
CRank: 5Score: 1420

I REALLY hope this wasn't a 360 fanboy that wrote this because they can't have MGS4.

If it is, this insult makes you guys look REALLY REALLY BAD!!!

More than like it was a 360 fanboy though

WOw , just wow, lol

6120d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol well said man.........well said

6120d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

you 360 guys keep sayin Gears of War look better than anything on the PS3......hmmmmmmmmmm.......... ..... well Unreal Tournament looks better than Gears and KILLZONE 2 looks better than ANYTHING on the 360 so please stop throwing that statement in air like that. Its only further embarassment for you guys

6120d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

LMAO!!! Why are you 360 fanboys so mad?? No really, what are you guys mad at??

OOOOOHHHH I think I know what's wrong........you're mad at the fact that you bought a 360........ok continue being mad now;)

6120d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

You guys are so petty its rediculous! You get mad when someone says a game on PS3 can't be don't on the 360.....SO F**KING WHAT! Does it really matter??

Since this is such an upset for you guys let me state the OBVIOUS truth...

You guys throw around that the 360 has better quality games, BUT IN REALITY, all the 360 has is decent shooting games, THATS IT!!

The PS3 has a WAAAYYYYYYYY more variety than the 360 and you fanboys CAN NOT deny that! ...

6120d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ok all you guys that complain about a PS3 and don't even own one, JUST STFU!!

You ALL sound like little b*tches! I've never seen so many people hate on a system and its games!! You guys must all be under the age of 14 or something. Get a life!

6123d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

QUESTION everybody, will Killzone 2 have on-line play?? I mean the single player looks soooooooo amazing, but will th eimplement the on-line play??? Someone let me know please!!!!!

6123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Excuse me tplarkin7 what s does bioshock do that no other game has?? Please explain, and show me a video link if possible, thank you

6123d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is exactly what I'm talking bout people, this is PRIME example! You B*TCH aobut the AI in a pre alpha game, man??? Come on man grow up, whne the AI sees you they shoot at you don't they??

Mario brothers??? Man sound stupid........I have no comment for that one, lol

6123d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

all you people that are nitpicking sound like little B*TCHES. Nothink looks or plays like KILLZONE 2, just admit that. All this is REALLY starting to become redicoulous now. YOu PS3 haters down the PS3and then when it exceeds not only ours, but your expectations as well you all still B*TCH. STFU!

6123d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

LIKE I said before....show me another that comes close to that.......I did not say anything about the 360 or PS3 but the fact that this is a PS3 game that looks and plays like that, you have to ask your self, what will future PS3 games be like???

THe PS3 hasn't even been out for a year yet and games like this are being produced!!!

6123d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nowwlet me say that all of you people that talk down on this game are either in denial or fanboys. DID YOU GUYS JUST SEE THAT VIDEO?????!!!???? This IS next-gen gaming so STFU!

Show me ANY other game that has that visual quality, awesome gameplay, and wonderful music......................don 't worry I'll wait................Still waiting.................I didn't think so!

Fanboys, go to hell.

6123d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guys please tell me this is a joke..........no really....this guy is joking right??? Ok this is a grown man blaming another system, which has no eidos games on it, for its bad sale???

He needs to stop whining like a little B**CH because no one liked his games! I mean come on man!!

I just ALL respect for eidos...

6158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol I didn't even realize that GT5 was only a dem!! You xbox fanboys shoul be ashamed!!

6161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ok everyone let's PLEASE cut the sh*t , if you REALLY think PGR or FM2 looks better than GT5, you are showing your utter fanboyism. THere shouldn't be ANY debate because the proof in right in front of you.

I mean come on a blind man can tell you GT5 can not be touched by those other two games. CUT THE SH** PLEASE!!

6161d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

OMG why are people saying "just wait until the 360 drops its price!!"

If the 360 does drop its price tag its still faulty hardware.

You 360 guys act like little girls, flooding PS3, let me say again, PS3 forums with your little hate comments.

So what you don't like the PS3 succeeding, what your gonna cry about it now??

6164d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The graphics are a little better and the gameplay is more intense in UT3. Idon't know about story-wise though because I have not idean what UT3 is about.

I'm really glad that they are utilizing the Ps3's technology. Good job Epic!!

6164d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well the developers and people who attended the Killzone press show didn't think so. They all that Killzone 2 was CGI, but they ALL knew COD4 wasn't. hmmmmmmmm.......I wonder why that is......maybe its because Killzone has the edge.

6164d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Have you forgotten that Sony has a bigger fanbase than Microsoft and Halo>
Have you forgot that the PS2 is STILL outselling the oh-so- powerful 360???

I must admit that Halo set the standard for FPS...BUT every dog has its day. We all know one day that someone was going to develop a better FPS and it looks like Guerilla is on Halo 3's heels.

Now to say that nothign will be better than Halo 3 is fanboyish and down right foolish.

With th...

6164d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ok "xbox360rocks" How do you know if Killzone 2 gameplay will be bad?

I mean judging fram the in-game footage the gameplay looks bad-ass. Halo is the same run-and-gun-slash-you-with-a-s woard gameplay.

Don't get me wrong halo 3 is a wonderful game but Killzone 2 already planned funeral arrangements for Halo, LOL!!

Don't believe me?? then why is the talk about halo 3 completely silenced?

hmmmm CGI-like graphics plus bad-...

6164d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment