CRank: 5Score: 3120


6076d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All i'm saying is do not let your stuborn selfs (360 fanboys) keep from playing this game. This game will be amazing.

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being able to steal a gun and shoot him with it sounds AWESOME!

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will surprise a lot of people. This game will be a 9-10/10 game. since Free Radical is at the helm, this game has potential written all over it. Now is EVERY shooter is going to be compared to Halo?? Halo was not the first real good FPS on a console (it's online multiplayer functionality is what made it great). Remember Golden Eye, Timesplitters, Perfect Dark?? All those came before Halos time and all were great. Guess what......2 of those games came from Free Radical.

6077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Infinity Ward is proof that with hard work you get great results. Now i just wish the rumble would come sooner.

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a fat dude wants attention.... Just remember Gabe Newell, Heavenly Sword is a taste of what the PS3 can do, facial animations anybody??

6081d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Very standard yet so sweet. Can't wait for this game. Anyone know if this game will have online campaign co-op??

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game certainly has massive potential. Although Heavenly Sword does sport some of the best facial animations ever seen on a console and while the graphics are awesome, we have yet to tell how good Mass Effect will be i'm not an RPG fan so my opinion of that game isn't good. This game on the other hand intrigues me only because we're here thinking "what the hell is this game about?" which is what Sony wants from us. This game might surprise people but, i would get this game just ...

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

waiting in line, hoping to get my hands on that sexy machine. I never regreted the wait even after all the criticism. Resistance kept me happy so did NBA 2k7 now Warhawk is my choice (even over Halo 3 and yes i do have both). But you have a great point when the PS3 got a price cut the sales spiked like a 2300% increase or something on Amazon. While some people were still hesitant, now its their time to get one, and i agree, the sales are going to pour in. With Warhawk already out and Heavenly...

6083d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do agree with you man, Halo 3 single player (even if its online co-op) is great, i like it. the game is a 9/10 for me (i really dont like the sound effects that much, the music is awesome 10/10, but the assault rifle sounds like it has a silencer on it lol, wtf?). But i'm just REALLY pissed at the split screen co-op i can't believe MS would even allow that honestly. I love playing co-op and that's why Halo 3 gets a 7.5-8/10 from me. Anyway, yeah bro Resistance is a great game. Online is ins...

6083d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I accidentaly agreed with you while i completely disagree. Want to know which game will put MANY if not ALL FPS games to shame?? You know which one i'm going to say....and yes it is.....Killzone 2. Yeah word is mum on it's multiplayer but with so much budget and hype there's no way Sony will let it fail. Yeah you guys said the first one sucked (i dont know because i never played it) and yeah i can't judge before a game comes out. But the second Killzone on PSP was a success meaning the develo...

6083d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have a good feeling CoD4 and Haze will both be great games. Better than Halo 3?? In sales no, in quality?? I really think it will be, Halo 3 isn't that much better than other shooters today, honestly, It's even barely better than Halo 2. It's just the name and it's history (being the 1st really good console shooter). But in this day and age, Halo 3 did not overly impress anyone. If they said it did, they must not have played other shooters ever in their life (or they're blind fanboys). But ...

6083d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is looking like a sleeper hit. Looking good Naughty Dog, dont bust a Lair on us (the game is good but i had hoped for better even though the graphics on Lair are unmatched by any 360 game in its same lifespan)

6083d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

God of War 3 with the power of the PS3. WOW.

6083d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes in such short time the SALES are impressive. BUT word of mouth is one heck of a sales pitch and people are pissed that Halo 3 is NOT what it SHOULD have been. My verdict? Halo 3 sales MIGHT not reach 10 million, not with a great lineup of FPS's coming out soon...guess which one? CoD4 and Haze.

6083d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Is the quality of the game. Yes the gameplay is great but, what the heck happened to the graphics?? especially co-op splitscreen. WITH ALL THE HYPE it SHOULDVE been better. While you guys say its about the gameplay more so than graphics, i agree. BUT, when Resistance came out for the PS3 the game has GREAT gameplay but xbox fans chose to rag on its graphics (which aren't that far from Halos, even the character models on Resistance actually look better with better expresions). UM did you guys ...

6083d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Although Killzone two is not on the list, i'm adding it so here it is...

1) Killzone 2 - 95%
2) CoD4 - 84%
3) Haze - 80%
4) UT3 - 70%

Thats it...Crysis can not because how many people will actually modify their computer to run the game in its fullest?? Either way i dont think they can 'kill' halo 3 but these games can certainly make the gamers put Halo 3 in their shelves and pick up dust. BTW...Halo3's offline co-op SUCKS! i NEVER seen such a...

6085d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry to burst your bubble man but 40+ players on Resistance has no lag at all (assuming you have a good connection). Same with Warhawk NO lag (if you have a good connection)

6085d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I swear those graphics looked like if the game was a 1st generation game for the 360. Resistance face models LOOK much better. Enviroments are a different story Halo 3 does have some nice graphics in the environments. Although some multiplayer ones (like the big spinning wheel one) does have it's low points. WHY though?? WHY does this game NOT look as good as it should?? i was let down does play great. BUT....ONLINE?? how the heck do i join a damn room!!!!??? i hate it so far (a...

6096d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment