CRank: 5Score: 4860

Say it loud: I'm a PS3 owner and I'm proud.

OT: What's this? Another article praising the Move? Cool. Sony's doing an excellent job building hype for this thing. I especially enjoy the fact that they don't keep showing us the same boring demo over and over again. I also like the fact that they're letting GAMERS try out the Move. Keep posting the good news guys. Thank the Almighty I own a Playstation 3.

5144d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again Bea, you obviously didn't read the article. If you did, maybe you'd have something intelligent to add to the conversation. Instead you look like a "troll". And don't give me that "I don't read flamebait articles" excuse.
OT: AFTER I READ THE ARTICLE, this phrase stood out to me the most. "This means that games on the PSN can be full HD with no need to worry about a size limit. Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade on the other hand has a file size limit of around 2...

5144d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'll have to respectfully disagree. I think politics should cross into video games. Can you imagine doing a 3D Dot Joe Lieberman? Or how about 3D Dot Karl Rove? Nancy Pelosi might be interesting? Or how about an avatar for RNC Chairman Michael Steele? We could give him a special S&M outfit. (shudders)

OT: Pre-ordered and waiting. I can't wait to try an create some avatars. I still think a 3D Dot Master Chief would be a fun idea.

5144d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5144d ago

Why the heck did my last post get scrubbed?! And why do people act as if MS fixed the RROD? It's still an issue. And the Xbox 360 is the only video game console that has EVER had such a high fail rate. You can disagree all you want, but FACTS ARE FACTS! I'm not saying the 360 isn't fun, but jeez people grow up and face reality. The Xbox fails a lot!

5144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol. Like you actually take the time to read the articles. You're not fooling anyone Bea. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you HAVE to read the article before commenting. You're free to do as you wish. But if you're free to comment without reading, than I'm free to call you out on it.


5145d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment
5145d ago

Do you honestly believe that Sony has showed all of it's cards yet? Lol. Do you think that Sony is new to this whole "video game" thing? Do you seriously believe Sony is going to walk into E3, the biggest video game industry show, without a few cards up it's sleeve? Do I really need to remind you that Sony has been in the video games industry longer than Microsoft? Soda, soda, soda. You poor delusional thing. That's okay, E3 will make it all better for you.

OT: Ricoche...

5147d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I might have worded it differently, but for the most part I agree. Sales at this point don't really matter as much as they used to. The Playstation 3 is clearly the most technologically advanced out of the three consoles (Wii, PS3, X360). The PS3 boasts true HD graphics, plays blu-ray, is 3D ready, has built in Wi-Fi, and is powered by the "Cell". Add in the fact that we boast the most diverse library of games amongst the three systems and you have a clear winner. Oh and the icing o...

5147d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

We should wait for E3 to find out more about Move...oh wait, we don't have to! Sony doesn't need to spend millions of dollars to hype it up. Sony doesn't need non-gaming celebrity endorsements either. All Sony needs to do is put out there for all to see and Move's tech will speak for itself.

5147d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pre-ordered and waiting. I can't wait to try out that character creator. So many ideas, so little time: Link, Kratos, Solid Snake, Jin or Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Cloud, Sephiroth, etc. Hell, I might just try and do a Master Chief just for $h!ts and giggles.

Edit: Or better yet Towelie from South Park!

5148d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

What, if any, point are you trying to make? Do you think comparing the Move to a Wiimote somehow makes Move's tech less impressive? Do your comparisons some how invalidate the positive reviews it's getting? You think Nintendo was the first to use a "motion controller"? The "Sixaxis" says "Hi". Also, why is it when someone responds to you with a fact you respond by stating your opinion as if it were fact. Case in point: "Both consoles are made for real gamers...

5148d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I do enjoy all of the positive news and reviews that are coming out for the Move. What I really enjoy is the fact that when talking about the Move, we don't have to say crap like, "Let's wait for E3 to find out more." Sony's got the tech, and isn't afraid to show it off.

5149d ago 18 agree4 disagreeView comment

@lolcatz: Yeah, I wish I got back $3,000 for my tax refund. Hell, I would've settled for half that.
I already got my refund and have already pre-ordered both 3D Dot Game Heroes and Red Dead Redemption 2. Plus I just picked up Just Cause 2, which BTW is a really fun game IMHO. And considering I STILL have MGS4 on my back-log, May is shaping up to be a busy month gaming-wise for your truly. Now if you will excuse me, I have about 45 minutes to create as much CHAOS on the island of Panau b...

5149d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both XBL and PSN have these types of gamers. They're just more noticeable on XBL because everyone has a "mic". I wonder what kind of gamers we would see if everyone that owned a Wii got a microphone.

5149d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed with everyone above. The Xbox version looks slightly better, but they both look...sub-par. Like Natsu said, this game was rushed, which sucks because I'm a fan of the series. Oh well.

5150d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything in your post made me laugh. Are you seriously trying to say that AW is GRAPHICALLY SUPERIOR to GOW3? Wow. Another delusional Xbox owner.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Alan Wake is going to be a damn fine game, but it is not the graphical masterpiece people like you are trying to hype it up to be. In fact if the ONLY reason you're getting this game is because you think it's graphics are revolutionary prepare to be dissapointed.

OT: 20 to 30 hours...

5150d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bubbles for the "Farscape" comment. Agreed Chloe Frazer/Claudia Black is a hottie. Strong women with British accents are one of my personal weaknesses.

5150d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pre-Ordered and waiting. It pays homage to the old-school classics, and it's only $40! May 11 can't come soon enough.

5151d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now you're stalking me? What point are you trying to make by copying one of my post? Did I say something that wasn't factually based? Please explain, and try doing it without having to reference something else someone said.

EDIT: I'm actually glad you used that post. As you can see, it's all based on fact, and I didn't have to copy and paste someone else's idea and try to claim it for my own. Oh and my McDonald's/Microsoft anology was far better than the one you tried to use. Do ...

5151d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment