CRank: 5Score: 6810

PC version is definately the nicest, plus the $10 off is nice too!

From everything I have seen on pc the textures are so much more detailed, no jaggies and the lighting looks to be way more advanced. The DX11 features should be a nice bonus, plus a more complex game like this is just made for the mouse and keyboard!

Picking up tomorrow!

4656d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

think it is a good idea, also, as a sometimes sniper player myself it just ups the importance of taking the shot at the right time!

Side note;

WHAT THE HELL is with the annoying ads with sound now popping up every 45 seconds, I mean yeah...i just now mute my whole computer anytime I come to this site but it is getting freaking obxoxious!!

4656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what I don't get is why are people always aligning themselves with one camp or another.....for instance

"I am a console gamer pc games suck"

"I am a pc gamer all console games suck"

"I like apple, everything else sucks"

"nintendo is better than sony"


I like having every new toy and device that intrests me,
I have iphone, ds,...

4656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, the new dante is way more of a pillow biter!

Douche cole wasn't nearly as much of an emo poser, junkie looking, puke!

4657d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

it will sell MILLIONS (like 6-10 million in one year) based solely on the fact it is Star Wars and Bioware, and the old rebublic, if it is really good, it will sell 20 million!

4657d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

whats your budget?

low end you can snag a nvidia 450, still get dx11 and run the game at 1080p with most bells and whistles at around 30-45 frames for about $110

mid spec, grab a 560ti for about $235 and you can bump a few more eye candies up and get 40-60 frames

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's not even 32 player on consoles holmes, it's 24

i.e. 12v12

12 people on one team, 12 on another

that's all they can fit with that graphical fidelity and still maintain 20-30 frames.

I am quite sure if they could do more they would, hopefully they remake for the next gen consoles in 2012

....or just get a $150 grapics card and play it on pc!

4657d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment your logic then justin bieber, walmart, starbucks and mcdonalds are all the very finest to be had in their respective circles.

usually the things the masses flock to in droves are watered down, meager shells of their contemporaries!

in other words, bf3 will be a far superior game!

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no way!!!

alpha software with problems????



and I seem to remember the xbox360's going to mass market with a 54% failure rate, sounds like dice is doing pretty good with alpha code!

I'm on my 4th 360 and second ps3...fatty died and it was a sad, sad day!

so lighten up, this game will be pure gaming bliss on pc, on consoles it will be amazing too for what they are!

4657d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

way more people in the world have gaming capable pc's than ALL 3 current consoles combined dude!!

11.5 million people alone play wow, 35 million on steam, thats already more than ALL OF the xbox360's in the entire world in those 2 things i just named!

I know you may say, dude xbox360 sold like 50 million consoles, yeah...but dude....half of them are broken for maybe, being generous, there are 35 million actual xbox360's in peoples homes...

4658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if thats a laptop and not a typo about the 5700, do you mean mobility 5700 or 5700 family>>

if its a laptop, it aint gonna happen dude, maybe in 800x600 like the console will run it with no anti might work

4658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah...ps3 is for for sub-hd, jaggies, 20-28 frames per second and 12v12 maps and matches, nahhhh....I'll take the pc version, thanks though mate.....

4658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i know of 4 people who played in the alpha and all had mid range cards

(i believe 2 people had 560ti's , one dude had a 460 and someone had a 5850)

All were able to run 1080p, dx11 and very playable frames rates.....I wouldn't bet on anything myself until i let my 2 570's have at it with the i7-2600

4658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you have a mid-range or just kinda good pc, by far that is the version to get...hopefully we get some super sweet mods...if your computer case is beige and ram comes in 256 sticks.....well partner....

you best to pick a console version, looks like either will do the trick, 360 version looks a little too dark....ps3 version looks a little too bright....contrast and brightness adjustments outta clear that up might fine, might be that the ps3 has a wee bit better anti aliasin...

4658d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"and you decimate things into a target for the consoles"

it's sad, what choice do devs have, the make these crisp, beautiful, high resolution textured worlds and then have to DESTROY them to get them to fit on 6 year old hardware, what he is really saying, is give me new consoles to work on!

That's all, he's not trying to be an asshole, he's just trying to get more people screaming for new consoles like lot's of devs are, the are si...

4658d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment bad...i did only read the first page, still, the fact that they did not even improve on the pc versions that will run on your moms laptop and can be had for $3 a piece, still smells like a rip-off to me.

4658d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


Seems like a large waste of money based on a few things from this article if true!

The first 2 splinter cells, while 1080p sometimes runs at 18 frames...ewww

They stated chaos theroy dips down to 20 and is dropped down to 720p.

"It's really difficult to come to any conclusion other than that these two titles were low-budget ports of the original PC titles with very little love put into them. "

4658d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

The cap will be removed on servers withing a week and there will crazy 32v32 deathmatch on the large maps with vehicles.

I always lean towards rush and conquest myself!

4658d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Star wars mmo looks somewhat unpolished, the 'pew pew pew' lasers look redundant, and while I will be checking it out as I don't like to judge something until I have personally tried it I do not think it will come close to wow in terms of balancing, amount of things to do and the like.

I think I want to play it more for the lore and the story and to be part of biowares first mmo, but when it comes to games that are complete, well thought out and balanced, you cann...

4658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

iphones/ipod touch offer awesome 10-20 min gameplay bursts, great for when I'm 'taking the browns to the super bowl', or in a boring meeting, or when I have to wait '10 more minutes ' (which actually means 20) for my wife to get ready. It offers fun little diversions and a few action jrpg's that are quite good, zenonia 1 and 2, Exitium ect....great little burst games and I love my iphone!

The vita looks to be a full gaming platform, Where I see myself pla...

4658d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment