
CRank: 5Score: 3590

I hate to say this but i hate UT3 updates. Im sick of them.

I just wish they would announce a release date already. THis game looks totally amazing and every little update makes me want to play it. It shows how amazing this game is gonna be. Yet its delayed... and will not be played.. for a while.

6048d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The IGN video review said Uncharted is only 8 hours. Still the first thing IGN said in the video review was "Buy this Game"!!!!

I absolutely cannot wait till this gets released. I hope the reviews score as high as this one or maybe even higher. Any lower review then 8.7 is a bad review. IMO what most of the people said is this thread would give the game a 9.2 average.

6048d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"And my friend is not all about graphics, you as a ps3 owner should know better" I do know better. halo 3 is a fun game. I don't deny it. Im just saying the graphics are not the best and uncharted's look better.

Im not a sony fanyboy if thats what you think. I just have my opinions and you have yours.

When you role all the factors together. Gamplay. Graphics. Sounds. ETc then you have a good game. Halo3 for me is just online. Thats all. Nothing more ...

6048d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 is not the game of the year. Sorry but the year has not ended yet. Uncharted is wicked and loooks amazing. Halo3's graphics are washed out.

Besides Ps3 owners sill have Haze, and UT3 too look forward to before the end of the year.

Correct me if im wrong but Uncharted did get editors choice award (IGN). Which is very good. Hope sales for this game will be amazing.

6048d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I know girls play video games. But tell me how many do you see actually playing a FPS. When i invited a girl to my house. I had to drill her on the controls sooo many times it was annoying. I not being sexist but i just can't see a girl who plays that many video games yet manages to be pretty and/or popular. Sure girls can game, probably most of us have gotten our butts kicked by a girl. Honestly girls do game, just not to get 100k points, jeezz thats a lot of game time.

6051d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"last hope??" Um but sorry the PS3 has sold over 5 million units. I know that developers won't just say " HEY GUYS lets stop making PS3 games and make X360 games " ,yeah thats not going to happen.

Besides in the next two months many good ps3 games are coming out compared to like three x360 games.

6051d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

For one thing i support the blu-ray format. I don't mind HD DVD but people will buy it because of the price. For 400$ though, you can get a ps3 with a blu-ray, player, surf the net and more. If sony drops the price on blu-ray players, IMO, then i believe blu-ray will win. It wil take time to clearly see a winner in the format war. DVD's will be supported for a long time to come. Most people i talk to don't even no or care what HD DVD or Blu-ray is.

6051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

JCgamer i agree with you and yeah the companies don't want to make you broke but with all the good games comming out its hard not to be.

Very good list. Can't wait to play UT3 and uncharted. Ratchet and Folklore are still really fun. Haze is gonna be sweet.

Edit: At Padre... Please Shut up. I have seen you go around n4g and bash the ps3. Just look at the list, it speaks for itself all the good games ps3 is gonna get. 360 and ps3 are both good consols. I prefer p...

6054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are some good points Adam makes that Gamespot reviews should look at.
Adam is a good host on G4TV. He makes really good jokes. I also like Victor Lucas and Tommy Tallarico. They both make fun of games and give great reviews.

Electric Play Ground, Xplay. and Reviews on the Run are my fav shows on G4TV.

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

5.1 -
You're funny

Either you think im funny or your being sarcastic.

Anyways i thikn 65nm is good. If the "NM" goes down to even 40 that is good. Im not talking about failure rate just about power consumption. Anyways the 65nm will be good to have in the ps3

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry i jsut made a guess with the realease of it. It was scheduled to realese in November. and now it was delayed.


Heres a link to what i viewed and what i based my estimate on

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah same here. With all the hype the game is getting i hope it lives up to its name. Can't wait to play online. But this game keeps getting delayed. Hope they announce an actual release date. I think its close to december 3 for the US

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well if it is true and they are making a 65nm chip, it will benefit the ps3. The problem that i have is that x360 and ps3 are changing there processign chips to cheaper better models. These chips should have been put into the original design

6054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah im dissapointed too with the update. You guys shoudn't worry and complain so much. You know that sony will put in XMB in game. It takes time to develope that. And with the responses from various forums and various complaints i know that that feature will be in the next update.

6054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and anyways ps3 is a better system then the wii in my opinion. But now the ps3 is the same price as the 360 and i would rather have a ps3. I hope sales do improve like this

6060d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im not sure Cheech. Your guess is as good as mine.. But that would be an amazing idea

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I support blu ray. My friend made me a 5$ be to see who would win the format war. I picked Blue ray.

This is good news to my ears...

Good article.. nice to see lower pricings

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


UPDATE TWO: We've now been informed by Sony UK that Syphon Filter won't be replacing WipEout 2097 on PlayStation Store on Thursday. In fact, Syphon Filter won't be appearing at all. UPDATE ENDS

well.. i already said it could be duplicate but i wasen't sure. sorry.

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i watched the show.. I don't like racism but it is a funny show

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry guys my story is very similar to the reported one. i think it's a little different. but i could be wrong

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment