
CRank: 5Score: 7220

first of all, theres nothing to fix for kz2 mp. i personally think that they should change the controls back, the snappier controls feel worse to me.

secondly, GUERRILLA (not gorilla you monkey) doesnt give a fck if the mp servers are empty. they got our money, who cares if we play it more than two months. besides, kz2 mp is not going to die down for a long time anyways. i mean, ive gotten 50 hours in the first two weeks, it already has been worth the money, and i probably wo...

5545d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

everyone on socom has a mic, and if they dont, they get called out for not having one.

but yeh, there are a good amount of people on kz2 who have mics, but its turning into xbox live where no one actually uses it as intended, they just talk sh!t and rant into the mic. id rather everyone keep silent, if thats the case.

mics should only be used for teamwork, please.

5545d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

tru words, brother.

5545d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol this article is astoundingly stupid.

kz2 has the same draw of the cod series, plus a little more, in my opinion. i admit that immediately after i finished leveling up i was a bit nervous about replay value, but i soon remembered what exactly makes the game fun. the game is not about leveling up, its about freaking killing people! i mean, look how many people STILL play cod4, and that game is two years old. despite the fact that there are prestige classes, all the cod4 vet...

5545d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

i want to point out that bethesda dropped the ball with fallout3.

im sure if anyone was a fan of the first two fallout games, theyd agree with me that fallout3 was a horrible iteration of the fallout series. bethesda essentially turned a mature, intelligent game and turned it into a thoughtless pseudo rpg/shooter. there are so many clever and well thought out elements in the original games that were dumbed down for the third game. i could give you a LONG list but i doubt any...

5545d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5546d ago

i dont really see where or when anyone who owns a ps3 hates on pc gaming, pc gaming and console gaming garner to totally different crowds. i, personally, like both, for different reasons.

you can get a gaming rig that can play pretty much anything now for under a grand, and if you build it yourself, itll cost you like 500 bucks, parts are so cheap now.

i stand fast by the belief that ps3+pc is definitely the way to go, because the pc version is usually vastly su...

5546d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

im going to have to disagree with donnie. although apparently the multiplats look better on 360, its MARGINALLY better, barely at that. you really have to play them side by side in slow motion with a magnifying glass to really tell any differences now. that being said, you are basically getting the same game on either system. i mean, the difference is like, 1%.

exclusives are where its at, in my opinion. better looking exclusives trump the multiplats because the difference i...

5552d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well correct me if im wrong, but considering kz2 dropped last week, and most everyone who is going to buy it bought it on thurs/friday, if kz2 were ahead of halo wars id be pretty surprised, right?

kz2 is by most standards and opinions a far superior game to halo wars, and i suspect that there will be many more people playing it for a lot longer than halo wars. i know im having a blast with it, ive logged 24 hours since friday, lol.

but honestly, who cares. ps3 own...

5559d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol man im disapointed in myself for even wasting my time posting, but i might as well spit it out

for those who say that it is is not intentional, or that it has to do with the deadzone on the controller rather than intentional programming, that is stupid. firstly, there are 100 other fps games out there, and they dont have the controller delay, so it definitely has nothing to do with the ps3 or the controller, its obviously something that GG intended to do. secondly, the dead...

5561d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i mean, aside from this being a stupid article, there are just two categories that really matter: single player, and multiplayer. who the hell cares about anything else. killzone wins both, so i guess gamepro thinks killzone is better.

5561d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


so you are saying that because you did not get as much enjoyment out of a 10-15 minute demo of the game that it is not as good as gears? dont get me wrong, but if you DID get more enjoyment out of a demo then a full blown retail game, id have to say that either kz2 is amazing or that you dont really think gears is that great.

i mean, ive played the first 10 minutes of gears2, and i wasnt really wowed... doesnt mean that the game is not as fun, or more fun then...

5577d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

both of the controllers are different.

however, even as a ps3 only owner, i have to admit that the 360 pad is ever so slightly more confortable than the ds3, but only because the xbox pads arms are a little bit longer, and they fit in the grooves of your hands, freeing your fingers. this pad looks nice because it fixes that problem. as for the triggers, i honestly prefer the ds3's r1 vs the rt on the xbox controllers, because for shooters, the r1 button clicks faster than the...

5582d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

i dont disagree that the ps3 version will outsell 360, but i dont think the 360 version will do poorly at all. i base this on the fact that japan probably has the biggest market for ff games, and they heavily favor the ps3. but i wouldnt put it past us 360 owners to pick up ff, i just doubt that itll amount to japan sales, because japanese people buy up ff games like hotcakes, while its more of a niche game for us gamers. ill be picking mine up day1 prob, for ps3.

5582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

um....as of 10:30am pst the gamestop code worked for me. maybe try it again

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just wanted to point out that the 21m ps3 claim is just as valid as ms claiming 28m xboxs. in fact, its probably MORE accurate, considering the hardware problems, and the fact that ms has been proven to count the refurb'd systems, not to mention the xbox owners who have purchased 2,3 or even more xboxs.

granted, i dont really believe that there are 21m ps3s out there, and i sure as hell dont believe there are 28m xboxs.

not trying to flame, but im just responding wi...

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

was that sarcasm? seriously... just wondering

5586d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

as a ps3 only owner, i have to say that im a bit disappointed that this game didnt make it to the ps3, but if it did, i doubt id buy it for any console.

i have the pc version, and have played the 360 version for a substancial amount of time, and i can say with utmost certainty that while i thoroughly enjoyed the pc version of the game, the 360 version of this game is complete garbage. the graphics are far inferior than those rendered on even a midlevel machine. the controls, wh...

5587d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

as a ps3 only owner, i have to honestly say that this is the only xbox exclusive that has me envious. i can pass up halo without a second thought, but I WANT ME MY JRPGS! rawr. lol i might have to borrow my friends xbox to pick this up.

5588d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

socom is really a fun game, i dont know why everyone is hating on it; but then again, i picked it up late, after they patched the problems. but really, socom makes me nostalgic for the shooters of yore, not these high octane, adrenaline packed shooters we have nowadays. it may not be the BEST shooter by any stretch of the imagination, but it definitely has provided me with a lot of fun, something that games nowadays are skimping on.

btw, the dlc will not be free, otherwise it ...

5588d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment