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Cat (10) - 4660d ago Cancel
WolfLeBlack (2) - 4660d ago Cancel

What's in the Call of Duty Water?

It's now the day of the next big Call of Duty map pack release (for 360, anyway), and at my particular GameStop, people are eager to get their codes or buy Microsoft points so they can be ready. That's cool. I don't have a problem with that. But at about 8:30 last night(thirty minutes before we close), one customer in particular came in, one that I don't think I'll ever forget.

He was bringing back Borderlands to buy Microsoft points, but had forgotten his receipt. He had left it at home, and spent nearly ten minutes trying to convince us to do the return without it. After conversing with him, we discovered he'd bought every map pack thus far, and two or three copies of Black Ops- he couldn't recall. All told, we calculated that he'd spent nearly $200 on Black Ops, and he was looking to spend more. We asked him what it was that made him want to spend so much.

"I don't know, man," he said. "I gotta have it."

If you've never seen a drug addict before, take my word for it: this guy is addicted.

He needed his fix. He came back shortly after we'd closed, and I can only say he should consider himself lucky that we went through with the transaction. Borderlands, which he'd just gotten the day before and thoroughly enjoyed, was sacrificed for Microsoft points. And those points will go on to fuel his addiction.

What the hell is in this game? I know people who've gotten married and divorced over Warcraft, and yet even THEY didn't act like this. The Call of Duty phenomenon has scores of people unable to get away, and for the life of me, I can't figure out how Activision does it.

Now let me go on the record as saying I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise. I don't HATE the series, but I've been disappointed with them in recent times. I came onboard with World at War; it was my second ever FPS- after Time Splitters 2- and my first of this generation. I loved it. I thought it was an absolutely amazing game. By the time Modern Warfare 2 came out, I was a much better FPS player, having honed my skills with Killzone 2, Battlefield 1943, and more World at War. I was hyped for the game.

... but somehow, it just didn't seem the same. The story was evocative, but too short; It took me forever to finish World at War, and I never actually DID finish Killzone, but I saw the end of Modern Warfare 2 over the course of two days and about five hours. The multiplayer was crisp, but it was barely a week before guys were running around with akimbo shotguns, filling the sky with so many jets and choppers that if you spawned outside, you pretty much just sat and got ready to spawn again.

People loved it, though. Enough to make it the highest selling- and most pirated- game of all time... at the time. Don't get me wrong: I did enjoy the game. But it somehow got old to me, real fast.

Black Ops has seen even more success, culminating in this fourth map pack.

But what is it about the games that makes them so desirable? Most of the things people point out aren't things I consider good in a FPS. Camping, quick-scoping, spawn camping (no, I'm not being an ass; multiple people have literally said these things make the game fun). To be honest, there are better FPS titles available, games that do what Call of Duty does, only better. But none of them have sales numbers anywhere NEAR the last few Call of Duty games.

Another longtime customer came in last week, talking about Call of Duty. Just days before, he'd traded in loads of games, including ones he hadn't even played yet. Turns out he'd gotten so absorbed playing Black Ops that he hadn't bothered to even unwrap a game he paid sixty bucks for.

This guy isn't somebody new to gaming, like most (whether you want admit it or not, it's the truth) Call of Duty players are. Like me, his PS2 collection was heavy with rpgs, and he played a variety of games and genres before Call of Duty. But it was ten minutes before he even REMEMBERED that he used to play something OTHER than shooters.

Am I missing something? Is my brain the one that's wired wrong? Why am I not addicted to the franchise like so many millions of others are?

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Hufandpuf4660d ago

People get sucked in. I think it has to do with the reward structure in COD. It looks easy to be the best, but when you reach the top of the game or prestige, they set you back down again so you have to earn everything all over. I think that's why people keep coming back.

fooxy4660d ago

I don't like gamestop people.I don't go there anymore simply because I can't stand motherfuckers asking me do I wanna preorder games that are coming out 6-8 12 months from now FUCK NO ! How many times do I have to repeat myself ? Sorry had to take it of my chest :D

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4660d ago

They're just asking a question thats part of their job. Just say no thanks

BiggCMan4660d ago

Honestly fooxy, that's a dumb reason to hate Gamestop. That is part of their job, they need to say it because they are a business trying to make a profit.

snipes1014659d ago

Honestly fooxy it's their job. I worked at one before and your performance is judged by how many reserves and game informer subscriptions you sell. You have numbers at the end of each month and all sorts of stats to be scrutinized. Don't blame the poor sap behind the counter, he doesn't wanna ask you that crap, he just has to for his job.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4660d ago

I use to be addicted during Cod4 to WaW, i have Mw2 and Black Ops but i only play it a few times a week and usually less than a hour. I have more games in my collection and i see no point of why i should dedicate my life to one game. This year i will be getting Mw3 but it's actually not my most inticipated game... That spot is for Skyrim.

4660d ago
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XDefiant Netcode & Hit Reg Improvements in the Works; Sniper Flinch, Camera Shake to Be Tuned

Ubisoft is working on XDefiant netcode and hit registration improvements, as tuning on sniper flinch and camera shake are incoming.

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Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Review | Xbox Series X | NoobFeed

NoobFeed editor Azfar Rayan writes - The target audience for Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is certain to be narrow. This game is purely designed for fans of narrative-heavy games where the gameplay takes a back seat, as well as those who want to play the sequel to the original. Some portions are spot on, and other parts fail badly at maintaining the mood while attempting to stay true to the concept.

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piroh6h ago

Similar to Heavy rain, Detroit become human etc. not my cup of tea. MS better port Forza Horizon/Motorsport to PS5 thx

Sonic18815h ago

The only difference is the games you mention didn't take 7 years to develop and they were longer than 5 hours unlike Hellblade 2

jznrpg5h ago

Heavy Rain had a great story too

Deathdeliverer1h ago

Man…. I posted on another story about my initial experience… I guess this is the follow up. The game never ceases to impress graphically. The ONLY game I’ve gone into photo mode more with is Ghost of Tsushima. My screenshots from that game are actually my phone backgrounds. To the point, game looks great. However…. It’s boring as HELL. I’m talking play after work, like you do any other game, and you’re passing tf out because of the LACK of gameplay. To be real, the supermassive games are the only “games” with less gameplay than this. In fact, I think they’d be the best games to compare this to. It makes perfect sense why they’d look so good. There’s literally nothing else going on and it’s on rails. This game has gotten me back into the gym because given the choice between the two, the gym wins so I thank Microsoft for that. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is value. For me, this game thus far, is absolute bull and if I’d have bought it on Steam I’d be getting a refund and YouTubing the story. Since it’s a gamespass PC game I’m just dragging my ass through it. I seriously hope it gets better. I’m no conspiracy theorist and I have never (look through my history post police) blamed any company or website of being paid off. This game getting a 10 from anyone should be tremendously scrutinized. To be real anything over an 8 should raise an eyebrow. Personally I’m feeling 5~6 all through my soul but I’m not done yet. Guess we will see. I know gamespass may not be best for the industry, but thank god for it today. This game is a beautiful fully loaded plane crash.


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