Death of A PS3 Love Afair Pt. 2

So we meet again, and on good terms I bet your wishing me.
This is not the case how ever, as you may have recalled my last tragic story from here, the story now just gets thicker.
If you are squeamish about stories that involve a company(Sony) multiply screwing over a customer, then turn back now, as if you are to step across the line, abandon all hope.

Well, as for the ones that are still reading, congratulations, you are either sick, or twisted(probably both).
Now, where my story left off is my system was sent off for the 2nd time to be exchanged.
I received my exchange system on the 1st of October.
This unit seemed in much better shape then my previous units. It had no scratches, dents, dings, or any other words you want to throw at it, the unit was, for a lack of a better word, perfect.
Perfection is over rated, come to find out. The unit, after being plugged in for only 2 hours, i found a major flaw, my 60GB unit couldn't play PS2 games.
It played PS3, and PS1 games fine, but PS2 games, like my beloved shadow of the colossus just blinked, and blinked a black screen or video to source with out ever showing the game.
This pissed me the EFF off, so I called Sony immediately to tell them my findings.
the tech I speak to is another 12 year old sounding female who seems to think I'm younger then the age she sounds like.
The funny thing is that the system plays the PS2 games through RCA cables, but through HDMI, the system has to be rebooted manually or else it will just keep flashing, as I told the Sony rep.
What came next shocked me in a way that made me question my own sanity.

"Did you check the back of the PS2 game to see the resolutions it runs in?"
She asked me, "......What are you talking about? PS2 games don't put resolutions on the back of there games." I asked as if I'm missing something, "You should check the game your trying to use, its usually in the bottom left corner on the back of the box" she continues blatantly ignoring me, "No ma'am, PS2 games only run in 480p at highest" I suggest with my common knowledge of PS2 not being an HD console. "Check the box or I cant help you any further" she tells me as if I'm the one being unreasonable, "Fine, ... Nope, I'm staring at shadow of the colossus, and marval vs capcom, both have no info on resolution, and as I said before, PS2 games don't run in HD formats" I proclamed in vendication, "Oh, well I'm not familiar with PS2 games, one moment...".

"Oh, well I'm not familiar with PS2 games"!?!?!
Are you telling me this bitch made me look at the back of a game just to better serve her own "shits and giggles"??!
Not to mention, I had to take the day off from work to pick up my console.
I've had about enough at this point in the call when she finally comes back on.
"It looks like you will have to send in the system, would you like to set that up now?", I think for a second, and say "yes" like a well beaten dog.
What comes next is my return box once again on October 6th.
I take note of everything that my own commen sense leads me to beleive for whats wrong with the system on there return reasons slip.
I made it clear that it was related to either the firmware, or hardware, as in memory handling issue of the emotion chip.
I box the system up with the return slip and send it off.
Its now October 17th and I have a 13lb box in my hands.
Now, I'm nervous. Why you might ask? Becuase every system I've had up until this point was 16lb's.
Why the sudden loss of 3 lb's?
You'r not going to beleive this shit.

I plug the system up, put a few music tracks on it, and pictures.
Everything working O.K so far.
Lets try a PS2 game to get that out the way.
I put in Marvel Vs Capcom 2, as I know it worked on my original console.
"Blink..... Blink, blink.... Blink, blink...."
You get the picture.
The system is doing the exact same thing as the one I sent in just over a week ago.
Time to have another chat with a Sony retard, as I feel fits better at this point.
This time, I get ANOTHER 12 year old sounding woman.
She seems helpful, and gets my info pulled up in.... 5 long minutes, with out saying a word inbetween her trying to pull up my data.
"So what seems to be the issue sir?"
I calmly say that my system is not playing PS2 games, and as a matter of fact, the last system I sent in had the exact same problem.
"Oh, well it seems that the system you sent back on the 6th is the same one we sent you that you have now, we just changed the blu-ray drive".

I'm about to go postal at this point, as I clearly stated that the game worked with RCA cables, just not HDMI. What would make them think that if it still plays, it must be the Blu-ray drive???
I tell her, "I refuse to send in my system this time, is a superviser around that i can speak to?"
She replys "... yes, would you like to speak to my superviser?"
I quickly reply "Yes" as if my life depends on this call.
after about another 5 minute wait, I get trasfered to the superviser.
He seems pretty nice, I wish I remembered his name, as I would suggest anyone having issues to ask for him.
Anyway, I tell him my heart breaking story, and ask what he can do to make this better.
He seems genuinly concerned about the trouble I've been through.
unfoutionatly, thats as far as hes allowed to take it as Sony doesnt allow to much help to be given to its customers.
The only thing he could offer me is a first party title as compinsation.
My response to this was, "what good does that do me if the next system I get is broken like the ones I've been getting?? What do I do, wait another month so I can finally play a freaking game again??"
The superviser levels with me and tells me, "I know, it sucks, but thats as much as I can offer you".
At this point, I like the guy, but I dont like what hes selling me, I do what any self respecting human being would do, I ask for a higher power.
"Can I speak to your superviser?"
He gets quite for a second,
 "MY, superviser? uh, well, what should I tell him you want to speak to him about, he will want a reason why I couldnt take care of it, should I tell him you are unsatisfyed with the compisation I offered?"
I answer, "I guess thats the best way of putting it, yes."
Allright, one second while I put you through." he commented.

The superviser of the superviser I just talked to picks up.
For the shear weirdness of haveing to say "superviser of a superviser, we will just call him "The Super".

So the super picks up and asks what he can do for me.
I ask if he had heard the story, and he didnt say anything, so I start from the begaining.
He basically sounds like a smart ass no matter what way I look at it, for this reason alone.
"I've had this problem before, its your blu-ray drive".
..... I thought they had already changed that and it didnt fix the issue now did it.
I tell him "But the blu-ray drive was changed just for this very reason, and I told the technition that this was not the problem, but your telling me that its a falty blu-ray drive that was just installed?"
"Well, I'm just telling you what I think it is, since I've had it happen to me."
he proclams, as if a matter of fact tone.
This is pushing me over the edge, as I see no more reason to talk to this idiot as all he wants me to do it send the damn system back to them so they can send me another fucked unit.
I ask the only sensable question left, "Can I speak to your superviser, manager, CEO???"
he follows up with exactly what I needed to hear, "Yes, but it will have to be a follow up call that will usually take 5 to 10 business days to go out."

At this point I tell him "No thanks, you made this easy for me, I guess its time to sell my system off to someone on creigslist, I wont be sending my system in to you anymore".

I Hung up, and just staired at my gimped system in disbelief.

This is not a happy story, there is no happy ending, as I have wasted my time, money, and life trying to just have a working PS3 on my hands.

I havent put my system up on creigslist yet, as I'm still not sure on what action to take, but I can tell you one thing:
I have lost a huge amount of respect for Sony.

And as for the Love for the PS3, its more like a heart breaking devorce now.

Hope you enjoyed reading my story, there is much I leave out, but the main plot is all there.

Love, Peace, and Hair Grease.

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TheNewerGuy5701d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Skip5701d ago

I always wanted a PS3. I didn't really read your whole blog. But were you trying to destroy your PS3? I really didn't know.

thxkbye5701d ago

Sad man looks like the same type of run around I got from Sony with all the problems I have had with SOCOM.

Socom doesn't work well for sh!t, buggy, and completely freezes my system to the point it needs to be reset. I called sony and they couldn't help me. Rude, and painfully unaware of what I was talking about most of the time.

GutZ315701d ago

Thanks for the comments of support.
The problem your having with SOCOM is not local, it is actually very wide spread.
When I was in the Beta, it was the worst experience I had with any game this generation, other then Wall-E.

Load times where horrendous, crashes were to common, even for a beta.
Just tough it out bud, I just bit the bullet after another talk with them, so there maybe a part 3 of this.

Good luck.

TheNewerGuy5701d ago

Untwist your panties and buy a flopbox then

GutZ315701d ago

Open zone is that way --->

Also, I hope you fall down a flight of steps and land face first on a dildo for calling my story fake.

Best regards~!

5700d ago
Mc1875700d ago (Edited 5700d ago )

I sympathize with you in every aspect of this process.
When my 60gig broke all I wanted was my replacement to be a functional 60g model It has done fine so far.
I might even go out and but SOTC to see if i have the same problem( I would hate to think I got the same treatment as you have.

Sony wouldn't even fix my console again for me after I had the Bluray player replaced by them 8 months ago. I had to do it myself thank god it was only 60 bucks
So what did the Special phone call guy do to help resolve your issue? Personally I think they should send you a new 60g. ( if they still have some hidden somewhere)

P.P.They have a warehouse in Texas full of them btw

GutZ315700d ago

Thanks for the reply, and yea, I'm sure they can at least send me a new 40GB unit after this kind of treatment, but I hope to get something to play PS2 games as well, so if I cant get a new 60GB unit, then I will be asking for a new 80GB one.
That is, if/after I have received my 5th defective unit.

The Sony reps are still beating around the bush, and I will see to a more drastic action if this unit has any faults.

RoyBoys5700d ago

I could not finish this. This dude needs to stop complaining and get a life. You hate the "12 yr old sounding ladies" than go get ta job there. You are like a 4 yr old kid. No wonder she treated you like you were younger than she sounds...

GutZ315700d ago

Your telling me off?
Some one that cant even spell out "year"?
Am I the only one that sees the total irony in this guy calling me a 4 "yr" old kid?

For your information "RoyBoy", I only speak of my issues with there technical service, if you for some reason feel there service is being unjustly treated, then I suggest you file a report to the FCC to shut me up.

Or, you could get the life that you claim I need, and use it to stop posting in blogs, and get out and do something.

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shinoff218314h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan0m ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

-Foxtrot14h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink6h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

excaliburps31m ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

P_Bomb12m ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.


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