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Geno's at it again! Rumors of Destiny 2 and the next CoD for NX surface...

Ahh, NX rumors.

How we love, scorn, and love to scorn thee. [not necessarily without large bags of high-grade salt in any case, but that's by-the-by]

Some are more credible than others, but all are still just that; rumors.

However, some would say that the source in question this time around, may just be dropping some bombshells.

Geno, the guy behind spoiling that PS4 would be capable of producing modern day graphics on a DX11 level “like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2″, amongst various other successful leaks regarding things like Pokemon X and Y and Microsoft's Ilumiroom, is at it again.

Previously, he leaked that we would be seeing some BG&E2 action exclusively on the NX. [To which Ubisoft reacted very suspiciously...]

Now he's coming to us again, this time with something that might, MIGHT, be able to give Activision back some measure of respect from Nintendo fans.

In the article, he claims that not only is the next CoD, entitled Bloodline, coming straight to the NX[alongside Skylanders, but who cares about that, right?], but that there is a very real possibility that BOTH DESTINY 1 and DESTINY 2 [which he is saying will be called "Beyond Destiny"] are bound for the NX's release date, with the first one being set up into a nice little "complete" edition.
He further claims that Nintendo is pushing for a "hard bargain" to get BETA access to Destiny 2, AKA Beyond Destiny.

His full quote reads as such:

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"-Activision plans on bringing Skylanders at launch to the NX along with the next Call of Duty game called “Bloodlines” in Fall 2016.
In 2017, the company will team up with Platinum Games to launch Spider-Man: The First Avenger which will tie into the MCU movie and universe.
Activision is also being given “hard bargains” by Nintendo to have BETA access to “Beyond Destiny”, the sequel to Destiny which plans to launch Holiday 2017.

-Activision is interested in bringing Beyond Destiny to NX due to the fact you can play local and online multiplayer between units at the same time as well that the new mainline Pokémon games will not only guarantee a big NX user base but a new type of audience they can bring into the franchise.
If this deal comes into fruition, Activision will release a “complete” version of the first Destiny game on NX in early 2017."
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Now as for my stance on this, I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, I'm liking what I'm hearing.
Being on the starting line of two BRAND NEW THIRD PARTY GAMES and pushing hard for early access to one of them, is something that Nintendo should have done with the Wii U.
If we had gotten something like a brand new mature shooter SERIES for the Wii U straight from Activision, or a new adventure series, or something, ANYTHING, other than old ports, maybe the Wii U would be more well-known for decent third party exclusives, and wouldn't have done as badly in unit sales as it did.

As always, I'm taking Geno's words with a huge bag of salt, but I really want to believe there's some grain of truth to his words on this one.

On the other hand, however...

This is Activision we're talking about.
They don't exactly have the best record of bringing truly great games to Nintendo systems; most of their games were ports without content parity, and that alone is enough to tank a multiplat's sales.

My worry is that, should this rumor prove to have any truth behind it, they'll end up doing the same thing to these two games that they did to CoD: Ghosts; the games will hit the system, but they'll be missing a VERY LARGE CHUNK of the same content that every other version of those games will get.

And regardless of how pretty the games look, that would TANK their sales, and drag the console down with them.

At the moment, I'm at the stage where I don't know if the glass is half empty or half full.
Cautiously optimistic would be putting my mood generously, but given Geno's track record, and the fact that he's had a few successes to balance out his failures, I'd say it would be a bit unfair of me to dismiss his claims out-of-hand.

But what about the rest of you?

Think there's any truth to the rumor that Destiny, Beyond Destiny, and the next CoD could be in the prep stage for the launch of the NX?

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Community3006d ago
ninsigma3008d ago

Sounds good and I'd like to see those big games start moving to Nintendo systems to give it a boost. I can't see the Sony and acti deal ending with Destiny 1 though. If Nintendo are pushing for early beta access I'd imagine Sony are pushing just as hard.

wonderfulmonkeyman3008d ago

I imagine they all are.
Though I can't for the life of me figure out why; the first Destiny, by many reports, has been a victim of some of the worst flaws of other MMO's. Raids who's rewards don't match their high difficulty, items players want that can no longer be obtained due to being year 1 event-only gear, lopsided power balance, pay-to-win, etc etc.

If they can't solve those issues with D2, and give it some semblance of an actual storyline to play through that doesn't involve searching out and reading obscure documents, D2 might not do so hot, and scurrying for Beta access will have been a waste of money on the part of all console makers that wanted it.

ninsigma3008d ago

It had and still has its issues but it is a fun game to play. I agree on the story. Putting it in the grimoir cards was dumb and making you go to the website or app to view them was even worse. I don't play too many mmos, in fact destiny is the only one but having tough rewards systems seems to be what mmos are designed for so I don't think it's fair to give Destiny loads of flack for that.

But yeah, if Destiny two flops, then all that money would have been waisted trying to grab a deal with them. Be great if another mmo type game came along and Nintendo grabbed a deal with them. Then Sony would have destiny, xbox have the division and nx the new one. We could all have something else to fight about xD

DillyDilly3004d ago (Edited 3004d ago )

New challenger NINTENDO

Be great if Nintendo can get some exclusive DLC on big games & everyone starts going against Nintendo lol

ChiliPants3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

The main problem I see with the NX is similar to the WiiU: its a mid-generation console that will be potentially stuck with graphical capability lacking once the next-gen comes around. WiiU was on par or slightly above the Ps3 and 360, but couldn't compete with the third party outings on the Ps4 and Xbone. What may help the NX is the length of this generation, where we are probably expecting 3-4 more years on the current ps4/xone cycle. That means the NX can possibly compete with these systems for a descent (if only half the cycle) length of time. Especially if it offers higher graphical output than current ps4/xone, it could become an attractive alternative for people who still haven't moved into next gen or want another high powered system with nintendo ips (hopefully all of them instead of the terrible wiiu support). Again, at that point it becomes a matter of does the system get third party's, which this article seems to be hopeful. Just praying this isn't another wiiu disaster.

Ashriel3003d ago

At least he got Destiny 2 coming in 2017 right. That gives his rumor a little bit of credibility


FFIX Remake Dev Was Originally Outsourced, Square Will Allegedly Reveal Games At Xbox Showcase

Development of the Final Fantasy IX remake was originally outsourced, and Square Enix will allegedly reveal titles at the Xbox Showcase.

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gold_drake6h ago

i think a reveal at summer game fest would make a bigger impact.
but we'll see what happens this week

-Foxtrot1h ago

So they tried to outsource FFVII's Remake initially, wern't happy with it and took full control restarting development.

Now they tried to do exactly the same thing...

Square Enix and the way they run a business baffles me completely.

Also why at an Xbox focused event when the franchise, especially IX which released on the PS1 is more PlayStation related.

Michiel198949m ago

they're bankrupt from paying for exclusivity for 4 final fantasy games

CrimsonWing6945m ago(Edited 45m ago)

They have a reestablished relationship with Xbox now. I’m curious if Xbox will have forked money over to put it on Gamepass. I have a feeling… and I hope I’m wrong about this, but I have a feeling this will be a humongous let down.

MrBaskerville40m ago

Maybe this is a rare case where a square game skips ps, like Octopath Traveller 1. That for some reason arrived on xbox but not ps.

Kurisu32m ago

Is this...really happening?!

ravens527m ago

Seems like the Xbox showcase is gonna be packed 👀


Shadow Of The Erdtree Renews The Awe And Adventure Of Elden Ring - GameSpot

Tamoor Hussain - "Shadow of the Erdtree is more of the same Elden Ring gameplay you know with new weapons, items, and areas to enjoy. But that is something that no other game has offered and no other developer has delivered. If Shadow of the Erdtree's quality as a whole is consistent with what I played, From Software is on the cusp of reaffirming Elden Ring as one of the greatest open-world games ever made."

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Lorelei and the Laser Eyes Interview - Sequels Not Likely

We recently spoke to the developers of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes to find out more about the process of making games. Looks like a sequel isn't coming though

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