
CRank: 6Score: 118540

"Both the FTC can be incompetent and Phil can be good at bullshitting."

-I'm not a huge Phil Spencer fan but in this particular case, I don't see much wrong about his statement, I mean he works for Microsoft not Sony, hell my problem with Phil is he's a bit too nice trying to play the middle ground.

"Absolutely nothing else changes for anyone else since game access will not be increased, expanded, or improved."

321d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

frostypants, its over, Microsoft can close the deal, and it didn't take long for the CMA to bend the knee as soon as the FTC lost.

-It's crazy I (along with most of the world) told you ps guys BEFORE the FTC got to court, their case was weak. Then sure enough in court FTC presented a embarrassingly weak "bu, bu Sony" case. I told you guys the FTC was going to lose and the CMA would follow, now once again, thats exactly what happened, yet you show up with n...

321d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

Reminds me of all the airlines back in 2019-2020 all making a big push for female pilots since feminist groups were heavily complaining about the lack of women pilots, recently I saw a news article basically saying the 5% avg of female pilots in the industry hasn't changed. So to me it's not the *current industry overlooking women for men, it's the fact that in *general most women aren't interested in the profession or not qualified liked some men. In fact if you are a woman,...

323d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


'Very interesting I mostly agree, but I didn't but I'm not sure if I understood your last sentence correctly???

326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well to be clear, the author did not say it was the first, nor did anyone here. No he said the label as "the first" was given by the FTC, he specifically pointed out "as the FTC refers to it".

-He nor anyone here have said "hell yeah Gamepass was the first sub service", so the argument that just because people say something don't make it right is correct if you're directing it at the FTC. Ive only said or agreed with the fact that ANYT...

326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So one Reddit user speculates that Todd Howard is a in-game NPC, so he might be "romanceable" and this site writes a news piece about it??? Literally tons of game sites are filled with silly comments and speculation but do we need a million news articles for them all? No.

327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Facts. We'll said.

327d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

"Calculations indicate that Xbox Game Pass makes over at least $1 billion in annual revenues, potentially up to $1.8 billion in 2022. The games division also managed to make nearly $1 billion from services in one quarter, Q3 FY23, which coincides with the Jan - March 2023 period. Revenues aren't the end-all be-all. Of course, the service has to generate revenue to be profitable. And Game Pass is indeed profitable"
Read more: 327d ago 13 agree50 disagreeView comment

"That's hurting the industry whether you like it or not."

-And yet 3rd party devs/publishers keep putting games on Gamepass, just look on July 14th Capcom is dropping Exoprimal on Gamepass while ps5 owners have to pay $60. Do you think they are just doing it because they like Xbox? No. They've already made sure that their deal on Gamepass will ensure the game is profitable.

OR should I really think that someone with your post history ha...

327d ago 13 agree30 disagreeView comment

"Indies are more profitable and MS has to showcase their other studios."

#1 While Indies may have a higher profit margin, I dont know that they are more profitable overall, really most Indie games make peanuts compared to big AAA game profits when they have at least decent sales that hit projections.

It's a classic case of low risk, low reward vs high risk high reward & vice versa. Personally it's not my concern which is more profita...

327d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"$15,000 a month per employee on average"
Jesus, that's alot.

327d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

HiFi Rush is a nice little banger. I'd love to see the keep adding DLC to it....and of course follow up in a few years with a fully fleshed out sequel.

328d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Huh? Didn't you hear GTA5 is a sleeper hit.

Yes, it's was made for Gamepass. 🤣

328d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Weird it comes out on ps5 later and Xbox even later. 75-100 hr rpg is great, my own personal thing is Im not a big turned based combat fan but still if everything else is great I can get over it. So I'll give it a go on pc.

328d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Last showcase there were 13 new Indies shown for Gamepass, thats plenty imo...and I think game events over the last few years have been about the same or more.

328d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Damm thats a name I haven't heard from in what seems like since forever.

328d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment


328d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm starting with Starfield too but I do hope people will give Baldurs Gate3 a chance, from what I've seen they have really expanded on everything and put a lot of time & effort into making it great. They moved their launch to avoid competition with Satrfield so there's a little gap to play it, plus you can always come back to it later. I'd like to see both games really do very well.

328d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

From the previews I can tell Exoprimal is a game you dig or hate based on the level design and its sort of a weird game that doesn't take itself too seriously BUT its made by Capcom, I generally always enjoy their games (you can jump in and out of exosuits at anytime, switch to a different one too) and since it's on Gamepass day 1 it's really a no brainer that I'm gonna give Exoprimal a go. Easy decision.
Check it out:

"Hope to see a lot more Indies"

-Just my 2 cents but I personally disagree, I mean I like Indies but for every 1 I think is great there 10 or so that bore the hell out of me. Dont get me wrong Indies should have some time in the spotlight, as Microsoft has been doing for many years but MORE, hell nah, I'd much prefer Xbox focuses on AAA games coming to the platform and that includes prominently showcasing Gamepass, which really makes sense with their strategy...

328d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment