
CRank: 5Score: 580


6032d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What a complete and utter loser.

It is good to see Gamespot finally getting fed up with him and firing him. A complete clearing out of the current staff would be the best solution to bring credibility back to the site and their reviews after Gerstmann turned the site into a joke in the eyes of gamers.

Let the talentless fatty go make a blog where can talk endlessly about how much he loves his 360 and Halo 3.

Gamers are tired of obnoxious juvenile f...

6032d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

The little Xbox/Halo fanboy thought he was free to trash PS3 games and play fanboy games with his job.

He was wrong.

His fatass got fired.

The end.

6032d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL! 1Up another joke 'review' site.

Just go the F out of business Xbots.

6032d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is faced with these major problems:

1) No good games - With most of Microsoft's first party developers leaving to work on other consoles 2008 looks bleak for the 360 and completely barren for beyond

2) Hard to program - Even first party developers are struggling with the poorly designed 360 graphics hardware. Bungie themselves couldn't even get Halo 3 to run at 720p and had to downgrade the game to a sub-HD at 640p. Even then the game still has frame ra...

6032d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dreamcast 360 - 2007 Year in Review

* Microsoft finally is forced to stop lying about the defective by design 360 hardware and spend 1.1 billion dollars repairing consoles

* Peter Moore is fired

* Bungie dumps Microsoft

* Bizarre dumps Microsoft for Activision and multiplatform development

* Bioware dumps Microsoft for EA and multiplatform development

* Microsoft's entire first party line up now consists...

6032d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

No one gives a crap.

Fat, ugly, and talentless punk runs his dumbass mouth off thinking he is some badass with a public forum to promote himself.

Fat, ugly, and talentless punk gets his ass fired for being a juvenile clown by management.

End of story.

6032d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

What a pathetic joke.

Pet Rock
Wii Fit

6033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That fatass got his fat ass fired for being an obnoxious little punk.

Buh bye loser, ya feeling badass now you jobless fatass?

6034d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

So all the hardware manufacturers that are putting out BluRay drives are going to go the completely pointless expense of adding hardware costs to every drive just support the dead HD-DVD format?


Dream on!

And retailers are going to continue to waste shelf space on the dead HD-DVD format?


Dream on!

Just so Toshiba doesn't have to lose face?



6034d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Gotta love the fanboys still trying to act outraged over this clown getting his obnoxious ass fired.

Even better are the fanboys who now are suddenly trying to claim that Gamespot has suddenly 'lost credibility' LOL!

Game reviewers and reviewers are nothing more than a cesspool of obnoxious little punks playing fanboy games with scores in hopes of furthering their own personal console platform choices.

Seeing the reaction to this clown getting his ...

6034d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just counting first party games alone Sony utterly dwarfs both Nintendo and Microsoft combined. Sony's first party array of developers and projects is absolutely gigantic. There are already 200+ exclusive first party titles in development for the PS3.

Fanboys fail again with their bullshit.

The company that is completely F-ed out of the three is Microsoft. They have lost almost their entire first party developers. They now only have Rare(LOL!) and Lionhead(Yawn.....

6034d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

LOL! What a loser!

6034d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

Wow, so one of Midway's level monkeys got his ass fired...


6034d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment
6035d ago Show

LOL! The Dreamcast 360!

* 40 percent hardware failure rates/Red Ring of Death

* Disc scratching

* Class action lawsuit over RRoD

° Class action lawsuit over disc scratching

* Dead in Japan

* Dead in Europe

* Gimped disc format that actually is 2 gigs smaller than last gen 7gig 360 DVD vs 9gig Xbox DVD

* Crappy graphics - 640p last gen looking Halo 3, that graphical turd...

6035d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

Uncharted is the undisputed Game of the Year for 2007.

Graphics far beyond any other console game besides perhaps Ratchet and Clank

Amazing movie quality acting and story

Rock solid controls and gameplay

After just one year and the PS3 already has the greatest lineup of games for any system. And Sony hasn't really gotten to most of their big hitters that 120+ million people bought PS2s for last gen like MGS,Final Fantasy, GT, SOCOM, ...

6035d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment
6035d ago Show

Thank god that loser Gerstmann got his ass fired.

Talentless little punks with big mouths like Gerstmann are what has ruined game reviews and turned them into the total joke they are to gamers this generation.

Sayonara Gerstmann you turd on the shoe of the gaming world. The gaming world is slightly better place without you.

6035d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Xbox/Dreamcast fanboys circa 2000: Teh Dreamcast is just as powerful as teh PS2!

Xbox/Dreamcast fanboys circa 2007: Teh Dreamcast 360 is just as powerful as teh PS3!

The stupid designed for 480p 10megs of EDRAM in the 360 is easily the dumbest graphics hardware design choice ever in console history. Just look how bad the 360's lineup of games looks after two years:

Halo 3: 640p, frame rate problems, looks like a last gen game

Forza 2...

6035d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment