
CRank: 5Score: 179960

I just hate how MS bloats their last quarter with whatever games they have and leaves the first 9 months of the year so boring

2632d ago 105 agree18 disagreeView comment

Take my money Namco, I loved Cyber Sleuth!

2635d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

You said it. They are producing magnificent new games like Horizon: Zero Dawn that really exceed expectations while delivering a bunch of third party exclusives. The line-ups with the PS4 only get better each and every year so they deserve to be dominating

2637d ago 70 agree7 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is way too focused on hardware and system features instead of creating/producing actual new games. They are falling way behind PlayStation and Nintendo

2646d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zelda: BotW is great and it is awesome on the Switch (a perfect fit really), but I do not see how it is getting so many 10s. It is pretty much the GTAIV of this gen since both games have their share of flaws the reviewers chose to ignore for whatever reason.

2648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resistance 1 and 3 were great, but 2 just felt generic. Even as awesome as the best of the series was, it never felt like Insomniac put their heart into the Resistance games. I always figured they were games they did not really want to make but had to in order to go with the latest genre trend to stay a big developer in the industry.

I'm really happy they no longer handle the series and got to do projects like Spiderman PS4, Ratchet and Clank, and Sunset Overdrive.

2654d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

Basically means Ni-Oh 2 will happen

2657d ago 40 agree1 disagreeView comment

Travis Touchdown is perfect for Smash, make it happen Nintendo!

2662d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll wait for a Super Mario Odyssey holiday bundle. I have plenty of upcoming Q1/Q2 games to play until then

2664d ago 46 agree2 disagreeView comment

The Order was decent, it had amazing gun fights and shooting gameplay.... but there was not nearly enough of it nor was there enough enemy variety.

If there is a sequel to it one day, it really needs to set out to do more this time around.

2669d ago 39 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wow, way better than expected. Her fighting style and super are awesome.

It was also very cool that they released the announcement trailer when there is a huge snowstorm happening here in NYC, very fitting lol

2672d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Teasing Gears of War 5 already? Geez Gears 4 is not even 4 months old -_-. Give us something NEW to look forward to MS, like new IPs or resurrect a dormant series. I am tired of the same old same old and the predictable line-up MS has laid out this gen

2678d ago 81 agree17 disagreeView comment

January was a very one sided battle, the PS4 received a bunch of exclusives so it was a clear win for them.

2679d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

They do not not have to be full featured worlds, Star Wars and Marvel characters can always be secret bosses or summon characters.

2683d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not surprising actually, the Xbox brand has been losing steam this entire gen as the PS4 and PC install bases continue to grow.

2685d ago 22 agree5 disagreeView comment

I wont be paying for Nintendo's online service unless it offers as much value as PS Plus and XBL Gold do. I play Smash and Mario Kart with friends and family anyways, the only problem I'll be running into is Pokemon since I use the online often. Still, not worth getting the service for especially with that one month rental for an NES/SNES game each month lol

2694d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say it needs them, but come on there is a clear demand for them from gamers. Why not just listen to consumers add them in? Its not a difficult task...

2695d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why would anyone with a Switch care about Skyrim when it isn't even the Special Edition and it is launching during holiday 2017? It might have been something cool at launch, but with all the games that release at the end of the year it has lost all of it's appeal.

2696d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

Well duh, Nintendo has a lot of studios and they are aware that first party support is crucial in having a strong brand

2697d ago 40 agree43 disagreeView comment

Another inFamous is still possible someday, but it is all they have done since moving on from Sly Cooper. I'm really excited hearing its a new IP, I love Sly and inFamous so I cant wait to see their next new series

2699d ago 51 agree2 disagreeView comment