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generio (2) - 2193d ago Cancel
dragonight (3) - 2193d ago Cancel

5 ways Xbox can gain the upper hand

Restructure the studios

Microsoft should structure their studio to have 2 teams working to 2 different games. For example, 343 industries have been pumping out Halo since their inception but they can keep one team on halo and while another works on a new IP. If Microsoft makes all of their major first party studios do this they will definitely improve their game library.

Microsoft can create 6 new IP each with a 3-year development time if they refocus and create 2 teams within the studios.

343 industry- Halo and New Ip

The Coalition -Gears of war and New IP

Turn 10-Forza and new IP

Rare-Sea of thieves and many more Rare IP or new IP

Lift London-New IP

Mojang- Minecraft and new IP

Make a push in Japan

Persona, Ni No Kuni, Nier and many more Japanese games haven’t released on Xbox and those publishers don't even have an exclusive deal with Sony. Truth is those Japanese developers don't find the point of releasing on Xbox because of the lack of interest mostly by the western gamers. The Xbox is hard to sell to Japanese gamers but if not hardware then software can provide a step forward. With a cheap service like Gamepass they can find a place in the Japanese market. If Microsoft is able the provide the service streamable on a mobile platform they can really garner great interest. This would allow Japanese developers to release their games exclusively on Gamepass and allow Japanese and western gamers to try the game at a low cost instead of investing a lot of money on games.

The Japanese game industry is in a bit of a limbo right now. With developers like Fromsoft and Square enix releasing games like dark souls and Nier, which are akin to western style games and on the other hand, there is the traditional style of Japanese games such as Ni No Kuni and Xenoblade. This sort of disparity shows the conflict within the Japanese's gaming industry and this lack of focus is making its industry lag behind the western gaming industry. Microsoft needs to entice these developers to release their games on gamepass which allow it to garner an audience in the west.

Counter the competitions every move

If the other platforms release a zombie game, then release your own zombie game. Stop the audience from saying they have a certain game on their platform, instead show them that you are willing to make your own game. Stop catering to multiplayer games as I will only create further distance from the competition and will divide the gaming community. IThe idea is to stop them from labeling Xbox as a multiplayer only platform and make sure that they convince gamers that their platform offers single player games like the competition's platform does. This sense of competition will only bring out the best out of out of the platforms out there.

They need a visionary

Over the last few years, studios have closed down and big-name developers have left their positions due to mishaps or creative differences. Big names such as Kojima, Ken Levine, Vince Zampella and many more have left their positions to start anew. After the Konami disaster, Sony quickly made a deal with Kojima's new studio gave way to a Sony exclusive, Death stranding. Where was Microsoft when all of this was happening? Why didn't they try to make a deal with any of the developers I mentioned? Titanfall and Mass effect were franchises that could have been exclusive but Microsoft didn't go all in but instead made deals that benefited only their pockets. Microsoft has missed ample opportunities to acquire these talents and usher unique games to the Xbox brand. Microsoft needs to be more proactive when it comes to developing games and they need to make sure that the right person is behind the development of these studios. Stop the competition from securing these key players and that what will usher great games.

Stop with the timed exclusives and give us proper exclusive

One aspect that separates the other platforms to Xbox are the way they handle their exclusive games. When gamers complained about the lack of exclusives on the Xbox, they decided the best course of action were temporary exclusives. Gamer quickly saw through that façade with the Rise of the tomb raider deal. A deal that was supposed to impress but backfired and lead many to criticise Microsoft untrustworthy tactics. Games like dead rising that get announced at E3 as being exclusive but a year later find themselves on other platforms. These timed exclusive deals really tarnished Microsoft's credibility and that why gamers always predict the same Halo, gears and forza narrative every E3. Microsoft's tactics are quite transparent and they need to understand that gamers are not as naive as they think. Microsoft needs games that are only found on their platform and nowhere else.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below.

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Community2193d ago
Spurg2194d ago

It's very important to be able to criticise the platform you support, this will only mean they will improve in the long run. I don't own an Xbox one (only a Ps4) and I'm trying to convince myself to buy one but with the way Microsoft has been with their less than transparent tactics they haven't create a good impression. Their service is stellar with the gamepass and backward compatibility but one thing and the most important thing are the exclusive games.

Let me know what you think below.

2194d ago Replies(1)
Spurg2194d ago

Well, they all sound plausible to me. The ideas are not far-fetched.

DigitalRaptor2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

Some are bad ideas though.

Like creating 6 new IPs in 3 years.
Why are they rushing to create something brand new on that scale? That has never ended well.

Like copying the competition's every move.
MS is fearful of investing in 1st-party single-player like Sony is because of the supposed risk involved, and they've said as much. They were supposed to have VR on the XB1X and they backed out of that. Copying everything about their games also makes them look wholly unoriginal and that's nothing but a negative trait.

Spurg2194d ago

"Some are bad ideas though. Like creating 6 new IPs in 3 years."
1ip gets 3-year development time. It's up to Ms to decide when to start development and make sure they have one or 2 first party Ip for each year. If 343 releases Halo in 2018 while the second team starts development into aim for 2020. This will allow them to have only one year gap wil no games from either team that when the other studios release their games.

"Why are they rushing to create something brand new on that scale? That has never ended well."
Well, the common complained is that there isn't enough first party exclusive on Xbox and many Sony studios got through the same process. There is no harm trying to improve their team and create new there?

BlackIceJoe2194d ago

I agree Microsoft studios should be working on two games at a time. Maybe then we'll finally see a new open world FPS RPG Shadowrun game and a new Crimson Skies.

I also agree going after Japanese games is a must, because that is just leaving great games on the table and even if they sell less on the Xbox One there is fans that want to play those games. I'd also like to see MS working with more Japanese companies for exclusives and the time is now for Mistwalker's Lost Odyssey 2.

I also would add MS Needs to start opening more first party companies and at least four more, because when they have awesome properties like Project Gotham Racing and Freelancer, but do nothing with them, that is just a waste of a great IP.

Spurg2194d ago

"I also would add MS Needs to start opening more first party companies and at least four more"
Yeah, I agree. One in Japan or at least acquire Japanese studios.

"Project Gotham Racing and Freelancer, but do nothing with them, that is just a waste of a great IP."
Freelancer is a game that has great potential. But most journalists out there don't really dig for those hidden gems in the Xbox library they instead mention Halo, Gears, and Forza and to be honest that what Ms see and that what we get.

BlackIceJoe2194d ago

I'm personally surprised Microsoft hasn't bought or started up a Japanese video game company, because if they want in that market they need to show some initiative.

As for your second thing you said, and that is why MS is having the problem they're having. They need to think outside of the box and bring out something other than Halo, Gears and Forza, because when everyone knows what to expect there isn't going to be any surprises. That is why I brought up Shadowrun. The old games were RPGs and for whatever reason when MS brought it back they thought a multiplayer shooter was the way to go. Everyone knows how well Fallout sells and that, but instead being Shadowrun would be an instant hit.

I know people might say MS can bring back Fable, but I say why not have two big RPGs instead of just one?

DigitalRaptor2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

"6 new IP with a 3-year development time"

No, no, no, no, no. That is not how things work, and that is a surefire way to have a new IP fail.

Spurg2194d ago (Edited 2194d ago )

"Some are bad ideas though. Like creating 6 new IPs in 3 years."
"6 new IP with a 3-year development time"

"No, no, no, no, no. That is not how things work, and that is a surefire way to have a new IP fail."

Each Ip gets 3-year development time. It's up to Ms to decide when to start development and make sure they have one or 2 first party Ip for each year. If 343 releases Halo in 2018 while the second team starts development into aim for 2020. This will allow them to have only one year gap wil no games from either team that when the other studios release their games.

"Why are they rushing to create something brand new on that scale? That has never ended well."

Well, the common complained is that there isn't enough first party exclusive on Xbox and many Sony studios got through the same process. There is no harm trying to improve their team and create new there?

"MS is fearful of investing in 1st-party single-player like Sony is because of the supposed risk involved, and they've said as much.

Its true Ms is fearful to do it, that why they cut deals with third-party studio but they should start investing in new studios and its something gamers demand. Sony has had the ps1 and ps2 generation to build up a good amount of studios, unlike Ms who started in 2001. One generation can mean a lot for a platform. If they dont want to build new studios make the excisting ones bigger and form 2 teams within them.

"They were supposed to have VR on the XB1X and they backed out of that. "
Vr so far has been a gimmick. I'm glad and hope they are not investing their money on that.

"Copying everything about their games also makes them look wholly unoriginal and that's nothing but a negative trait."

Yeah say that to Fortnite and all those GTA clones out there.

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Gaming QA Workers Say They Were Laid Off For Trying To Unionize

The Communication Workers of America filed a claim with the National Labor Relations Board alleging that a Microsoft-affiliated studio laid off 160 QA workers due to unionization efforts.

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Petebloodyonion4h ago

An interesting development could potentially illuminate the reasons. Additionally, the fact that the largest union in gaming consists of 300 employees is concerning.

Christopher4h ago

If this is true, this would go against Microsoft's agreement that they would remain Union-neutral with the purchase of ABK.

porkChop4h ago

This is a separate contractor that isn't owned by Microsoft though. They can't force another company to allow its workers to unionize.

Christopher4h ago

But they can allow them to lay them off while alleviating the work load they still need to do in order to aid in that decision. If the contract company unionizes, that's more costly for Microsoft as well or they'd have to use something else that would mean getting that new contractor up to date on where the old teams were. Not unionizing benefits Microsoft because it keeps contractor costs down.

It's honestly a thing CWA needs to assess. But this is also news Microsoft doesn't need with FTC still looking for a reason to break up the current purchase.

crazyCoconuts44m ago

Lionbridge- not owned by MS/Xbox. So, #1, silly to blame MS for this
#2 like the industry isn't hurting enough, let's bring Unions in.

ThichQuangDuck38m ago

Quality assurance should be more valued with how buggy games are. Launch is what matters the most you lose gamers interest there sometimes you lose them forever

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The open-world vampire ARPG “V Rising” is now available for the PS5 worldwide

"The Skövde-based (Sweden) indie games developer Stunlock Studios are today very proud and excited to announce that their open-world vampire ARPG “V Rising”, is now available for the PS5 worldwide." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

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“Metal Slug Tactics” has just dropped its brand-new gameplay video and Steam demo

"Publisher Dotemu (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge, Streets of Rage 4) and developer Leikir Studio (Rogue Lords, Synergy) are proud to announce that the first-ever demo for "Metal Slug Tactics", a grid-based tactical adaptation of the classic action series, is available as part of Steam Next Fest from June 10 - 17." - Dotemu amd Leikir Studio.

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