d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Either this guy has never received a press copy of a game, or works for a rinky-dink outfit that is a low priority for publishers to send press copies to. Press copies are burned on standard DVDs and only run on debug units (and on the special online system for testers/press), which will allow reviewers to edit their progress in games. I know this because I have worked for one of these rinky-dink outfits, and remember receiving Fable 2 on a disc that looked a lot like System of a Down's "...

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment